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Posts posted by Komorebi

  1. On 7/5/2019 at 10:10 AM, nekkichi said:

    I have one question for practicing Christian locals I lowkey want to see answered, so how do y'all cope with inherently luciferian nature of visual kei that penetrates every aspect of it since day 1?

    Considering VK stems from Japanese culture, which has very little Christian influence, I do not see how it is 'inherently luciferian" in a scene that hasn't replicated in any Christian country.

  2. On 7/4/2019 at 10:24 AM, 123Sandman321 said:

    All the verses sound the exact same in each of the new songs, stale riffs and "tired" drumming. Sure it's fast and heavy, but without a hint of creativity, plus the only difference between each breakdown is the BPM. The new guys had a wonderful chance to show off and do something new and fresh, but no, let's recycle the old shit, but with musicians who can't keep up and lack the same compositional prowess.

    Pretty much this. I went through the album at least three times and I got so bored.

  3. On 7/7/2019 at 4:08 AM, Yukami said:

    vo.悠樹(Yu-ki) & gt.雲雀(Hibari) have announced that there will be something "good" on August 20.

    One-day revival? New session band? NEW BAND? We will have to wait a few days... The hype is real! :D 


  4. It had to be said, thanks Masato.

    I used to stan the hell out of Hyde but let's be real, he's not that sexy anymore and I can't understand why there's still so many girls in their 20's claiming he still looks "young and fresh" and "sexy". Same with many others his age. Sis, no. What kind of daddy issues are you working through?

  5. Why are y'all so upset about this thread? You can all ignore it. It's not like no one posts random shit here, people come and cry about their failed relationships all the time and no one bats an eye about those "boohoo my ex left me" threads. There's no specific rule on the forum about political discussions so I don't really see the problem. Y'all can just ignore the threads you aren't interested in instead of making a fuss about them. Or then rewrite the rules or something, idk. Go post about VK to balance it out.


    To secret: yeah, the religious post was fun and insightful as a few others that had real substance, but just posting a link or a youtube video and expecting discussion to take off in a healthy manner is not the way to go either, this isn't your FB newsfeed. I advise to either restrain from it or at least provide a richer starting point for a conversation to make it interesting. Otherwise it looks like cheap clickbait and I can see why users get upset. 

  6. 10 hours ago, Euronymous said:

    currently i've been thinking with myself: it's so easy to be an atheist,i mean...just like a russian philosopher called Dostoiévski said "if god does not exist everything is permitted". What could be more liberating than that?no god,no judgement,no reckoning day,no heaven,no hell...If you die,you'll be gone,end of history,that's it. that would be just perfect.

    Funny, my mom says that a lot. That most atheists just rebelled against a religious upbringing to be free of any kind of moral responsibility. I gotta say she doesn't have it all wrong and after some personal experience, I agree to some extent. People nowadays DO look for rights and avoid duties in any aspect of life. They don't want the constraints of a committed relationship, of children, and of course, a God/Religion/spiritual belief.
    However, the personal search for a spiritual life is inherent to human beings, and as it can be seen in this very thread, even proclaimed atheists say they are "considering switching to this and that". Are they atheists because they truly do not believe in anything spiritual or are they just rejecting the religions they know (and their inconvenient constraints)? If they truly are atheists and deny the existence of gods, why are they still searching for "something" spiritual? I might have a wrong definition of atheism, feel free to correct me, but I was under the impression/knowledge that they deny spirituality altogether.

    10 hours ago, colorful人生 said:

    Now, I understand the issues with Abrahamic religions that have a central figure that dictates any and all reasoning, but religion itself was inevitable. We can't help but question who we are and what our purpose is, and in many ways religion provides that stability and comfort in the face of uncertainty. Our path to the sciences was not without religion, so I give credit where credit is due. While I can certainly say I'm past religion at this point, I'm not opposed to others practicing as long as their practices don't become hurtful for forceful..

    This goes back to what I said above, religion is natural, inevitable, and a part of what makes us human.
    And they do provide a lot of comfort for many people. Abolishing religions is as selfish as imposing them.

    6 hours ago, Himeaimichu said:

    Essentially, I believe all religions have some truth to extent

    Same, if we look into them they all have common points and even common reasoning and rules.

    6 hours ago, Himeaimichu said:

    However, I also keep myself a little agnostic, just to be safe.


    1 hour ago, platy said:

    I don't believe in any human notion of a god, but I'm open to the idea of a higher universal force. I was raised Christian and what I hated the most was being dragged to church.

    These two pretty much sum up my current relationship with God/religion.

    1 hour ago, platy said:

    I used to pray everyday in my early teens,  when I realised I did it out of fear, I was freed. Worship out of fear of punishment just doesn't make sense

    I felt that too and I went through a phase of spiritual rebellion and felt free indeed... and now somehow I've gone back to praying occasionally and even stepping into a church every once in a while, mostly when I want to thank whoever is up there for the good things life keeps giving me. If there is indeed a higher power giving away 30 minutes to give thanks and listen to a couple of readings isn't bad. I feel as free as ever for doing so.

    1 hour ago, platy said:

    The teachings at heart are good, but humans of course, shit all over it. That's why churches are cesspools for some of the worst scum on Earth, its the easiest way to manipulate and use poor people who use faith to survive.

    Yeah, I agree once again. My "issue" is not with God himself, but with mankind and the way they have twisted and defiled every form of organized religion, which may be really good natured at heart, but humans aren't always so. This is also another reason why I could never call myself an atheist, or attempt to be one. I can't blame a god for what people do in his name, especially with the strong concept of free will present in many religions.


    I was raised a Roman Catholic, in a very strictly religious household, went to Catholic school as well as to church every Sunday and special required dates and I started questioning all of it at a rather early age. What I am somewhat grateful for is that my family is not only religious but also most have studied Philosophy/Theology and those who haven't majored formally in it take intense courses on those matters constantly, so whenever I questioned something what I got wasn't always a "because God/the Bible says so" (I did from my not-so-educated mom) but actual explanations, interpretations, teachings and tools that encouraged me to think a bit more about religion instead of blindly accepting whatever without question. It is also a reason why I have a degree of respect for my family's choice of a religious life and while I do not want it for myself and I do not agree with many personal views, they have been very open to many discussions and I have even brought topics such as homosexuality and gender identity into discussion with neutral and positive results (my mother now lowkey advocated for same sex marriage), so if they are willing to open up to certain topics and at least let me explain some of my worldviews, then who am I to shit on their belief and lifestyle under their own roofs?


    So yeah, I sometimes go to church when I visit for the weekend, mostly to ease my mother's concern about my soul and show respect for her lifestyle, despite not following it myself. I do believe in a higher power, but I'm not really comfortable with the Catholic church as an institution due to its current state (I think no one here is). I'm very curious about Buddhism as a lifestyle, but educating myself and following an Asian religion in a deeply Catholic country is pretty hard and I haven't felt the strong spiritual need to yet.
    As for the Bible itself, I take the Old Testament as any other religious mythology. What matters the most for Catholics is the new testament and the teaching there is love thy neighbor and God and that's about it. You also have to consider many things in the Old Testament were written as laws and whatnot for a primitive civilization to abide to in order to strive, and the best way to get people to abide to stuff such as "don't steal or lust after your pal's wife" was with the underlying religious threat. But take it like what it is; a very old set of rules for a primitive-ish civilization. Idk why Christian groups still take everything there so seriously.


    PS: I'm not sure how protestant branches of Christianity teach science in the Northern Hemisphere, but being educated in a strictly Opus Dei school, we were never denied scientific knowledge, evolution, or any other learning tool. The only single point where the Catholic Church formally disagrees with evolution is the fact that man evolved from apes, due to the soul issue, mainly. But I've never seen them deny science or take the Old Testament literally.

  7. There's lots of rumors of Hyde and Tetsu hating each other's guts + Ken some joke at a TV show with a Kpop group (T-ara or Kara, idk which) about how they got along at the beginning and now they can't stand each other (sometime around 2011/2012). It is been sort of confirmed the bandmembers have no contact with each other and management even has to set separate recording schedules so they won't cross each other's paths.
    Also, apparently Kaz and Hyde had some sort of beef that lead to Vamps suddenly going on hiatus with the latter resuming a solo career, without Kaz this time.

  8. 2 hours ago, spockitty said:

    Did you really just compare feminism to nazism?

    At no point in history did nazism have a shred of positive ideology behind it. Communism is on the other spectrum of very radical ideals, which over the years literally caused the death of thousands. This is an entirely different conversation that in my opinion has no place in this topic.

    Well, I've personally seen and heard feminists advocate for the abortion of male fetuses for the only sin of being male. I don't see how that is different from nazism.

  9. 8 minutes ago, ゼロ(*´з`) said:

    the final live should be today. god, i'm so sad i wasn't able to get any of their merch. T_T
    i hope people tweet about the final live.

    Don't they have an online store?

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