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Posts posted by Komorebi

  1. All these stories remind me of this former Texas friend who"fell in love" with Naru (ex-Biosphia) because he was talking to her, even though it was pretty obvious it was a rp account.

    She wanted to do mitsu and I'll never know if they took her money since she blocked the shit out of me for being a terrible friend who was "jealous".


    Also, I was sent nudes by a 50 y/o British (iirc) woman back when I didn't post photos of myself and only used bandomen selfies as public photos. She sent her tits to a bunch of other people, as I found out later lol

  2. 8 hours ago, Himeaimichu said:

    IDK, I like this thread. I like it when people are open about their sexuality and what they like. Society is way too hush-hush about any kind of sex that isn't straight and in missionary position.


    I feel it's all about sex in this society. Or maybe it's just my acquaintances lol

  3. 7 minutes ago, psychonnect_rozen said:

    Lemme ask you guys: what are your fetish’s? 



    Ohhh boy.


    Two main ones would be ladyboys/crossdressers and dirty talking. But I can rarely find decent stuff for the second one since most are femdoms and hearing a woman talk down on me... just no.

  4. Just now, psychonnect_rozen said:

    For some reason, as a Bi guy, I could never get into gay porn. IDK, just something about it isn’t that hot. Like yeah the guys are hot, but still I can’t get off to it. 


    Yaoi is fine though and extremely cute feminine guys always were the best

    I love gay porn because you can actually hear men moan. In straight porn they're always so quiet.

  5. 1 minute ago, Gesu said:

    Yes! I'm so much more into it when it's two people actually having genuine sex instead of some guy fucking a woman for the best part of two minutes while she's yelling "ohhhh yeahhhh babyyyy stick it in deeper oh yes oh yes OHHHH I'M CUMMING I'M CUMMING AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHAHAHHHHHHHHAHH". Not even kidding, I once saw this one where the girl was going down on the guy and she... glugged. Like, she went "glug, glug, glug" while sucking him off. That shit was nasty but really I just thought it was hilarious.


    Seriously, what the fuck is up with so-called "professional" porn!? On the subject of Japanese porn, I tend to find the way professional porn stars react is actually a lot less over-exaggerated than it is in the west, but mayhaps that's just my experience. F-from reading books, that is. 📖

    Oh god, yes. I mainly watch por for the sounds. I actually barely watch it, I usually play it on a tab while I read porn on the next tab lol and those faked moans are a huge mood killer. 


    But Japanese girls squealing like a rubber duck aren't easy on the ears either.

  6. 3 minutes ago, secret_no_03 said:

    Oh God, is "coming onto" someone no longer a phrase for flirting? 

    It is, I'm just multitasking and I half-assed my reading lmao.


    All of this reminded me of the kawaii person here who wanted to pay a certain noodle to "meet him". I was always under the impression that it was a dude and couldn't help but wonder if he thought said noodle would go for it lol.


    Btw, is it common in anglospeaking countries to see girls "joking" about raping X or Y noodle? Cuz it is really common in the hispanic side of the fandom and the double standard gets on my nerves.

  7. 3 minutes ago, psychonnect_rozen said:

    I think it’s more of the plot that appeals to people and the more outrageous fantasies. 


    I mean, when was the last time you saw a porn on PornHub with a good plot. I remember watching one where they pulled out a fake ass turkey. Shit looked like rubber 😂


    Mankitsu Happening changed my perspective on Hentai. Still the best one I’ve seen. The blonde Idol chick was my favourite 😍

    Idk about you guys, but I don't watch porn for the plot lmao 


    I do read it for it hehe. 

  8. 1 minute ago, secret_no_03 said:

    I mean, generally speaking you'd never know unless they're like OUT, the vast majority of male fans probably look up to/idol worship them more than being outright attracted to them.

    Lol, I just processed you said "come onto" and meant into as in... into THEM lmao. 


    Yeah, considering most of them are straight and a few are even openly homophobic I'd bet it does freak them out.

  9. 1 minute ago, secret_no_03 said:

    I'd be inclined to think that most band members freak out when guys are into them or come onto them, but I may very well be wrong.

    I have no idea really, but if they are selling the whole boyfriend fantasy they might freak a little if a dude comes for a 2shot lol


    I did see a fair amount of dudes at the lynch. instore last year, but that was just a sign event.

  10. In my personal experience with 90% of my irl friends being into the scene, it's a 50/50 ratio when it comes to the music. BUT must guys I know who like VK are also into girl bands such as Band Maid or Scandal and/or female vocals like Fuki, whereas the ratio of women into female vocals is, in my experience, way smaller.


    When it comes to posting appearance-related content I see far more girls fawning over VK dudes than men. When it comes to collecting CDs/merch I see much more men into it (yet I see more girls collecting cheki, overall). I'm leaning towards saying most men are firstly into the music/overall performances and it's harder for them to stan a bandman just on looks, while MANY girls are mainly into some dude's looks and don't care much about the music (I do see this reflected in Japan fans rather tan overseas fans, but still).


    I'd say VK IS marketed towards teenage girls the same reason Idols are marketed to appeal to the average Japanese man, but when you are overseas and not actively going to gigs/events I'd say it changes a bit and I wouldn't say men in the west feel they donmt belong in the Vk scene or are uncomfortable in it the way men in Japan might (as far as I've read here, many prefer to remain internet fans).


    I also feel LGBT+ people relate to VK on a bit of a deeper level than cis/straight people. BUT this is only a personal perception based on people I know, can't speak for everyone here.

  11. On 7/17/2019 at 5:23 PM, Kuro said:

    I'd never let my cat be just outside, if I had the possibility. Aside from hunting I also see the other side like people poising cats (and also dogs) and all that crap. Nope. Never. And I'll never understand how people can do this to their cats (I'm on several cat forums and whenever someone starts like "I want to let them outside, they've never been" I'm like "why at all?").


    Btw. ever lived with a cat that got raw fed? xDD

    It's not exactly the same as a cat after hunting but to me it was a similar feeling when mine came to me right after eating. Even though I like the positive aspects of raw feeing.

    Well, my parents live in the countryside and there's always been infants in the house so for them a cat is an outside pet due to hygiene and safety. My cats were always born and raised outside, they just can't be forcefully kept inside and they live in an area were there's not many other cats to run into, really.


    PS: same reason to keep dogs outside. 

  12. 1 minute ago, jaymee said:

    That said sometimes the teaching salaries in Tokyo (with employment that isn’t JET) are so low people can barely make ends meet let alone afford lives without having to line up multiple evening/night gigs.

    That being said, what is the minimum needed to survive in Tokyo? Meaning rent, food and transportation.

  13. 20 hours ago, YuyoDrift said:

    I agree with you alright. My gf has had outdoor cats her whole life, and myself having grown up with dogs that were always indoors besides taking them out for walks or a visit to the park, I can't fathom why a cat needs to be outside at all. I can tolerate an indoor cat being on my lap because I know its clean(er), but a cat that has been outside all day and possibly had an orgy or massive killing spree during that time (this is funny to those who read but I've seen it) to then come and decide it wants to rub it's filthy, probably tick infested or blood soaked body on me is a HELL NO. Several times one of the more psychotic fuckers bring us dead and alive rodents, birds, and rabbits back into the home and plop the thing on the table or on the floor where we can see it. My gf then tells me "Awwww, he considers you one of his own.....", like wtf? Nothing I enjoy more than feeling blood on my sock and the helpless cries of a rabbit/mouse as it dies in front of me /s.


    OH,  and the other fucker? throws up EVERYTHING it doesn't like to eat (we've already confirmed it's not sick), but only AFTER jumping on the bed and getting comfortable, and I'm talking full course meal vomit, that sticks to the fabric and requires 2-3 straight washes to come off. I feel bad for a dog when they do it because you can see and feel the humiliation and shame in their eyes, but a cat? No, they just walk away in a "Clean that shit up. I'm gonna puke on that spot again later, bitch." like they own me.


    As you can tell I have a disdain for them. Maybe I haven't met the right cat, but I've met some terrible ones so far to make me pass on getting anything more than a dog for now.

    "I hate independent wild creatures, I want one that worships and obeys me like a god".


    I've personally never seen the point in keeping dogs indoors when they need space and it's not hygienic either.

  14. 9 hours ago, lichtlune said:

    If that many people want to see what's inside why not? American people have the right to know what's inside. They have the right to know what their government is hiding from them. IMO. If anybody actually gets killed at this event that only shows what we should have all already known about our authoritarian government. 

    That obsession with rights is such a 'Murican thing lol 


    Also, authoritarian goverment? Lol


    It's a military base that most likely has nothing to do with aliens, just leave it the fuck alone.

    And considering how fucked up is society nowadays with social media and current technology, I do not think we were ready for MANY things we have today and definitely not ready for more.

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