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Posts posted by Komorebi

  1. 5 hours ago, Tokage said:

    The way the thread OP was worded made me think they'd come back to do a 'very special episode' dedicated to spreading anti-drugs awareness or some shit tbh....

    Because I wasn't 100% sure they were back for sure or just for this issue and I didn't want to raise false hopes.

  2. 1 hour ago, zaa_zaa said:

    One guitarist left them a while ago, they are no signed for any label, no releases, comeback of Lolita23q - what else to expect?

    Forgot about Lolita's comeback, it truly was a matter of time then.

  3. On 3/2/2017 at 8:22 PM, midi:nette said:

    I found the Tenten video on an old tanuki blog on LiveJournal; his face was never shown, it was just him fucking a girl from behind. the vid was just labeled as the Tenten sextape or whatever.

    I found two, the other one was the girl sucking him lol


    Naru's tape is straight sex, I think, but that one I have never ever seen. He confirmed it himself somewhere though.

  4. Despite having filed for bankrupcy last year, the magazine just announced the issue of a special edition featuring Nightmare and Plastic Tree on the cover, to come out on February 14th.


    Other featured bands are MUCC・Angelo・vistlip・D・アンティック-珈琲店-・DaizyStripper・HERO・ユナイト・RAZOR・ザアザア・The Benjamin・グリモア

    Source: http://shoxx.jp/


    Let's remember that Shoxx was one of the biggest and longest-lasting VK magazines in the scene and their bankrupcy was seen as a clear sign of the industry's decline. 
    If even Shoxx is rising from the ashes it's hopefully a sing that VK isn't dead yet and that 2017 will be a better year than 2016.

  5. 12 hours ago, chemicalpictures said:

    I may have generalized a bit too much on my first post, as I really do think MH has some of the best opinionated people on japanese music around the webs, and that statement is more for the generic weeaboo we found lurking around elsewhere.

    True, but it still is an interesting topic to discuss XD


    12 hours ago, chemicalpictures said:

    I'm brazilian, so portuguese is my native language. I really do believe you can't do better than latin-based languages when talking about smooth, slow-tempo or ballad songs. However, when talking about rock, we sound like shit. Some rock tune sang in english will sound 3000x better, and that's it. Maybe it's just my point of view, but I think you guys are onto something.

    As a native spanish speaker, I agree on this.


    Both Nyasagi and Kaleidoscope had excellent points, and thanks Carmelzors for giving his/her very interesting point of view. I feel I always learn a lot when reading conversations here.

    8 hours ago, hiroki said:

    because sometimes technical proficiency isn't the most important reason, and definitely isn't the only reason, why people listen to the music they listen to and fall in love with the bands they fall in love with. this thing we call "taste" is nothing but an amorphous placeholder for an incredibly complex web of factors including instincts and temperament, environmental and psychological factors, linguistic/cultural affiliations, etc. that no amount of theoretical analysis can ever hope to untangle. even in the extremely rare instance that you can find another person who agrees with you on every single point you make about a band both of you mutually enjoy, i'm willing to bet that the basis for your value judgments about the band will still diverge, simply because, if nothing else, you are two different people.




    8 hours ago, hiroki said:

    and with this you basically just answered your own question. even though music traverses linguistic boundaries, its cultural influences remain unique. musically that's definitely the case

    I was going to point out this. Music, even from different genres, coming from the same country, region, culture, area, whatever, tend to have "something" in common. Something other than language, of course, that's provided by the same environmental and psychological factors Hiroki named, and that's maybe why to the unaccustomed ear "all Italian music sounds the same", for example.


    I find this whole topic and everyones opinions and inputs fascinating, btw.

  6. 1 hour ago, Lestat said:

    Now that I will be seeing them live this July, I wonder who they bring around the table as a support guitarist for on an overseas tour. I was pretty devastated when Anzi announced his withdrawal from the band, as I find him to be the best guitarist the scene has ever seen (surpassing even Hizaki and Teru) and his sound was what initially drew me to the band. While Leda has shown sufficient work on PHOENIX RISING, I wonder if they'll be able to bring him to Europe as I am not sure if it will lead to a conflicting schedule with his other projects. Meku might also be an option regarding the band's ties to Versailles and Kamijo, but I found him rather sloppy live when I saw him with Kamijo's band and I would rather not see him brought along on this tour.


    During their PHOENIX RISING tour they played with JaY from Light Bringer (I have no idea who he is or what that band sounds like), again — another option if touring schedules don't conflict.


    Light Bringer was a power metal, non-vk band. They disbanded about two years ago I think, since some of the members play in Mardelas now.


    According to fans in Japan, the atmosphere with JaY on the band is great now and they feel like the other members truly enjoy playing live now, whereas with Anzi they had felt some tension during the past years. 

    Apparently JaY is still quite young compared to the others and his experience as a guitarist isn't as great as Anzi's, he still has a long way to go and lot's of practise to do, but he could get there. 

    He also collaborated on the composition of the Christmas special single "Shine On!". His involvement in the band seems to be more serious now and I dare say he could become the next official guitarist. 


    We'll just have to wait for further announcements.

    where will you see the band? I am seriously considering traveling to Europe for this tour.

  7. While OP and ChemicalPictures have exellent points worth discussing, I'll have to side with Panda, Cat and a few others on this.


    Music taste is something very subjective and personal (unless you exclusively listen to hits on the radio, then you literally have no taste for any genre) and why people like this music or that music and stan this or that band is going to probably depend on a whole shitload of stuff.


    Personally, as a linguist and simultaneous interpreter, I like the sound of some languages more than others and, as Panda, voice and phonetics play a very important role when choosing music I like. It is undeniable that Japanese phonetics are softer than some other's and I will most likely prefer to listen to a Japanese, French or Russian band over a germanic-language band (which doesn't keep me from listening to them either). It's the same reason why I don't dig screamo bands, no matter the country they come from.


    That doesn't mean there won't be weeabos that will listen to anything Japanese ONLY because it's from Japan just like there's some people that don't listen to Adele songs that weren't on the radio more than 20 times a week. If anything, I think people listen more to VK than western rock/metal because the "pretty boys" (coughphotoshoppedcough) ratio there is bigger, not because of "deep lyrics" and "omgz I luv Japanz!!1!"


    I don't think it's a matter of hypocrisy (if that were the case, why not call hypocrytes those metal fans that refuse to listen to NokuBura or Deviloof BECAUSE they wear make up?), it's much boarder than that. 


    Though you could always do a poll about reasons for vk preference here and one on that gaijingya-filled fb group and compare answers. It will both answer your questions and disgust you.




    PS: I really like celtic music. Anyone else? 

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