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Posts posted by Komorebi

  1. @Lestat, you are absolutely right. New bands you like won't have the same impact or mean as much to you. That's an undeniable fact.


    I should have been more specific. I keep encountering people who refuse to TRY OUT anything post 2005. Not even a "I heard it, didn't dig it. I like the 90's sound" but a "they don't look like a 90's band so they probably suck". Those are those I complain about. Those who talk ill of bands they haven't even bothered listening, and the reasons for not listening to them are "I don't like how they look", "new GazettE sucks, so all bands now probably suck", "their fans are teenagers so they can't be good", "they all look the same so they have to sound the same". 


    The pessimistic attitude of people who refuse to even try the new scene and their shitthrowing at newer bands they haven't even heard is exhausting. I've gone to parties where they ONLY play indies music from Matina bands and such because if you dare play something post 2006 or something major the majority of the "old farts" (27 +years old) will literally leave the dance floor and start complaining. They don't even stay and listen to something they might dig and it's like they are afraid of liking something new and have their precious reputation of "true VK fan" ruined. And I say true VK in quotation marks because I have LITERALLY heard them talk about what VK is supposed to look like and sound like and cross out VK bands as non VK because they don't look like Kuroyume in 1997.

    No one says you can't enjoy old stuff, but this country has the ENORMEOUS luck of having a thriving scene. The incredible luck of having a meet up for the Deathgaze ST and have 70, yes, seventy, people show up in the same town. There's at least 4 or 5 event producers who try to include VK in their cons and events, throw parties and even bring artists, but this can't go anywhere if half of VK fans are trying real hard to keep the scene in the 90's and early 2000's and I swear I cannot understand why they are so obsessed with that.


    I hope my little rant made some sense and didn't feel too biased.

  2. 8 hours ago, gekiai said:

    It's like they're more interested in their looks, selfies, etc.

    Every time I tried discussing about Morrigan's music with other (older than me) fans I was met with utter silence.


    But If I bring out how cute Aryu's last selfie was everyone replies.


    It's so frustrating.

    5 hours ago, Zalemu said:

    I can't connect with most fans because of what you mentioned above. I hate it because I truly want more J-rock/vk friends, but 9 times out of 10 when I try to initiate a conversation, it ends up being about Dadaroma and such. I'm not so much of a vk oldfag that I shun all newer bands--there are actually quite a few that I like, they're just the few that most fans don't bother checking out because they don't look like Gazette or Mejibray or whoever else. Like, there are so many other bands out there. Be more open-minded. I understand having a preference but I also don't get why people always stick to the same few without exploring anything else unless it's a carbon copy of what they like. Idk, maybe I'm just getting old.

    I suddenly felt really lucky... I have an amazing group of 10 + people in my own country, nearly in my own town with whom I can actually have meaningfulish conversations about newish bands that aren't Dadaroma and such... I wish other countries had as many VK fans and as varied as there are here :/

  3. I got a 15 hour shift today, barely had time to eat, got yelled at in multiple languages, discussed suicide options with  co workers, did the workload of three people... I feel great, I love my job.



    No, it's not sarcasm XD

  4. 1 hour ago, Euthanasia said:

    What I find confusing is that I haven't gotten a email from CDJAPAN regarding any music CDs or DVDs, just regarding Avex Pictures and anime. And just on anime products from Avex Pictures on CDJAPAN it says "ATTENTION!!! This product will no longer be available for any order to be shipped outside of Japan starting at 6:00PM (Japan Time UTC+9) on February 15, 2017" but not any message on Acid Black Cherry products :c

    Yet Amazon.jp applied the ban to all Avex products.


    So either the ban will be only for Avex Pictures products and amazon just banned everything temporarily either Avex Group will ban everything eventually and CDJapan still hasn't. 


    I'm hoping it's the first option.

  5. White pig go home? XDDD


    Avex is sure taking racism and xenophobia to the next level.


    3 minutes ago, itsukoii said:

    artists still make money when their songs are streamed on spotify (and i assume the labels do too) so if avex did end up forcing their foreign fans to convert to spotify, they'd still be making money. not a lot, but it'd be there. though why the hell would they choose spotify over physical copies when physical copies bring in so much more money? i doubt it's a manufacturing financial issue

    Torampu-sama took over Avex LOL

  6. 24 minutes ago, DarkWater said:

    What I wonder, which proxy websites will follow. are they actually allowed to still help out? or do we need private proxies from now on?




    anyway, then maybe this was the reason why Acid Black Cherry music as suddenly available at spotify...




    What will be next, that if you visit Japan that you aren't allowed to buy a freaking CD of AVEX anymore? that Tower records etc won't let you purchase a CD anymore because you are a freaking GAIJIN? if it comes so far, it would be totally discrimination.


    Also I wonder if this is already AGAINST the law, because it's already discrimination.

    Actually a friend of mine is already wondering if customs will go though his luggage to ensure he's not taking anything Avex from Japan. 

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