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Posts posted by Komorebi

  1. 3 hours ago, GreatNorthernVK said:

    I don’t understand the appeal behind novelty acts like Golden Bomber. Why even bother releasing physical music releases if the performers aren’t the original musicians? And why buy it (looking at you, Japan)? It kind of reminds me of that “California Raisins” tape that my parents bought for me when I was five.

    I would buy a PV compilation DVD though, their stuff is HILARIOUS.


    Also, buying physical releases = instore tickets for M&G and stuff. It would make sense people actually in Japan would buy them.

  2. Ahh I had that problem too when I joined and I'm pretty sure I had to enable a configuration on my profile. Take a look at your settings, that might be it.


    Edit: You go on your profile, click "edit profile" and there's a button that says "enable status update" ;)

  3. 14 hours ago, Ozileras10 said:

    I think so too. People will find sites that will share it.

    For a band like the GazettE it won’t work,

    but it might work for smaller bands

    This was my thought too. It will make NO impact on bigger bands, but it might on smaller bands.

  4. 3 hours ago, 123Sandman321 said:

    :D A lot of them, but the ones I'm excited the most about, are Jiluka and DIMLIM. Can't wait for the album previews to drop.

    I like you already.


    Welcome to the forum!! I'm sure you won't regret actually making an account here :D

    Feel free to look around the artists topics and give your two cents.

  5. On 20/3/2018 at 5:55 PM, AimiGen7 said:

    I've gotten to the point where I honestly don't care whose copying who, 

    Just gimme the good music, dad. 



    I gotta ad I've gotten really into a bunch of band who allegedly "copied" DEG, and no matter how hard I try, it's been like 8 years and I still can't bring myself to like DEG.

  6. 1 hour ago, AyaRukiA said:

    Yeah imagine people are saying shitty things about your fav band 

    And I want to see your reaction 

    I don't care u like the gazette or not.  

    But to find the whole((( gazette))) thread full of haters saying shitty things about gazette.  That is really stupid. 

    My favorite band is full of possers who are in it just for the guitarist's looks and I live with it just fine, u know? I don't stress myself over it... publicly xD


    Edit: out of curiousity, do you pay Heresy membership?

  7. 12 hours ago, AyaRukiA said:

    My point is . It's really unfair to say shitty things about band like the gazette.  They are the gate to vk.  60% of vk fans their first band was the gazette.  Their live performances are much better than their studio version . Hard to find bands like that nowadays.  I just joined here and everyone is talking shit about the gazette . The whole gazette  thread is full of hate toward the gazette :-\ This is disrespectful to the band and to their efforts.  I really won't ask anything about them again.  Cause no one is talking shit about the other bands like the gazette . I like lots of bands but gazette is special for me i don't like when someone disrespect them :-) 

    I believe there are about 4-5 real gazette fans here I guess this is why they getting all the hate. I don't care about his/ her opinion cause I know his music taste is shit lol 

    Aaaaand this is why no one likes gazette fangirls.


    critizicing a band is not the same as hating them.

  8. 11 hours ago, suji said:

    I remember being very confused about this when I made that topic, because of the way they had worded it (and I guess it didn't translate well with me? I am not fluent at Japanese whatsoever.) From what I gather, the Vrzel guy may have been used as only a support member, I don't see any further mention of Dispina from his profile (not that I follow him anyway) :

      Reveal hidden contents



    2018-02-15 02:55:23
















    歪月 涼夛 玖 巴 XXX



    I follow Kuu. He's still playing with Vrzel.

  9. 2 minutes ago, ahnchc said:

    I enjoy ペンタゴン/pentagon's music despite the bandmen not being visually appealing in the slightest.

    I agree on this one. They are a band to listen to, not to look at. Chizuru has a very pleasant voice and Atsuki is a really good drummer.

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