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Posts posted by Komorebi

  1. 35 minutes ago, Kabukichoatmidnight said:

    Abit on the bench about this "best of" album, a couple of new songs and a handful of re-recordings (which in the past for them have been quite dramatic in difference) but otherwise doesn't it just seem like a glorified single/mini album just with a larger price tag? lol.

    For the regular edition, yes. For the DVD content: worth it.

  2. Thanks everyone. I deleted her on FB and said something about lousy friends on IG, apparently the shoe did fit because she was outraged that I was "treating her like shit". So, bye.

    Sucks that her sister who barely knows me did notice I was having an awful time and asked when I was free so we'd meet for coffee and chat.

  3. I have this friend I consider close and we haven't really seen each other or communicated much in over a month. I'm kinda pissed because her IG stories show she's not really busy, just clinging to her boyfriend. Which would be ok if she hand't blown me off a few times recently and only after I almost threw a fit she kinda apologized for not realizing I was having a really terrible time and needed support. But then when I confirmed I was feeling like shit she just said "well, the only one with the power to help you is yourself' and stopped responding.
    Like a week later I told her I was sick of always having to beg for a text reply and then see her text her bf nonstop when we were together and how bad and hurt her careless attitude made me feel. She left it on seen, and now, a week later, I find out she's attending a party organized by the same guy I had a physical fight with at a club. I find that really disloyal and I told her so, but she just ignored me again.

    IDk if I should talk things with her or just tell her to fuck off and delete her from my social media. That feels very childish and immature but she's also showing to be very unreliable and overall a bad friend.

  4. 3 hours ago, helcchi said:

    Vkdb, but that could be wrong too. Same birthday tho

    I actually checked your source and the file for that Miroku guy and JLK's Sena are two different pages lmao


    Thx Duwang, I didn't want to drop that info w/o your permission lol


    Edit: Sena also confirmed in a recent interview he started playing guitar right after finding out about VK, no more than 8 years ago. There's no way he was IN a VK band over 10 years ago.

  5. On 6/16/2017 at 6:14 AM, helcchi said:

    → INCLINE(ゆっけ/yukke) (ba) → AfterEffect(未来/miroku) (ba) → un:slip(SENA)

    Where's the source for this?  It's innacurate and there is no Japanese source confirming this, just a bunch of western blogs.

  6. 14 hours ago, 123Sandman321 said:

    Rijin and IDEAL released a month apart, both charted for a week, 134th (same as THE SILENT SONG) and 61st, respectively.

    That may have to do with the fact that Nazare does instore events and Dimlim doesn't. But then again, what do I know about VK.


    btw, for those who mentioned buying 10 copies; that's what bangya do. No novelty there either.

  7. 9 minutes ago, Tokage said:


    To deny that any of that's been happening or even try to play it off as ''woooow stop being so elitist'' is just willful ignorance 

    No one is denying anything, but that "anything released during x period of time is shit because I say so" is pretty damn elitist. 


    All the points you are making are both valid and applicable to the worldwide metal and rock scene.

    I'd blame a cultural change of interest in the youth rather than say "bands don't sell like they used to, therefore, they are shit".

  8. 1 hour ago, Tokage said:

    forever lmaoing @ people who prolly weren't even there for the ''golden age'' of the scene acting as if things haven't objectively declined in quality and homogenized over the last decade

    All 90's bands sound exactly the same to me. I can't tell Baiser, Shazna, Baroque and Eldorado (and lots of others with that same sound) apart. What homogeneization of the last decade are you talking about lmfao. 

  9. 2 hours ago, nekkichi said:

    well I hope we're seeing new wig and beat once they secure that lynch. replacement major contract or something, but they must be pretty low on income right now for a band with this level of net hype.

    Net hype doesn't pay their bills and 80% of Dimlim stans I know refuse to buy their music. Youtube likes don't feed bands, when will people learn.

  10. Just now, psychonnect_rozen said:

    I never understood that mentality. It’s not like suddenly everything went to shit after 2010 lmao

    You can see them in any scene. People who grew up listening to somethin in their teen years will stick to that and claim that anything that didn't somehow fuel their teenage angst is worse than watever shit they blasted on while sulking because their teacher hated them or whatever.


    Just like people who did move on will revisit with nostalgia crappy songs they know are crappy yet love due to said nostalgia. 

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