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Posts posted by Komorebi

  1. On 7/12/2017 at 5:17 PM, AimiGen7 said:

    This reminds me of on this one indie band's pv spot or something, someone commented "They have a faggy exterior but sound heavy. I guess in the commericallised Japanese pop industry, you gotta mutilate yourself with makeup and plastic surgery"


    I'm pretty sure I saw that comment on a morrigan pv along with a few other visual-phobic remarks.

  2. On 22/7/2017 at 7:08 AM, Sparrow said:

    I have bought so much over the past few months that I can't really recall all of them

    I feel you.


    I had some points about to expire on CD Japan so a few days ago I got the Jiluka single I was missing.

  3. I made a list of all the bands I wanted to see, checked their websites one by one and figured out the puzzle for my schedule. I don't regret a single gig. 

    It's also useful if you want to go to instores as well.

  4. I really hate that my culture in general just lets bad leaders take over and don't raise their voices/vote against them because "no one will care about my opinion anyways". Ah, but they do love complaining about them and their bad decisions all the time. 


    Is it low self esteem or just a pathetic attempt to justify lazyness? 


    That being said, will the chilean VK fandom ever have good leaders or will we be stuck with Iv until she dies?

  5. 8 hours ago, emmny said:

    I've read filth_y's story claiming the vocalist attacked someone at a taiban who wasn't participating for them, but why else is he considered an asshole

    I was told while in Japan to avoid seeing them live or the dude would step down from the stage and physically force me to participate. Doesn't really seem to be a good way to attract new fans.


    8 hours ago, emmny said:

    thats actually wild, how'd they sound?!

    They sound pretty nice, but not really my cup of tea. They put on a good show. 

  6. 4 minutes ago, Duwang said:


    Actually it was their fifth oneman but third "official" oneman.  They had an "extra" oneman for Zyean and Ricko's birthday in January and another in April for Boogie's birthday, and next month they're having another for Sena's birthday, so the "fourth" one-man will actually be their seventh. 


    Nevertheless, I'm looking forward to this. Tonight was fucking lit. 

    All this makes me kinda depressed and in a hurry to go back </3


    can't wait for the single.

  7. On 7/6/2017 at 10:35 PM, Zeus said:

    I like coupling singles. They are a great way to expose me to a band I might like and don't follow for one reason or another. I especially like it when the bands on the single cover each others' songs. That way, I know I'll get a song from a band I like a band covering a song I like, so it's win-win for me. Never heard of bands doing songs together but that sounds just as cool.


    And sometiems the covers are quite good and bring something new to songs we know and love.


    or sometimes it feels like getting an extra new song of your faves if you don't know/follow the band they do the coupling single with.


    on the other hand I feel Starwave is overexploiting this move lately.

  8. 3 minutes ago, sheepprincessgara said:

    I have a hard-on for kotekei bands, but this screaming nonsense has always annoyed me, with old and newer bands.


    That's why it's hard for me to like La'veil Mizeria because their discography mainly consists of this or 10 second intros in a 2-track single. :/


    I can dig the screaming if it has impresive instrumentals or a really nice clear voice in between said screaming, but it's not really La'Veil's case and most of their songs are -2 min. worth of pure noise. Or self covers. So disappointing. 

  9. On 7/17/2017 at 4:02 AM, Tokage said:

    DALLE is fucking garbage and they have literally 1 (one) good song

    I friggin' LOVE Ryo but Dalle is utter shit.


    I can't like kote kei revival bands. Or old kote kei bands. Badly recorded screaming nonsense with no appealing element to make up for it is a nope for me.


  10. Well... while in Japan I got about 20 Acid Black Cherry CDs, around 25 Kagrra, a few new releases from Diaura, D, Morrigan, Jiluka and The Sound Bee HD, some Gotcharocka and Ayumi Hamasaki CDs and a shitload of magazines amd flyers. 

    About 20-something kg worth of VK. 

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