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Posts posted by Komorebi

  1. As they tell us in college, translators don't "exist". We are merely comunicational bridges and our views and opinions interfeering with the message are not only both wrong and uncalled for, but a disgrace to the profession.


    Edit for clarification: By "don't exist" I mean our existence shouldn't be noted, we are supposed to be invisible.

  2. 2 hours ago, diryangrey said:

    if you get a 'wrong' translation who honestly gives a fuck

    I honestly give a fuck.


    It is true many vocalists don't have a meaning in mind when writing lyrics, Naru from Diealo even said he wrote about popular relateable subjects like lost love and despair, even if he didn't feel it, because he knew fans would like it and it would sell.


    OK, so Hiroki already said most of what I wanted to say and already explained different meanings and nuances of a word..
    While translating songs could be a good excersise to practise your japanese, I would advice to always keep working on your Japanese and improve your level as much as possible.


    Translating from ANY language is hard, not only from Japanese, because language and culture are so closely intertwined they influence each other and it will be impossible to not find words that are deeply rooted in or influenced by culture.


    I will have to say nothing is truly untranslateable, and the reason many think certain words have "no translation" it's because the do not posess and exact equivalent in the target language, but it doesn't mean the concept cannot be explained. And there is where you'll have to get creative and see how you can convey the ideas better in English. 

    Another important tip is to NEVER translate word by word. In any language. Each language has it's own gramatical rules and translating word by word will end terminate in odd and gramatically incorrect sentenses in English.

    Make sure your final product makes sense in English. I encountered not long ago a girl that translated Matenrou Opera's blog entries and her posts made no sense in English. Subject wasn't there half of the time and connectors were missing everywhere. When I pointed it out to her she said "I wanted to preserve the particularities of Japanese language". Please, PLEASE don't do that. Translation means taking the message from Language A and conveying it as best as possible into Language B in a way so that the core content of the message isn't lost AND it makes perfect sense and it's perfectly understandeable in Language B. Not a weird hybrid of both.


    I also cannot stress enough the importance of context, which is also why word-by-word translation is NEVER a good idea. The longest part of a translation is always the correction. You can never go through the translated text too many times. There will often be that sensence that made sense when you translated it but doesn't anymore after reading it three times, or the words and connectors that suddenly don't fit. It's ok if you have to correct it twenty seven times, professionals do to and that's what makes a good translation good, not the initial perfection but the work put into it to make the final product as flawless as possible.


    Feel free to include as many footnotes as you want to explain meaning where it can't be explained (because you can't keep a verse in a song ridiculously long)
    I have some really really good translations of Do As Infinity lyrics that included tons of notes from the translators explaining why they did this and that and what they think the writer could have meant where meaning was vague, I can show them to you if you need.


    Best of luck, and if you need clarification, help or anything let me know here or drop a PM.

  3. On March 1, 2017 at 5:07 AM, Takadanobabaalien said:

    when someones opinion hurts other people its no longer an opinion only and you dont need to respect that.

    I find you opinion on opinions offensive and it hurts me so you have to shut up.






    see how stupid it sounds?

  4. 15 hours ago, Biopanda said:

    SMH if you don't ship MH members

    I used to XD


    14 hours ago, itsukoii said:

    as long as ur shipping responsibly and not obsessively and not getting deep in the bandoman's business by tweeting him constantly/DMing him and/or his "husbando" ,

    One thing is having fun and fantazising and another is obsessing insanely and dangerously.


    I actually REALLY wish Ruiza was married and had a lovely girl taking care of him, but I ship him with Asagi anyways, cuz they seem to beg for it.


    It's like shipping JohnLock, even though John is married to Mary.


    Can we ship Keiju and the cat?

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