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Posts posted by Komorebi

  1. Spoiler


    ·  Best Overall Artist/Band: Jiluka

    ·  Best Album: Jiluka’s Metarmophose, Asagi’s Madara and lynch.’s XIII.

    ·  Best Single/Maxi-Single/EP: Diaura’s Malice and Kizu’s 「0」.  

    ·  Best Cover Art: Hellraiser (Jiluka)

    ·  Best Newcomer: EVERSSIC

    ·  Best Veteran: lynch.

    ·  Saddest Disbandment: VRZEL and Morrigan.

    ·  Most Overhyped Band: Dimlim and Kizu

    ·  Most Overhyped Release: Dimlim’s Chedoara

    ·  Most Underhyped Band: Everssic.

    ·  Most Anticipated Release: Metamorphose - Jiluka

    ·  Band that Changed their Sound for the Best: Dimlim

    ·  Band that Changed their Sound for the Worse: A9

    ·  Band that you spent most of your money on in 2018: Jiluka

    ·  What the hell were they thinking!? Award : LM.C’s album cover art. U.G.L.Y.

    ·  Best Revival/Returns: If Dimlim can be considered, then Dimlim.



  2. Here I go:

    - Yoshiki will do more collabs no one cares about.

    - Hyde will do more collabs no one cares about.

    - GazettE will release a live DVD after the world tour.

    - Kizu will release a full album, but will also lose a member (my money is on the drummer)

    - Jiluka wil release a single in the second half of the year.

    - D will release a conceptual album, going back to the Vampire Saga days.

    - DIMLIM will play it slow and steady, will release a single and maybe a mini album.

    - More Kisaki drama. With no consequences.

    - Another bandman arrested for "antisocial behavior".

    - Another bandmember scamming their bandmates.

    - NokuBura tries to stay afloat but ultimately disbands.

    - Diaura releases another single and an album.

    - Karma's new act will dissapoint. So will Byo's.

    - MiA will start yet another project no one will take seriously.

  3. 24 minutes ago, suji said:

    I don't think Rucy was ever a good fit for this particular band since he came from the neo visual scene and the other guys are basically veterans. It wouldn't surprise me if there was some disputes going on, given the difference in music style and age especially.

    I felt the same, it really surprised me seeing him there and didn't feel he quite fitted.

  4. 13 hours ago, Duwang said:

    Sena can read, write, and understand English pretty well but yeah he's too shy to speak it. Even when my Japanese was terrible he refused to speak to me in English, but he was always extremely patient with listening to me. He's a good dude. Never knew he studied in Seattle though ??? That's interesting

    That being said, if you write to him or speak to him in English he will understand.

    He was asked once where he would like to play and he said Seattle cause he wanted to "see his host family again". And I think it was Nagase who also told me to talk to him in English since he'd studied it. 

    Boogie tried really hard and Ricko repeated in Japanese a few things I told him in English, as if ensuring he'd understood correctly. 


    Anis from Monoral is fluent in English, Arabic and French iirc. 

    He's also credited in a few L'Arc albums (I think Awake and Kiss) for the English lyrics. 

  5. I was going to comment on Razor, I've heard shitty things about them. 

    Savage fans can get pretty savage too lol

    and I've heard ZigZag fans are as wacked as the band itself.



    fans in Chile can get wild for any band but the issue usually is there's a ridiculous percentage of male fans and like any western audience, there's no respect for spots so you get pushed around by dudes way stronger and often taller than you. 

  6. You from The Sound Bee HD speaks fairly good English and understands a lot. Though I've had very basic conversations with all the band. 


    Hide-Zou from D speaks some English, and is actually a huge languages enthusiast, he's asked me to teach him Spanish. He has some certificate but idk which level and whether he renewed it or not (probably not)


    Sena from Jiluka allegedly knows English, he stated in an interview he studied in Seattle, but the shy fucker refuses to speak it (even though he told me "you can talk to me in English if you want" -.-)

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