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Posts posted by Komorebi

  1. "Reila is dedicated to Ruki's dead girlfriend"


    "Of course my *insert name of slutty vk dude* isn't a manwhore. He would never sleep with his fans!"


    "It's true, Tanuki said so"


    "it's totally false, Tanuki ALWAYS lies, it's all made up by butthurt ugly fans"


    "Noah would never do such a thing. It's all a conspiracy from butthurt fans" feel free to replace Noah with Kisaki. 


    "Tsuzuku's mental illness is so cool and edgy"


    "Meto is so handsome"


    "Kisaki raped Asagi back in Syndrome" LMAO


    "L'Arc en Ciel members are best friends, of course they want to tour together. They just do sideprojects for money"


    "I have actually talked to the Gazette members on FB, for real"

    (actually a friend is convinced Cazqui REALLY talks to her)


    "His hair is pink/he wears slutty costumes, I am sure he is *manlier bandmember*'s bottom"

  2. As some other users have said, you haven't done anything truly wrong, so there's no need to deprive yourself of a nice community just because a few idiots made fun of you. 

    Ignore the nasty comments that don't comprise any form of constructive criticizm and enjoy the music you like, you might even find people you like lurking around too ;) 

    I've had the chance to meet some really cool people and you could too! It's normal to fear being shamed again, but you honestly did nothing to be ashamed of. You can take a break from here if you want and maybe later you can come and give this place another chance.

  3. 1 hour ago, AimiGen7 said:

    After all though, I am only human, and I just happen to be more prone to mistakes compared to other humans xD. 

    Aren't we all. I've made my fair share of stupid comments LOL


    In all honesty I didn't bother reading the Diru part though, simply because I couldn't care less about them haha

  4. 2 hours ago, AimiGen7 said:

    Sh*t.. I made that mistake. I feel stupid, and honestly, an argument was brewing so I deleted the post (and honestly, I admit I was kind of angry and talking out of my @ss. I'm extremely sorry...)

    Was it you? 

    It's ok, you were absolutely right on every other point you made XD

  5. Wow, this band *insert any band playing electro-rock* is ripping off the gazette"


    "I had so many nosebleeds from the visual and sound that I think I need medical care 😷😻" (Actual sentence from youtube)


    "D is a bad example of a long lasting indies VK band since they made most of their career in Avex" (Acual sentence on a fb thread)


    Gee, I didn't know 4 or 5 years in a 15 year life-span meant "most of their career" lol



  6. My family is religious crazy as well and a few years ago I got so much shit for posting a few shirtless pictures of Hyde and saying "yumm"... I got lectured by my mom about what's appropriate to post on social media and every time I deleted a relative I got lectured again on "denying my family".


    I quickly solved it by creating another account with a weaboo name they will NEVER find. 

  7. Mu n00b phase was L'Arc en Ciel. I didn't ship until Way later though.


    what? What do you mean I can't use my waifu's last name? XDDD


    "That guy totally sounds like/is ripping off Ruki"


    No, bitch, they all just have the same generic voice type and range, just like most female singers have the same type of voice.

  8. 23 hours ago, Panda_bear said:

    You'll move from being a poor weeb who can barely afford your vk indie rarez, to a financially stable, possibly wealthy adult with built up confidence/self esteem and a good well of knowledge to get the best out of life and the know how on how to deal with all the bullshit people or crappy situations life will throw at you. From there you can snatch a waifu/husbando of your liking or choose whatever direction you want to go in life. Kinda hard to fuck up at that point. 

    This is actually an excellent tip.

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