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Posts posted by Komorebi

  1. I'd say live dist. annoys me the least in this list. Producing music is expensive and spending more so three foreign fans will buy your single is just not worth it when you can keep it live and have 30+ people in japan who WILL go to your live and buy it.

    We all know for average indie bands there's very few people overseas who actually do buy the releases if they are not uploaded, the most prominent example being the interesting discussion I had last night with @Duwang about 甘い簿力. If they did sold their CDs overseas, how many would actually purchase them and how many would just wait until someone else uploads them?

    Sure, it's a hassle for foreign fans, but I can really see why some bands go that route or reward faithful attendees with a live dist song. Both Gotcharocka and D give a song for free about once a year at a tour final and it must be a nice present for those who actually do spend time and money on them. Why is a random fan in Europe who does not spend a dime on the band (because other bands are their priority) is suddenly entitled to have a HQ copy if the song? I think bands who don't abuse of live distributed releases do have the right to reward their fanbases.


    Fandom jealousy, petty envy overseas and such are really bothersome. I can count with both hands cases of girls who've been bashed on social media by their fanbase just because they saved money and went to Japan and they fucking said they were there. I've been accused of bragging at least twice a year, for quite a while now,  for sharing what I get in the mail on my IG, and so have many others. That idiotic jealousy and comments such as "x band sucks, cuz their fangirls suck" hurt the scene much more tbh.

  2. I had, generally, very good experiences with gyas in Japan. I went out for a drink and a snack twice with Japanese girls I met right there, despite barely speaking Japanese and them barely speaking English. But probably I got really lucky and I was always polite and asked for permission for everything.


    I went to a taiban once and a Jiluka gya offered me her saizen spot for Vrzel and discussed it with the Vrzel gyas for me. I saw the same Vrzel gyas three days later at another taiban and they even traded cheki with me and gave me a copy of one of those free magazines they were featured in, so it seems they were not offended by that. A Fixer gya talks to me on Line often still. 

    I was just nice, polite and attempted conversation in Japanese with whoever seemed nice and it paid off. I guess they appreciate it when you try to talk to them in their language. I can't wait for August, so I can see some of them again and keep the good relationships alive.

  3. 1 hour ago, qotka said:

    Just a couple of days ago I took a friend of mine to see a band she's been a fan of for nearly a decade, and I thought she'd be excited. She was just confused by the audience participation, the furi seemed 'fake' to her, the stage props and theatricality seemed to really put her off and all she could say by the end of the live was 'well that was... interesting'. Instead of getting defensive it made me think about how this live culture is unique and beautiful and yes, outsiders might just not get it and it's fine. It emphasized for me the dissonance people might feel when they don't just listen to the music, but for the first time experience the visual and 'performative'(?) aspects of the scene, and this is one of the things I love so much about vkei. 


    This, so much this. Most Chileans complain about going to lives in Japan and how everyone is so "boring" and they can't "just run to the front", and they never understand why I don't like going to gigs in my country anymore.

  4. On 5/16/2018 at 10:23 PM, Alkaloid said:

    Best album title has been finalized as "6-SIX-"

    Track list:
    2.霞 (Kasumi) (Type A only)
    5.Ab initio
    6.Deception (Type A only)
    8.Dear Tears
    13.絢爛の蜜 (Kenran no Mitsu) (Type A only)
    15.歪 (Ibitsu)
    16.アングレカム (Anglecam)
    17.Thread (Type B only)
    18.Murderer Psychopathy (Type B only)
    19.Precious (Type B only)


  5. The "singles before albums" thing... OMG, you just put my thoughts into words.


    Even though I never use youtube, rarely watch PVs (yeah, still haven't seen a Jiluka PV other than Ajna) or DVDs and generally don't even pay attention to what bands look like, I do enjoy the way edgy fashion and music are so closely related in this scene, and the way some bands create incredible music around a visual concept. Visuals are important, whenever I chose to make it so. And I like to have the option to please my eyes with whatever weird aesthetic if I feel like it.
    I don't know what is it about the cheesy melodies, bad vocals and whatnot that resonates so much with me. I try other metal bands (Western and Japanese) often and for some reason, music wise, I can NEVER get so hooked on a non-vk band as I do on VK bands. And I really can't put my finger on what it is, since really don't look much at bands unless their music really resonates with me. Maybe I like being able to enjoy songs without thinking 'OMG these lyrics are so cheesy' and feeling some secondhand embarrassment over the words. Maybe. Because I pretty much never look at lyric translations unless it's D's musical novel. Maybe VK uses some kind of special formula. Maybe it's the blend of styles and genres that bands outside of VK don't dare pull off. For some reason I even like shit-kei bands like VRZEL way more than I can bring myself to like bands like Coldrain, for a reason.


    As for the community I am in a constant love-hate state. I do like the idiosyncrasy and eccentricity that surrounds the scene, even questionable aspects such as cheki trading and multiple-type releases, or having to kiss some Shikiri's ass to get closer to the stage... I still enjoy all that, even though I often say I dislike most fans (FB communities are CRINGE).

    I also like that through VK I have made lots of friends, have been able to learn about other countries and have found people with similar ideas and values. I'd say 80% of my social circle is comprised of VK/Jrock fans and I do not regret it nor feel the need to "open up to regular people". VK has also, in a way, given me motivation to achieve many things in life and many of my personal goals are still related to the scene. Is it weird that I build my life around a twisted music scene as this one? Maybe, but whatever, right?


    VK is a weird, twisted and questionable scene... but one that received us with open arms and constantly invites us to stay. I totally get why people jump ship all the time, but I always find a new appealing reason to stay whenever I start to feel like "ok, I should quit now..." And Shantay, I'll stay, dammit.



  6. 15 hours ago, chemicalpictures said:

    In any way, visuals are somewhat of a gamble. You are either doubling down on the weirdness and hoping on cashing on the hardcore fans, or you get popular enough to ditch the hard looks and appeal to more casual masses. And I bet most of them would go clean in a heartbeat, if that meant a more sustainable band career


    Pretty sure most of those dudes hate shaving their legs all the time and taking 2 hours to apply make up and hairspray.

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