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Posts posted by Komorebi

  1. 39 minutes ago, Doesn'tEvenGoHere said:

    I figure the goal for protective fans is to have their band have a following that's just large enough to keep activities going without having them become too popular. 

    Can't blame those intentions, I'd hate to have to enter a lottery to even see if there's room for me at the damn venue.

  2. 9 hours ago, Doesn'tEvenGoHere said:

    And what's up with their obsession with Atsushi Sakurai? Nothing against Buck Tick, but Latin American fans seem to think he's god's gift to women. 

    I have NO idea why they worship him so much. Fans here are way more into the old school popular bands and diss post-2010 vk a lot. There's a 2000+ people group for Jrock fans in Chile and 80% of the posts are about Hyde, B-T, Gackt and popular Jrock stuff. The people really into obscure old VK bands or the newer scene are a niche within a niche.

    5 hours ago, hotcocoa said:

    From time to time I have problems with fans who see other fans of the same member as 'rivals' and are interested romantically

    A gya I get along with goes with me to lives and events of two different bands and for one band we have the same favorite member and for the other one we don't. She asked me once if she was ok with us liking the same member for band A and seemed surprised when I said I was, and then said "if you liked my honmei (her fave from band B ) we wouldn't be friends". They are super intense, but I've never had a real problem with a fan, probably because I only go occasionally on vacation.

    14 hours ago, Duwang said:

    This happens to me quite often. I don't think they care as long as you don't bother them.

    It felt stalkerish since it was after the live. They seemed more surprised than annoyed, but I'm not great at reading people so idk.


    I'm generally get along really well with girls who are into the bands I like, no matter where they are, I don't see them as competition, what is there to compete for? Giving a band their well deserved support?
    What I hate and don't even try to hide is girls being way into the members of the bands I like and not even liking the music (like when I tried discussing a Morrigan album with some friends and they kept going back to Aryu's look). Or girls who get creepy/disrespectful on IG comments and claim it's ok because they don't understand the language. I don't see as much toxicity on Twitter as I see on FB and IG tbh, or maybe I just follow less VK fans on Twitter.

  3. 1 hour ago, Triangle said:

    I haven’t seen that many people claiming that their bandomen are gods (although let’s face it, Tatsuro can pretty much be one for all I know hahaha). 

    I like calling myself a stan, even though I stan a bunch of bands and idols and whatever 😂. I don’t seriously think that my faves are the best and yours suck, in fact I’m open to love and stan  more bands. In my opinion, the term “stan” is used for when you love a band so much that their music makes you happy, even if you’re going to their lives or not. I think it has lost its original negative meaning long time ago. 

    I second this.

    1 hour ago, JRD said:

    I feel like I'm being called out by this thread. Stanning a band is basically you devoting yourself to them(in my case) supporting the fuck out of them because you love their work and what they do. 

    I feel so called out too :C

    1 hour ago, JRD said:

    Like if you are basically stalking the band like demachi or irimachi, then you're on another level that's not stanning. 

    I've heard some bands don't mind much, I guess it depends on the band and the type of event.  I did demachi once with friends in Japan for a band they knew well and the vocal approached us and asked us to buy him an energy drink .____. I felt used lol
    I also ran into my faves at a conbini after a live and I felt awful, even though it was an accident 😕

    Edit: Hyde stans are WILD in Latin America, go say he looks old on his latest selfie and they'll insult you, your mother, your dog and even your coworkers.
    Also; troll gazette stans who are a weird breed who will also insult you to no end if you suggest harrassing their accounts with gross troll-like questions is wrong, and god forbid you aren't meming the shit out of them 24/7.

  4. 23 hours ago, secret_no_03 said:

    Serious question, as someone whose never had gauges or a bunch of piercings like these guys. Will the skin just go back to normal when they decide to get rid of them in 5-10 years or will Uta's face just be full of holes and Mio's ears be fucked for good? It's always interesting trying to figure out what these guys are thinking when they do these kinds of things, like did you really do it just to be different in VK or is this something you're legit into and if so, what inspired you to go to what could be considered an extreme degree.

    AK from lynch. used to have a lip piercing forever ago and you can still see the scar. I think Aoi's can be seen too, but I haven't paid attention.
    Zyean from JLK had more piercing too and you can tell on untouched photos.

    I mean, if it's a piercing or two it isn't very noticeable unless you are paying attention, but if half your face was covered by them then idk. Maybe it depends on how long you had the piercing for, since some take a long-ish time to fully heal.

  5. I usually dress very goth/VK when I travel to Japan, but I have no tattoos, so other than getting weird looks I haven't been bothered about it. The single incident that comes to mind was when a friend and I were waiting around for a band in Kabukichou and since we were just standing around a corner for a while a man that seemed like the average salariman approached me to ask if we were "night workers" and then requested my work visa. I said we were tourists and pulled out my passport and he went "oh, ok, sorry" and left us be. Since he asked for the visa and all I though he was an undercover cop fishing for illegal prostitutes (or a very concerned customer).

    Tbh the whole situation was really funny, it's what I get for wearing fishnets and corsets there.

  6. 43 minutes ago, Masato said:

    Just be aware that it's a bit difficult contract-wise and many people get stuck in situations that are not optimal (no pension scheme etc.).

    So for a year or two, have fun! Otherwise think twice if that is really what you want to do with your life. Especially if teaching was not your dream to begin with.

    I'm a translator, so weird contracts with no pension are the norm for my field of work lol
    I hate teaching, but I want to move to Japan to become fluent and attain the required level to actually work as a translator later. I did the equivalent to eikawa in Chile for four years while I was in college and survived, I guess I can do it again for the sake of a better goal.


    I'm still thinking I should have majored in IT lol

  7. On 6/13/2019 at 6:03 AM, Masato said:

    I would suggest you get some other skills and go for a "normal" job instead

    That works well for engineering or IT, not for every career :(


    I'm applying for Eikawa simply because it's practically the only thing that will sponsor me a visa being from a non-native country with 0 options to attain the required level of Japanese to apply for something else without being already in Japan.

  8. 4 hours ago, chemicalpictures said:

    The sooner japanese bands understand that and adopt stream the way they should, the better for everyone.

    I hope they don't. I hate music streaming and I love the concept of buying physical releases, with all the bonuses included, and attending instores. I don't  want to have to pay three or four times what I'm paying for my cellphone plan just because listening to music now is sucking up my data too.

    Besides all that was mentioned, recording and studio time expensive and I guess smaller bands can afford more easily to start off with singles and EPs and grow from there. Newbie bands like Nazare can afford to release full albums because they record them in their drummer's bedroom.

  9. 14 hours ago, Doesn'tEvenGoHere said:

    By infidelity, I thought it was going to be one of those cases where a member is working on another project/ with another band on the side without their initial band's knowledge or approval. But this case scenario actually makes a lot more sense. 

    I thought the same lol

  10. 2 hours ago, nullmoon said:

    The Gazette's Toxic album. Everyone hates on it but I think it's one of their better ones XD 

    Agreed, Toxic is really good.

    1 hour ago, Takato said:

    TODAY by DEZERT (it wasn't so bad)

    I enjoyed it every song on it and I don't know if I can say the same for all their albums.


  11. Most people in Chile have known me as Tsuki for ages, and a few others as Zakuro. I go by Komorebi over here and I use Kagura on some social media since it's closer in meaning to my real name.
    If I played in a band I'd probably use either Kagura or Zakuro :P

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