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Posts posted by Komorebi

  1. 15 hours ago, frayed said:

    How exciting! I hope you have a blast when you go!


    I'd say compare prices between hostels and airbnbs and see which suits you more in terms of what you're looking for. Generally speaking, this could just be me, but I've had better experiences at hostels than same-priced airbnbs. But could just be my luck of the draw. As for if the Japan Rail Pass is worth it, it really depends on how much you're traveling and how convenient you want that travel to be. I have a friend who's going all over Japan on hers, so it's definitely worth the investment on her end. Like I said above, I'm also going to be going to Hokkaido to see a band plus take a look around, so I can't say from experience that it's worth it but I'm super excited to do it. Like I said, when it comes to gya even a little Japanese can go a long way, and while it depends on the person you're talking to, they generally seem to appreciate when you try, you know?


    I know nothing about good bars/pubs, anyone got good advice on that?


    (Also, please, don't be afraid to talk to other foreign fans. I've run into this weird vibe constantly where foreign fans just get really awkward about talking to each other, and it's just silly. If you want to talk to someone, just talk to them, worst thing that happens is you realize they're someone not worth talking to.)

    I'll be comparing prices these days, I'm looking to save money. I live with 11 siblings so I don't mind sharing common spaces or anything, I'm super used to that part.

    I plan on going to Osaka and Kyoto, and while my cousin stays in Kyoto a whole week I'll be travelling back and forth from Kyoto to Tokyo for a few lives, so I think the Rail Pass is worth it... I also plan on going to Sapporo to see VRZEL and Dispina, so it might be cheaper to buy the JRP... 

    I can try, but my spoken japanese sucks, I can read more than I can say though lol


    11 hours ago, jaymee said:

    Which bands do you plan on seeing so far? I don't know a lot about where bandomen hang out. I imagine they all have their own regular spots.  If they're indies enough they might have after parties they'll invite fans to. In general, I think a lot of Tokyo tourists like going to Shinjuku Goldengai. But Tokyo (and other major cities) have lots of back alleys full of little casual drinking places (yokocho), so maybe just go exploring one night?

    So far D, Gotcharocka, Exist Trace, VRZEL, Morrigan, The Sound Bee HD, Jiluka, Aiolin, Kaya, maybe Diaura and Fantasista.

    I really enjoy bars and Japan seems to be the one country where people go to bars instead of dancing so I really want to experience that.


    Also, is it better to buy the tickets beforehand or on the same day it's ok? What sort of presents are ok?

    Is anyone from the forum going to be in Japan during June and early July?

  2. Best thread of the week. I needed this.


    I just booked my first trip to Japan and I'm going sort of alone. I will be doing all the usual tourist stuff with a cousin and his girlfriend, but bangya-wise I'm on my own.

    Any tips?


    Is it better to look for a hostel or an airbnb? Is it better to buy the JRP for two weeks or buy bus/train tickets separately? If I can afford it, is it worth it going all the way to Hokkaido for a couple of days to see a band play and look around? Are japanese gyas nice-ish to people who can't really speak their language much? Are there any good pubs or bars to meet fans and/or have a laugh at drunken bandomen? XD

    I'll be there from mid June until the second week of July. 

  3. I'd actually say Asagi is underrated, since people seem to prefer Kamijo over him, despite Kamijo's vocal ability not being as outstanding.


    Depends on who you ask though. If you take the average facebook dwelling VK fan then Ruki, Yoshiatsu and Tsuzuku are vastly overrated.


    Jui (ex Vidoll) as quite an unique voice and very good vocal ability, even if he doesn't sing as well now, he is still underrated imo

  4. 8 hours ago, mahoujin said:

    I definitely don't think there's anything wrong with Westerners having visual kei bands, but it would be great if their music and style was anything more than mediocre and if they weren't cringey narcissists as people. Also in terms of not being able to pull off the style, they COULD do it. I do and I'm a chubby average-looking white person. It takes a lot of practice and effort to learn to style yourself correctly, but some people are so cocky that they're convinced they're already perfect when they're only halfway there, in both fashion and music. 


    ALSO I've literally seen people whining that "visual kei is dying" or "it isn't what it used to be" since I got into this shit in 2003. It's usually from people who have been in the scene like 2-5 years and haven't come to terms with the fact that the life expectancy of a visual kei band unfortunately includes their favs and they get bitter when all the bands they liked when they got into vk are now disbanding. 



    OMG yes.

  5. 46 minutes ago, itsukoii said:

    i can't stop coughing


    i've literally coughed myself into having the voice of a man. my throat is so raw. can this end.


    update: yesterday was man voice. today? NO VOICE AT ALL

    Went through this in February. Tried everything and the cough persisted for two or three weeks, and the only thing that finally worked were antiallergics, even though the cough originated from a common flu :/ 

    drink warm water with lemon and honey and don't force your voice out today. Best of luck!

  6. 1 hour ago, Elazmus said:

    Like also because bad personality? Or like he doesn't give good D?

    Bad personality lol like he doesn't even pretend to be nice. Apparently xD

    Diealo's japanese fans were mostly Haku fans, from when he was in Xepher, and they didn't like Naru much. 

  7. On 4/24/2017 at 5:42 PM, Carmelzors said:

    When I see these people often stating that "yay when I grow up and bear kids, I shall make them listen to my vk muzak", I often think whether that feels too forced and perhaps hindering with regards to unique development of your own children. I am not considering any grandiose family prospects per se but seeing these 2010s families with parents of my own age, what are their attitudes towards raising their kids etc. irks me a bit.


    Just provide and explain options to your brats, encourage openness etc. Forcing your own interests (exclusively), especially those of VK-like proportions, will merely damage their own unique perception, viewpoints they will abide to in the later course.


    This is also my main argument against most families kickstarting their infant-bearing days right in their early 20s - when they (more likely) have no fricking idea how to encourage growth, one's mental development, responsibility for fuck's sake. Give it some time lads...


    Fortunately enough this is MH and not Reddit where these weeaboo moms and dads fail to test their wits over my statements above.

    Even though I agree on this...


    Isn't encouraging them to watch Disney channel over cartoon network (or vice versa), making them listen to specific children songs and dressing them in what YOU think is cute/appropriate for their gender also forcing your own interests on them?


    As a personal example, I never watched any TV show, just movies that my mother had pre-approved, always dressed girly to fit her vision of how women are supposed to be and listened to fucking Mazapan and Henri Dès until I was THIRTEEN. (I got into rock at 16 because I wasn't allowed to use youtube or download anything until then.)


    Weren't many of us raised according to our parents views of what we were supposed to like or what they considered was best for us?


    Granted, people raising kids before being mature themselves are bound to fuck up more along the way, but, in a way, regardless of the age, hasn't everyone tried to encourage people one loves to take an interest in what interests us, at least once?


    It is an interesting subject you touched there :P

  8. Rumor has it Biosphia disbanded because the other guys got sick of him not taking the band seriously and not having his priorities straight. He is also really unpopular with the gyas, and when there's smoke there's fire. It's all rumors, of course, but apparently he's not very pleasant to work with. 

  9. A friend turned on me today.


    I can't say it hurt because I saw it coming and was actually waiting for it. The only reason I hadn't cut off ties yet is because she needed to return me some stuff.


    What I really can't believe and find both sad and infuriating is the fact that she told me a bunch of bullshit and blocked me because I exposed another girl who literally scammed her.


    How pathetic and sad does your life need to get, how desperate for some validation must you be so you'll throw a friendship of years down the drain for a girl who owes you money but her fake hawt jrocker fb account tells you you are pretty and smart?


    Mankind doesn't cease to dissapoint me. At least now I don't have to hear her whine about how terrible her life is anymore.

  10. 10 hours ago, seikun said:

    Really? Kyo scolding the audience?

    The first time Diru perfomed in Chile (back in 2009) the audience sang along, because it's what we do here. Kyo threw a tantrum and left the stage, the tour manager had to take him back out.


    Or at least that's what I heard from a few assistants, since I didn't go :P

  11. 1 hour ago, Zeus said:

    The real detail I want to know is what they were questioning RIO about for him to willingly divulge information about this girl and that this kind of slip up could even occur. There is a lot more to this story than the media is willing to let on.

    Didn't Hiroki said he went to the police because the girl had photos of him she was threatening to post?


    It would be interesting if there was something else to this whole story though.

  12. 3 minutes ago, Donttalkback said:

    I highly doubt it as well but we can't expect everyone to live up to the standards & rules of what is considered to be a suitable relationship. He wanted a fling she wanted more, happens everyday.

    That's why you are not supposed to eat where you shit.

    That's why you are supposed to keep it in your pants, both men and women alike.

    He should have known better and not fuck his fans xD but he didn't and now he's up to his neck.


    yeah, I would love it if people actually lived up to suitable relationships standars... but can't force people to think with their brains.

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