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Posts posted by Komorebi

  1. 10 hours ago, keilu said:

    A mi me gusta hablar en inglés, pero me molesta cuando no sé expresar algo.

    Por cierto! No me animé a preguntar en el foro porque no supe en donde... conocen algún store que venda cds usados y merch de jrock/visual kei y haga envíos? Porque por acá -en argentina- no encontré. 

    Por temas de piratería, tengo entendido que Argentina tiene completamente prohibidas las importaciones de CDs y libros.

    Intenté mandarle unos como regalo a una amiga y no hubo caso :/

  2. 32 minutes ago, AimiGen7 said:

    I don't know what to think, since I don't listen to Vrzel much. I'm guessing by the reactions he's not very skilled?

    I'd say it's really surprising to see him shift from one band to another within the same company so openly... we all know bands nowadays are put together by management, but this openly... (assuming it is permanent)

  3. After months of silence, Diealo comes back with a new single, the first with the new lineup.

     「イノセント」(Innocent) will be released on April 4th in two types, with 3 songs each, for ¥1500.


    The title song was played today at their live "Die A Live!"

    Set List

    7.Iron Fist



    Hopefully more of their unrecorded songs will make the cut for this one.

  4. I recently came put as asexual and I can really relate to most of the comments and experiences here. Thanks for sharing. 


    Sometimes I wonder if my asexuality is precisely what pushed me into this world of beautifully androginous looking people I can enjoy both visually and musically without being touched or pressured to touch. 

    I do enjoy sensuality, fanservice and many of the regular things allo-fangirls do, but I don't want to sleep with them. (Even if I often say things like 'that dude is so bangable', I actually wouldn't).


    I just feel very comfortable dedicating time and money to men who will please me in many ways yet will never push me to do the deed. 

  5. On 9/2/2018 at 11:55 PM, The Bread Wolf said:

    Don't delete them, just give them a gentle push off of your feed. That's what I did with my sister, who wouldn't stop posting "inspirational quotes" and racist remarks about immigration. I couldn't remove her because, well, she's my sister and that would be very rude. She also didn't listen to me when I pointed out inconsistencies in her "arguments" against immigration (like it's fine when they're white but damn if they're any darker than that it's boot time), so uhh... I saved us both the trouble of arguing and just removed her from my feed. She can contact me if she wants, but I don't have to put up with her proud racism if I don't want to. And I don't.


    Kinda thinking of doing the same thing to my brother. All I get from him is pictures of dead animals (he hunts as a hobby, and while I respect his decision and have inherently nothing against hunting FOOD, I can't look at the pictures of dead foxes and raccoon dogs) and "funny" gay jokes. 


    God fucking damn it why does my family have to be the backwards redneck one.

    I just deleted all my siblings and family members and changed the name. They haven´t found out yet lol.

  6. On 8/2/2018 at 1:15 PM, YuyoDrift said:

    I want to delete so many people off my Facebook , but then I have to justify why I removed them if they find out.

    Then again, why the fuck do I care?

    Fucking hate you Facebook. Now I can't even get rid of people.

    I remember now why I don't use it lol.

    just delete them, if they make a fuss over it tell them you are just keeping it for family or something.

  7. 45 minutes ago, Manji 卍 said:

    Was listening to some Japanese Tribute albums here,and suddenly I started to wonder why so many legendary bands participate on such projects and the gazette is never included in it? They don't like covering songs? Would be nice to hear Ruki singing something different from gazette songs

    it could be their management says "leave us the fuck alone" and no one tries anymore.

  8. 1 hour ago, The Piass said:

    The details are already known...


    Limited edition : 2500 yen

    CD :

    1 Solstice
    3 Live to Die - Rearrange Ver.-
    4 無義道

    DVD :

    新木場Studio Coast LIVE CLIP映像
    02. Calamity of Victims
    03. GENESIS
    04. Malice against
    05. V.I.P


    Regular edition : 1890 yen

    CD :

    1 Solstice
    3 Live to Die - Rearrange Ver.-
    4 無義道


  9. For me Chikyuu was lacking something and as someone who follows the band, the atmosphere with Anzi was so tense and wrong... which is something no one really noticed until he was gone, and while JaY is inexperienced and young, he did bring to the band a new refreshing feel and they seemed to enjoy performing live again. I am sure they are shaping him as a guitarist and even though he is not Anzi, that does not mean they cannot grow in another direction.


    Yuu's departure is saddening, but, as Yuyo said, they've been aware of it for quite a while, this is not a sudden decision for them.


    I am really happy of how they've grown and chaged these past two years and with Pantheon, part I and II, I feel their sound has matured and evolved the right way. and I am sure they feel it that way too.

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