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Posts posted by Komorebi

  1. 2 hours ago, patientZERO said:

    I think @-Tetsu-said something about knowing someone who goes to JILUKA lives. They also have an online shop that occasionally sells goods other than their music. There's nothing on there now other than nail stickers, but they did have parkas, shirts and towels up in the past.

    I check their online shop everyday since they announced the new goods two weeks ago. 


    I have issues, I know. 

  2. 7 hours ago, patientZERO said:

    They performed their fourth (offically numbered) oneman at Shibuya O-West last night, which is a pretty big success for an indie VK band. I'm hoping the place was jam packed with fans! During their live they announced that their fifth (offically numbered) oneman will be back at O-West on 2018.05.20!


    Their set list was posted as well. You can see that they shot a live PV for their B-side to Ajna -SgVer-, M.A.D!


    I don't know about you all, but I'm making my own playlist so I can see how the songs flow when I'm at work tomorrow.


    I saw many fans selling tickets on twitter during the past month, so I don't know how packed it might have been. I can ask though. But if they announced a 5th oneman right afterwards it musn't have been bad.


    I also made that playlist lol


    They are definitely my favorite band right now (besides D being my honmei). If someone knows a shopping service that goes to their lives PLEASE let me know, I need to throw them my whole paycheck. 

  3. I'll check out the sound as soon as I can...

    but I am glad to see girls trying. Visuals aren't so badnfor a first try, most current vk bands throw in terrible first looks too. Vocal looks to fake though, too anime, too plastic... i don't know if it's the colors or fabrics or the hair but it gives me a feel of white latex that's really uncomfortable to look at. 

    Aya, I'm sure you can look GREAT trying some other color combination, I don't think these are doing it for you.

  4. On 10/16/2017 at 2:45 PM, VkBrutaliaN said:

    just this weekend i've finally watched the first 5 songs from their live DVD and although they are just playing in front of maybe 40 people at max so far this live is incredible - great shots, already some fanservice in terms of vocalist kissing some other member and they are just super active on stage. - really great stuff!



    I bought that album the second it came out and haven't watched it yet. I need to do it!!


    And yes, they are amazing live. I really want to see them again ; ;

  5. On 9/27/2017 at 9:02 PM, sheepprincessgara said:

    I don't really know if I struggle with dysphoria myself (I'm fine with my genitals although I hate periods more than anything so I wouldn't call myself trans), but I have struggled with being either masc or femme. I was forced to be real feminine for all my childhood until I graduated high school, and when I started college, I started dressing more butch and even got to cut my hair short which was a lifelong dream for me tbh. Now a couple years later, I've actually started wearing makeup (another thing that I never really got to do during my childhood), and I'm developing an interest in feminine fashion that I didn't really pay much attention to before, like lolita, and I'm pretty much entering that period where I wanna be femme again ;w; I just have to grow my hair out first since dresses don't really look good on me with having short hair and I kinda wanna lose weight too. orz

    Are you 8 years ago me? 


    I struggled with my gender identity for a pretty good part of my life, until I discovered alternative fashions that didn't make me look and feel like a girly girl. 

  6. I just got offered a full time job in my field which is what everyone with my degree could want except for the fact that they are paying me literally a third of what they should. 


    What really pissed me off though is my employer went to snoop at my FB profile, found out I plan on going to Japan in April and made a huge deal about it. How dare I make vacation plans two months before being offered a job, wow. 


    I kinda hate my life right now.

  7. In case anyone wants or cares to know, this is somewhat related to Akaki Hitsuji since Dahlie (the character Asagi portrays in Akaki) had a dragon and so did her daughter Carbuncle (the character portrayed by Tsunehito). And this mini album is supposed to be centered in those two dragon characters (Vulcano and Leidenschaft), or at least related to them... I can't wait for more info from Asagi. I love his cheesy novels :3

  8. 3 hours ago, Serox said:

    Thank you for the help! can you try with my video with password and let me know if you can see it? THANK YOU IN ADVANCE!! <3 

    I no longer have the program :/

  9. I used to download them with a program called iku download if I remember correctly. 

    The program itself was in chinese but it was super easy to use, worked kinda like atube catcher. 


    The thing is I have no idea if it will work with password protected videos. 


    Edit: last time I downloaded from youku or even entered that page must have been 2013, so my info could be super outdated. 

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