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Posts posted by Komorebi

  1. 37 minutes ago, suji said:

    That's an obvious lie. It's their staff.

    That was my first thought, but...

    It's not unprecedented that bandmembers have screwed each other in the past like that

    If Cazqui is the main composer and wants to leave over staff issues, wouldn't the other members try to get rid of staff members or reform the label or do whatever to keep Cazqui and Daichi in the band?


    Edit: Masa is the president of the label, even if he himself didn't do nothing wrong, I find it hard to believe he had no idea of what was going on. Turning a blind eye can be equally wrong.



  2. On 10/11/2017 at 1:19 AM, qotka said:

    I banned myself from listening to vkei on public transportation because of this. 

    I can relate to this on a deep and personal level.


    I noticed this year that I keep doing furi to a bunch of songs I've heard live and guessing furi for some others.


    Actually, it goes back to last year, but I only noticed it a little while ago. Glad to know it's a thing and I'm not just too intense with this scene.

  3. 56 minutes ago, Masato said:

    It's more likely the fans giving up on them since they deliver too little... music whise

    They do deliver too little, however, I've seen them live like 3 times (at events) and they not only drive the crowd insane with crazy moshing and stuff but also most fans seemed to be a tad older than the average VK gya. Some have probably been following Tenten since who knows when. 

    They also seem to have an interesting amount of male fans.

  4. 2 hours ago, xLIZ4 said:

    Kuloe was missing for a while too (in April) and when he came back he said that he did it because there was unhappiness in his family and it was mentally damaging him and because of bearing all of that he didn't think he could stand on stage in front of everyone.


    I feel like he's been struggling mentally even after he came back.

    No matter how much I like him, I don't see him start a new band anytime soon.

    This is exactly why I feel he'll go under the radar for a while. Maybe he'll do the occasional session with Aryu and/or Kazuya but pretty sure he'll be off the scene for a while.

  5. Tbh, I fail to see how this release is the same as the previous ones, since it's completely different from everything else they've released before and they took another music direction with it.

  6. In all honesty I find youtube and any sort of fan-made content an utter waste of time. I hate react videos with a passion and most "review" videos are bad. And make up tutorials seem really stupid to me too.

  7. Jiluka - Metamorphose (all types)

    Jiluka - Hellraiser

    Jiluka - The Chronostasis DVD

    Jiluka - The Chaotic Zion DVD

    D - Revive (all types)

    D - Treasure Box

    D - Narrow Escape

    lynch. - XIII

    Gotcharocka - Baccarat

    Gotcharocka - Ash

    Gotcharocka - Go with the flow

    Asagi - Live DVD

    Diaura - Noah/Shangri-la

    Acid Black Cherry - L type A

  8. Koichi is seemingly REALLY into it. A good part of the MCs was him taking singing directions fron Genki and asking him stuff like how not to cough into the microphone. Genki got more comfortable when talking about stuff he knew. And he either really had no idea of the sort of goods they are selling either is really good at acting surprised. But according to my friend his whole attitude said "wtf is this shit and why are we charging for this crap". I think it was some sort of weird blend between an uchiwa and a lightstick.

    Also, tickets seem expensive for a show where they only play like 8 songs and just fool around. I pay 5000 yen for a 2 1/2 hr D or Gotcharocka oneman. The same amount for a show that's less than an hour seems pricey... like everything else they sell. 

  9. 2 minutes ago, Masato said:

    Are they at least getting naked during the fanservice?

    Not really homo fanservice, more like... interacting  a lot with fans and each other? Like it was 60% singing and 40% random chatting.

  10. 'K, so my friend went to one of their lives and still has to give me a full report, but she says it's not something she wants to see again. It appears this whole project live is mostly based on weird MCs, fanservicing of some sorts and Genki's pretty awkward the whole time. The new songs are nothing special, nothing new, same genre as what we've already heard. They weren't bad per se, according to her.

    She was a HUGE Mejibray stan and even she admits that following this just because it's Koichi and Genki is a waste of time. I'm still waiting for a full report from her.

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