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Posts posted by Komorebi

  1. I am... really surprised about this first release. I did not expect to like it at all and it hooked me. 

    I know nothing about music production so I can't say much about the mixing, but I do know I have heard worse production and more saturated compositions, and Mio's vocals did everything for me.

    To my ears, this is a better debut that DIMLIM's, so I'll be paying attention to these guys. Too bad Issei's in the band though.

  2. Who doesn't love old school exist trace ❤️ nice songs overall, I need to give Stereopony a listen. Here's my random pick:


    L'Arc en Ciel - Secret Signs

    Kagrra, - Miyako

    Acid Black Cherry - Flying get (cover)

    Ruiza - One

    the GazettE - Shadow VI II I

    Do As Infinity - Umareyuku Monotachi He

    Deluhi - Coda

    Tommy heavenly6 - Dark dark Sky

    Ayumi Hamasaki - Moments

    LM.C - Brand New Rainbow


    Had to pick that Ayu ballad, it's just too good and filled with memories. Kagrra,'s song was my other pick.

  3. I kinda wanna check out Слот, will look it up on Youtube later...


    Here's my shuffle:

    Do As Infinity - Faces

    Do As Infinity - Snail

    Luna Sea - Chikaibumi

    Morrigan - Devil Dimension

    Nocturnal Bloodlust - Euphoric chemical

    Fixer - Argentum

    Dua Lipa - Be The One

    Nanase Aikawa - Snowfall

    the GazettE - Babylon's Taboo

    Lord Of The Lost - Miss Machine


    I'm going with Nanase's track on this random pick, Snowfall is one of my favorite ballads from her. Do As Infinity's tracks are a close second.

  4. 4 minutes ago, Serox said:






    F***K YOU!!! T__T



    Who is the next? Jiluka? ..

    My thoughts exactly, but knocking on wood and hoping for the best. At least they are not on a VK label and seem to be on the same track music wise :(

  5. I noticed a shift between Phoenix Rising and Pantheon, but by that time Anzi was gone. It seems he had disagreements in terms of music direction and other things with the other members for a while and it had showed for a while. 

    The songwritin, iirc, had been mostly divided between Sono, Ayame and Anzi, with the latter gone I can only assume they took the approach they had been trying for a while. It seens JaY has already started to collaborate, he used to play in Lightbringer before, so there's that🤔


    Pantheon 1 and 2 were conceptual releases. Let's see if the new album follows that trend or goes in another direction.

  6. They were crazy live and kinda fun, but their last album had only one enjoyable song for me and I think it was a single. I never truly enjoyed them on studio 😕 I hope whichever remaining members chose to go on can execute better and come up with something good.

  7. Kagrra, will forever be one of the main pillars of my music taste and a band that will always be very dear to me. I miss them terribly and I am still waiting for a newcomer to pick up where they left off, no band has yet come close to what these guys delivered and I am so sad to see most of them vanished from the scene.

  8. On 1/16/2019 at 7:53 PM, Paraph said:

    Loving that they're still around, now I'm going to have to play catch up to everything released since ANOMIE. 

    You have a lot of catching up to do, they did release quite a few gems during the past few years.

  9. It felt a bit dull at times, a bit... samey. I was not as impressed with it as I was with their self titled album and Uranometria, and the previous mini left me a better impression. Still, a decent release and well executed in terms of the sound they were going for. It will surely grow on me with time.

  10. I never really liked Avel Cain so I was pleasantly surprised by this mini. While it did not blow my mind, every song on it was enjoyable and I will definitely keep it around. I'll be paying attention to these guys.

  11. Third year in a row!
    Let's see how this year turns out...




    [2019.03.19] キズ (Kizu) - 平成 (Heisei)
    [2019.05.24] GOTCHAROCKA - Naked Songs
    [2019.05.29] JILUKA - Polyhedron
    [2019.11.13] JILUKA - XANADU
    [2019.11.20] D - Uncrowned King


    :4.0:(This is pretty good)

    [2019.01.08] 蘭図 (Rands) - Inferiority Complex & Narcissism
    [2019.01.09] GOTCHAROCKA - グエリラ

    [2019.01.12] NAZARE - 荊海 (Jingai)
    [2019.01.16] THE SOUND BEE HD - DEAD SILENCE
    [2019.02.13] DIAURA - DEFINITION
    [2019.02.17] Ruiza - Refrain
    [2019.02.27] 摩天楼オペラ - Human Dignity

    [2019.03.13] RAZOR - Undo
    [2019.05.31] 運命交差点(Unmei Kousaten) - 言霊を謳歌する(Kotodama wo ouka suru)
    [2019.06.05] DIMLIM - 離人
    [2019.06.26] RAZOR - 千年ノ調べ(Sennen no Shirabe)
    [2019.07.02] Kizu - Human Error

    [2019.07.10] D - 道化師のカタルシス
    [2019.08.17] DIMLIM - 喜怒哀楽 (Kidoairaku)


    :3.0:(Quite decent/has both high and low points, might keep in my iPod)

    [2019.01.07] MUCC×DEZERT - 蟲/ガチャガチャムクムク

    [2019.01.09] ACME - Last One Show
    [2019.01.09] MAMY - I will catch”ed” yesterday

    [2019.01.09] FIXER - FIXER II
    [2019.01.10] HAKLO - Another.
    [2019.01.14] Gravity - Ima Uretai!!
    [2019.01.15] Lavitte - cinder
    [2019.01.16] 仮病 (Kebyou) - 毒針 (Dokushin)

    [2019.01.23] majiko - Color

    [2019.01.23] SYU - Vorvados

    [2019.01.30] アルルカン - ラズルダズル
    [2019.02.02] 甘い暴力 - Jibun o korosu, to iu koto
    [2019.02.02] シグマメモリア (Sigma Memoria) - PSYCHOPATH
    [2019.02.06] ナノ- KEMURIKUSA
    [2019.02.06] Monstllow - Catastrophe
    [2019.02.11] Insanity Injection - victim

    [2019.02.13] 分島花音 - Decade
    [2019.02.13] MUCC - 壊れたピアノとリビングデッド (Kowareta Piano to Living Dead)
    [2019.02.20] ゴールデンボンバー - Gagagagagagaga
    [2019.02.20] Frederic - Frederhythm 2
    [2019.02.20] ベル (Belle) - 続々・鐘が鳴ったら事件が起きる
    [2019.02.21] MIMIC - KING MIMIC

    [2019.02.27] Zero[Hz] - ZELM
    [2019.03.03] BAND-MAIKO (BAND-MAID) - BAND-MAIKO
    [2019.03.06] Takanori Nishikawa - SINGularity
    [2019.03.06] KANA-BOON - Haguruma

    [2019.03.13] 無能なルシッド - 侵蝕リフレイン
    [2019.03.13] THE ORAL CIGARETTES - Wagamama de Gomakasanaide
    [2019.03.15] ALICE IN MENSWEAR - Wonderland For The Lost Children
    [2019.03.19] HAKLO - シリアルキラー・ガールフレンド
    [2019.03.20] ザアザア(Xaa-Xaa) - 「死んじゃったポチの話」
    [2019.03.20] HYDE - MAD QUALIA
    [2019.03.20] La'veil MizeriA - Shoku no Shuuen
    [2019.03.27] Hueye -「優しく殺して」
    [2019.03.27] IIIRD - MISS YOU
    [2018.04.01] Avilis - Beginning
    [2019.04.03] アクメ - 放課後の飼育
    [2019.04.03] DEZERT - 「血液がない! / Call of Rescue」
    [2019.04.05] CHOKE - CHOKE2
    [2019.04.07] Initial'L - THE END
    [2019.04.10] Houts - Reckless
    [2019.04.10] NoGoD - Shingeki [神劇]
    [2019.04.17] DADAROMA - Dendrobium
    [2019.04.17] MERRY - for Japanese sheeple
    [2019.04.17] ゲルニカ (Guernica) - blast
    [2019.04.24] The THIRTEEN - ALONE
    [2019.04.24] breakin' holiday - Sorestu
    [2019.04.24] SCAPEGOAT - ラブカ
    [2019.04.27] SLOTHREAT - Allium
    [2019.04.27] 猫曼珠-nekomanju- - ハイにナルマデ
    [2019.04.28] NAZARE - 荊海 BEYOND
    [2019.05.03] Warumono - Hajimari Hajimari
    [2019.05.03] HYDE - Anti
    [2019.05.08] David - 創生録Ⅱ ~Fearless Scenario~
    [2019.05.11] 蘭図 (Rands) - Leda Atomica
    [2019.05.11] Schwarz Stein - Ever After
    [2019.05.22] BUCK-TICK - Kemonotachi no Yoru / RONDO
    [2019.05.22] ヴァージュ (Virge) - Gracia-ガラシャ-
    [2019.05.22] 仮病 (Kebyou) - ブラクラ
    [2019.05.25] The Ghost Inside of Me - -Scénario Soirée-
    [2019.05.28] Gulu gulu - 変なメリーゴーランド
    [2019.05.29] ZON - 他ならぬ美学
    [2019.06.03] heidi. - HALATION
    [2019.06.05] SHIVA - 窒息に遊ぶ (Chissoku ni asobu)
    [2019.06.05] Develop One's Faculties - ephemeral
    [2019.06.05] Aiolin - Fate
    [2019.06.12] Fuki - Million Scarlets
    [2019.06.16] NAZARE - 荊海 CODA
    [2019.06.19] アルケミ (ARCHEMI.) - 血塗れ菩薩
    [2019.06.23] Kaya - Dress
    [2019.07.01] NICOLAS - 真昼の蜃気楼
    [2019.07.03] NAZARE - IDEAL
    [2019.07.05] SLOTHREAT - Daybreak
    [2019.07.07] Frantic EMIRY~second crisis~ - EDEN
    [2019.07.09] HAKLO - 曖昧アイデンティティ (Aimai Identity)
    [2019.07.10] アクメ - モノノケレクイエム
    [2019.07.10] GYZE - ASIAN CHAOS
    [2019.07.17] SCAPEGOAT - 縁 (En)
    [2019.07.17] JE:NOVA - Acid Blue
    [2019.07.24] KAMIJO - Eye Of Providence
    [2019.07.24] Xaa-Xaa - 破裂
    [2019.07.24] Rides In ReVellion - Re:Vellion
    [2019.07.25] Hikarito - With You
    [2019.07.30] Baroque - PUER ET PUELLA
    [2019.07.31] アルファリア (Alphalia) - Eternity
    [2019.08.14] Rands - Solaris
    [2019.08.15] Munou na Lucid - Uso no masui. Mouhitorino watashi
    [2019.08.15] Munou na Lucid - Muyoku
    [2019.08.15] Munou na Lucid - Himo wa hodoketa
    [2019.08.17] 雨や雨 (Ameyasame) - 切り雨 (Kiriame)
    [2019.08.21] アルルカン (Arlequin) - ANIMA
    [2019.08.24] ザアザア (xaa xaa) - 水没 (Suibotsu)
    [2019.09.04] POIDOL - JEWELRY BOX
    [2019.09.11] DEXCORE - DON'T BE AFRAID
    [2019.09.14] NICOLAS - CATEGORY-E
    [2019.09.15] 甘い暴力 - Kami-sama ni itteyaro

    [2019.09.21] Hollow Shade - ERODED LIGHT 

    [2019.10.02] ディオーラ (Diaura) - sacrifice
    [2019.10.02] DIAURA - FINALE-Last Rebellion-
    [2019.10.02] Hueye - Anesthesia
    [2019.10.02] Hueye - 蝋燭とブラックアウト
    [2019.10.02] IIIRD - Cliff
    [2019.10.09] Munou na Lucid - 被りとか無理…
    [2019.10.09] Houts - Anoxia
    [2019.10.16] Kebyou - Kyoufu
    [2019.10.19]  ゴールデンボンバー (Golden Bomber) - 首が痛い (Kubi ga Itai)
    [2019.10.22] HAKLO - This is HAKLO#2
    [2019.10.29]  Kizu - Kuroi Ame
    [2019.10.29] CULA『Dracula』
    [2019.10.30] アクメ (ACME) - WONDERFUL WORLD
    [2019.10.30] SCAPEGOAT - 月光 (Gekkou)
    [2019.10.30] ザアザア (Xaa-Xaa) - みんながうた
    [2019.11.04] Daichi - Re:tters
    [2019.11.06] RAZOR - Kanzen Muketsu
    [2019.11.06] ZON - #FFFFFF
    [2019.11.13] DADAROMA - dadaism#5
    [2019.11.13] アイオリン - Clear Gray
    [2019.11.16] ZigZag - Jiguzagu Ich ~Daisakkai~
    [2019.11.20] ARTiCLEAR - 黎明期の夢
    [2019.11.20] NAZARE - INNOCENCE
    [2019.11.20] Virge - Watashi no WaruI Kuse / Hakuchuumu
    [2019.10.23] アリス九號. (Alice Nine) - 革命開花-Revolutionary Blooming-
    [2019.11.24] Cazqui's Brutal Orchestra - OSWALD
    [2019.11.27] DEZERT - black hole
    [2019.11.27] SHIVA - Tokyo Guernica


    :2.0:(This is pretty bad/snooze)
    [2019.01.01] マチルダ (Mathilda) - キセキニイル (Kiseki ni Iru)

    [2019.01.09] AIOLIN - Orpheus

    [2019.01.09] POIDOL - LIPS

    [2019.01.09]ラヴェーゼ (Labaiser) - Folklore

    [2019.01.09] Mrs. Green Apple - Boku no Koto
    [2019.01.15] てんさい。(Tensai) - 前回までのあらすじ (Zenkai made no arasuji)

    [2019.01.18] Hikaru Utada - Face My Fears

    [2019.01.22] Asty -『夢舞う大泥棒』(Yume mau oodorobou)

    [2019.01.23] ペンタゴン - カルチャーショック

    [2019.01.23] vivid undress - Sekirara

    [2019.01.30] MEIDARA - Kirai

    [2019.02.06] HYDE feat. YOSHIKI - Zipang
    [2019.02.06] GARAK'S – POCHI

    [2019.02.06] NEVERLAND - Reincarnation
    [2019.02.06] 眩暈SIREN - Yuudachi
    [2019.02.06] BULL FIELD - BATTLE FIELD
    [2019.02.07] Hitorie - HOWLS
    [2019.02.19] ビバラッシュ 『VIVAROCK』
    [2019.02.13] ONE OK ROCK - Eye of the Storm
    [2019.02.14] CLACK inc. - 夜、屋上。[Yoru, Okujo.]
    [2019.02.18] sukekiyo - 論外な生き物として
    [2019.02.20] AliA - AliVe
    [2019.02.27] UVERworld - Touch off
    [2019.02.27] back number - Happy Birthday
    [2019.02.27] マチルダ (Mathilda) - 人魚ノ肉 (Ningyo no Mori)
    [2019.02.27] KØU (ex-CLØWD) - DAYLIGHT
    [2019.03.05] BugLug - しこたま/泡沫に咲く柔な花
    [2019.03.06] mitsu - OVER
    [2019.03.06] NoisyCell - Focus
    [2019.03.09] BABEL - DARKNESS/Grievous Cry
    [2019.03.13] TRAEH - AED
    [2019.03.13] TK from Ling tosite Sigure - P.S. RED I
    [2019.03.13] コドモドラゴン (Codomo Dragon) - テグラマグラ
    [2019.03.13] SILENT SIREN - 31313
    [2019.03.16] Misanthropist - Euthanasia
    [2019.03.17] CHIYU - Seven Deadly Sins
    [2019.03.20] 己龍 - Senkou
    [2019.03.20] Verxina (ヴィルシーナ) - Kyouten (教典)
    [2019.03.27] まみれた - weekly zetsurin mansion
    [2019.03.27] SCANDAL - Masterpiece/Mabataki
    [2019.03.27] back number - MAGIC
    [2019.03.31] GE+IM - アイオライト-STC
    [2019.04.03] Jupiter - Zeus ~Legends Never Die~
    [2019.04.03] Sick² - D×M×F×S
    [2019.04.05] ラク×ガキ (Raku×Gaki) - 地球外生命体
    [2019.04.10] ゴールデンボンバー (Golden Bomber) - 令和 (Reiwa)
    [2019.04.10] ジグソウ (Jigsaw) - 群青、風船が割れる (Gunjyo, Fusen ga Wareru)
    [2019.04.11] Scarlet Valse - Metamorphosis
    [2019.04.14] syo-ji - Wish on a star
    [2019.04.16] アスティ (Asty) - もふもふラビット (Mofumofu Rabbit)
    [2019.04.17] Babykingdom - 首領!BURACO
    [2019.04.19] MORRIE - 光る曠野 (Hikaru Kouya)
    [2019.04.22] glamscure - Baptisma
    [2019.04.24] Traeh - re:Play
    [2019.04.27] フシアナ (Fushiana) - インビジブル毒心 (Invisible Dokushin)
    [2019.05.01] R-Shitei - FLASHBACK
    [2019.05.01] Royz - IGNITE
    [2019.05.01] ラミヤ (Lamiya) - Prologue
    [2019.05.01] ジルドレ (Jirudore) - 事件簿録 (Jikenbo Roku)
    [2019.05.03] Missa - a rotten apple spoils the barrel
    [2019.05.07] グラビティ (Gravity) - 一生
    [2019.05.08] ギャロ - Deathtopia
    [2019.05.15] Shellmy シェルミィ- 大人になったら死にたい
    [2019.05.19] Naked Village - Hope
    [2019.05.22] D'ERLANGER - roneve
    [2019.05.22] KHRYST+ - 「Shokuzai」
    [2019.05.22] Frantic EMIRY – Angels Cry/World End
    [2019.05.23] XELL - ボクサイコ。 (Boku Psycho.)
    [2019.05.24] sukekiyo - INFINITUM
    [2019.05.27] DEXCORE - Collapse
    [2019.05.27] シモン (Simon) - 『偽愛者』 (Nise Aisha)
    [2019.05.29] POIDOL - パライゾ (Paraiso)
    [2019.05.29] Laplus - "Fukurou"
    [2019.06.08] マチルダ - タガアナイフ
    [2019.06.13] Toy Circus - バタフライ-マン
    [2019.06.19] DEVILOOF - 鬼
    [2019.06.26] LANTANA『PARADIGM OUT』
    [2019.06.26] 未完成アリス (Mikansei Alice) - Stargazer
    [2019.06.30] LIQUID - 至要たる剥離
    [2019.07.10] DARRELL - DEVIL'Z
    [2019.07.10] 己龍 (Kiryu) - 手纏ノ端無キガ如シ (Tamaki no hashi naki ga gotoshi) 
    [2019.07.10] ペンタゴン (Pentagon) - 夢から覚めた日 (Yume kara sameta hi)
    [2019.07.10] 午前零時。- Rokugatsu no Gokiburi
    [2019.07.10] Neverland - R.I.P.
    [2019.07.12] FILL THE VOID - BEELZEBUL
    [2019.07.16] HOWL - Artist
    [2019.07.17] REIGN - Absolute 14
    [2019.07.17] ぞんび (Zonbi/Zombie) - すべてが終わる夜に/肉食バクテリアン (Subete ga owaru yoru ni/Nikushoku Bacterian)
    [2019.07.23] the Raid. - Kamisama Nande!?
    [2019.07.24] MIYAVI - NO SLEEP TILL TOKYO
    [2019.07.24] どく (Doku) - クイ (Kui)
    [2019.07.24] 影喰イ (Kagekui) - 「哀」(Ai)
    [2019.07.24] DuelJewel - ZINCITE
    [2019.07.24] 零[Hz] (Zero[Hz]) - The DOPERA
    [2019.07.30] Baroque - PUER ET PUELLA

    [2019.07.31] アンフィル - TOKYO STARGAZER

    [2019.08.04] iCONE - Adrenaline
    [2019.08.06] BugLug - 不透明な素顔 (futoumei na sugao)
    [2019.08.07] MAMIRETA - A才教育
    [2019.08.12] KØU - THE BEGINNING
    [2019.08.14] ICONE - Good Song
    [2019.08.14] nurié - モノローグ (monologue)
    [2019.08.16] シグマメモリア (Sigma Memoria) - Fairy Tale
    [2019.08.18] MIMIZUQ - 夏の夕立、水深300メートル
    [2019.08.20] CHIYU - Notice of Arrival
    [2019.08.20] 蟻 (Ari) - 虫眼鏡 (Mushimegane)
    [2019.08.21] ALEVAS - root
    [2019.08.24] 彩冷える『辞するモラトリアム』
    [2019.08.25] marble - ピグマリオンスピーチ
    [2019.08.26] BABEL - STILL ALIVE
    [2019.08.28] ギャロ(THE GALLO) - VITCH
    [2019.08.28] ヴィルシーナ (Verxina) - カルト
    [2019.09.04] シド (SID) - 承認欲求 (Shonin Yokkyu)
    [2019.09.04] リブラヴェル (Libravel) - 星にネがいを。(Hoshi ni Negai wo.)
    [2019.09.04] MAMIRETA - 次のニュースです少年B(4)猥褻願望のため思考停止
    [2019.09.10] 0.1g no Gosan - Zetsubou Menbre Girl

    [2019.09.11] パラダイム(PARADIGM) promotion album
    [2019.09.11] ジグソウ (Jigsaw) - Day of Showing The Same Number
    [2019.09.11] ジグソウ (Jigsaw) - 朱淫箱 (Shuinbako)
    [2019.09.18] Vistlip - CRACK&MARBLE CITY
    [2019.09.18] R指定 (R-Shitei) - CLIMAX
    [2019.09.18] Dir en Grey - The World of Mercy
    [2019.09.20] ANKH - WISH/ 明日の行方
    [2019.09.25] Maximum the Hormone - Hungry Pride
    [2019.09.25] ロマン急行 (Roman Kyuko) - 人間白書
    [2019.10.01] BANKITAI - Kagome
    [2019.10.01] Yeti - 化学-BAKEGAKU-
    [2019.10.02] Mamireta - Choukyou c
    [2019.10.09] Leetspeak monsters - Monster's TheaterⅡ
    [2019.10.10] Toy Circus - ピエロ
    [2019.10.16] BabyKingdom - MUDDY CANDLE
    [2019.10.16] Ashmaze - Sakkaku
    [2019.10.23] heidi. "Hyouhon"
    [2019.10.23] Neverland 『PSYCHEDELIC』
    [2019.10.30] RAKU × GAKI - Kamisama no Tsukurikata
    [2019.10.30] コドモドラゴン (Codomo Dragon) - アノニマス (Anonymous)
    [2019.11.05] gulu gulu - 輪教育のすすめ (Kubiwa Kyouiku no Susume)
    [2019.11.06] DARRELL - HADES
    [2019.11.06] アンフィル (Anfiel) – Lies or not?
    [2019.11.13] Kiryu - Kachou Fuugetsu
    [2019.11.16] ZigZag - Pesa
    [2019.11.17] glamscure - Gloria
    [2019.11.20] MonstlloW - Toro
    [2019.11.20] Royz - I am what I am.
    [2019.11.27] HIZAKI - Back to Nature
    [2019.11.27] KAMIJO - TEMPLE -Blood sucking for praying-


    :1.0:(This is SO bad/unbearable I couldn't even finish it)
    [2019.01.01] Ant1nett - No Smoking Hotel
    [2019.01.10] ゼツ(Zetu) - おもちゃ (Omocha)
    [2019.02.06] SPARTA LOCALS - underground
    [2019.02.06] The Peggies - Hell like Heaven
    [2019.02.13] amazarashi - Sayonara Gokko
    [2019.02.13] 午前零時。 (Gozenreiji.) - 好き好き大好き超愛してる
    [2019.02.13] CHAI - PUNK

    [2019.02.27] SEKAI NO OWARI - LIP

    [2019.02.27] SEKAI NO OWARI - EYE

    [2019.03.06] MIMIZUQ - Namida QUARTET

    [2019.03.13] THE NOVEMBERS - ANGELS
    [2019.03.13] sleepyhead - meltbeat
    [2019.03.19] NetherGarden122 - RED LINE
    [2019.03.19] kehre. - scarlet motion pictures
    [2019.03.27] ユメリープ (Yumeleep) - まくろまたー (makuro matter)
    [2019.04.19] ロゼ (Roze) - ハウル (Howl)
    [2019.05.01] 0801弐209XX6 - X
    [2019.05.02] ゲルニカ (Guernica) - Rakuyou to isho
    [2019.05.09] DIEZE - Liar
    [2019.05.22] ロマン急行 (Roman Kyuko) - 掃き溜めのメロディ
    [2019.05.22] NetherGarden122 - Phantom Pain
    [2019.05.31] さの。(Sano) -『閉塞はコスモ』
    [2019.06.19] SHiSHi - かまちょ。
    [2019.07.03] BabyKingdom - AGE+PLUS
    [2019.07.10] 流れる血は君のために (My blood flows for you) - 流れる血は君のために
    [2019.07.23] アスティ (Asty) - 微炭酸ピーチ
    [2019.07.31] Liquid - D4221964
    [2019.08.02] エンヴィル -  Incubus
    [2019.08.02] エンヴィル - Sucubus
    [2019.08.13] YUTORI MONSTER - 徘徊
    [2019.08.25] Călătorie - Reminiscence of Rose
    [2019.09.04] Bräymen - No.9~Ultimate~
    [2019.09.07] Hiroharu Kamii - 雷伝 〜RAIDEN〜
    [2019.09.11] GREED - CROCUS

    [2019.09.15] haku~shikkokunotoki~ - 腐敗の海 (Fuhai no umi)
    [2019.09.16] GELNICA - spica
    [2019.09.29] iCONE - Only me?
    [2019.11.01] FILL THE VOID - Synesthesia
    [2019.11.01] Visual Laboratory - under slave a girl
    [2019.11.13] ユメリープ (Yumeleep) - ばーすまたー(Birth Matter)
    [2019.11.27] SUI - Untitled Fallen


  12. 4 hours ago, Gesu said:

    Just remembered that three of the members of JILUKA go by Ricko, Boogie and Zyean (pronounced "Jane", I believe, but I thought it was "zye-EEN" for the longest time). Ricko, I can sort of get past. Boogie is just strange. Zyean…? Just... why? They're a good band and all, but why those names!? Sena's the only one with a normal name!

    As much as I stan them, their names make me super embarrassed, especially Ricko's, which in Spanish is read as "rico" and means "tasty", but in Chilean Spanish it's also an adjective for a hot dude (but like, Hollywood type, not VK type of hot).

    I gotta ask Boogie about his, cuz it really gives me second hand embarrassment to say out loud.

  13. 10 minutes ago, platy said:

    he does...? I thought he was the silent type too, which made me think of him as literally meto's replacement in the scene.

    Not only he talks, he is also unbelievably annoying. At least I find him really annoying.

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