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Posts posted by Komorebi

  1. On 5/1/2018 at 2:59 PM, yakihiko said:

    It's sad to see VRZEL gone, they had potential.

    I followed them since their Encounter Circus' debut and they grew more and more since it. So far, I basically like the majority of their music , but I personally found their first album kind weak based on what they can make, let's see if this best album will feature some remaster or just originals. Hopefully they will put Deception on it, so I can finally listen to it.


    Other than that, I'm looking for Cion next band/project.

    Deception is a decent track. What I want them to include are songs like Umbra, Precious and CRAMMY

  2. 57 minutes ago, Bear said:

    Never met anyone like that tbh, not here, nor anyone else on the internet. So I doubt there's a lot of them, which makes your opinion far from being an unpopular one.

    I'm pretty sure the opinions shared here are not just based on what happens striclty within this forum. As a trilingual, I share with other communities outside of this one in at least two more languages. Not because you haven't whitnessed something yourself it does not mean someone else hasn't.

    I am also lucky enough to live in a place with a thriving VK scene, which means a very good percentage of my conversations revolving around music will happen face to face, making it harder for you and other sceptics to record what is or isn't said over a beer :) 

    EDIT: Also, it is just an opinion shared on a forum thread. No need to make a fuss about the popularity of said opinion. IDK why is it a thing for you. Read the rest of the thread and I'm sure you'll find a great deal of oh-so-popular opinions posted here.

  3. 2 hours ago, Bear said:


    Isn't that an opinion shared by something like 99% of the human population? Hardly an unpopular opinion at least, that's for sure. So not sure why you felt that it belonged in this thread.

    I've read it too much on VK groups, and from a good portion of the VK male fans I see online. To many guys I've encountered rutalness IS a factor to consider when judging whether a band is good or not.

    Also, there is a whole thread here dedicated to how good brutal kei is lol

  4. 1 hour ago, Kathy said:

    Same! I always mean to buy their parkas but I always push it back to buy other things and they always end up sold out when I re-check and I just can’t let that happen this time lol these are too nice to pass up lol 


    I missed the oportunity way too many times already.

  5. 13 hours ago, 123Sandman321 said:

    But, honestly, as a package, it's an overall solid record, I mean, in context of Leda's previous works, it's certainly lacking, but considering the whole scene, it's still up there.



    This is precisely my issue with FED.

  6. 15 minutes ago, suji said:

    MORRIGAN Ba.KULOE has gone missing since early this morning (4/7). However, the band will resume their performances as scheduled...



    From what I'm getting here, the band is also having trouble contacting his family OR the family cannot contact KULOE; corrections are welcome.


    Apparently the family can't contact him either and they think he may have been involved in an accident.

  7. 13 hours ago, patientZERO said:

    I went to an outside festival thing once that didn't allow moshing, crowdsurfing, or jumping or pretty much any other bodily sign of enjoyment. Mind you this was a metal and rock festival ... it was not a fun time. It was held on a ski resort mountain during the summer and they didn't want to mess up the grounds or something.

    Yeah, but put yourself in the place of the office downstairs. Why do regular salarymen who are trying to work, or whatever goed on down there, should have to put up with teenage girls stomping to crappy young adults who deviate from society in unnaceptable ways.


    Sure, it doesn't sound fun or fair for us, but I can understand why the downstairs neighbors would complain. 


    Where is that festival again? I would love to go to a metal festival without being trampled.

  8. 9 minutes ago, suji said:

    Guess this is considered minor news...Shinjuku ReNY will be enforcing a no-jumping rule as it apparently causes the building to shake and disruption downstairs...



    That's what happens when you have a livehouse on the third floor. WTF.

  9. 13 hours ago, platy said:

    Is anyone else pre-ordering the mini?  I'm curious about this 32 page booklet in the limited version, I wish they'd give us a clue as to what it is. Sounds like a risky purchase in case it's just a lyrics book or something lame. 

    In my experience with other bands, it's usually photos of the members, but being them it could be drawings or something

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