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Posts posted by Komorebi

  1. On 8/4/2019 at 4:33 AM, FOSCOR70 said:

    Females are all 'kyaa!' 'kyaa!' and they like to gossip.

    Most males seems bi so they all are also 'kyaa!' 'kyaa!' and they like to gossip.

    the few straight ones we have likes to listens to heavy bands and keep silent while laughing at the peeps who participate in the vk drama that actually only involves the western fangirls and bi's destroying their keyboards.

    In my experience in life in general, men like to gossip as much, if not more, than woman.

    And moderate gossiping strengthens social bonds and its good for your mental health lol

  2. 12 hours ago, Masato said:

    But hey! This time you don't even need to consult the raccoon for the drama! 😂

    It's all out there in the open!

    So much for you guys always asking "why did xyz leave the band?"


    Some things are better left private.

    Who's complaining :P I'm loving this shit show, can't wait for the diss tracks to drop.

  3. A dragon. Hands down. 


    And I'd also have a snow leopard, a snake and a fruit bat.


    I had a crocodile for a few days, it'a a funny story. My dad went to Panama with some classmates when he was in the Navy academy and the locals gifted them a baby crocodile. Or alligator. And they though it was a great idea to take it with them and keep it hidden on one of the ship's bathtubs. Then my dad brought it home and of course my mom told him to get rid of him so it ended up in the giant aquarium of a nighclub called "the crocodile" until agricultural services confiscated it. 

  4. 29 minutes ago, secret_no_03 said:

    It used to be that women were wholesome and had some class, but complained about being objectified, skip ahead ten years and now it's all out there, but they're saying that it's "empowering" and it's about freedom of sexual expression and all that jazz "free the nipple", "you're slut shaming" and women wonder why they're harassed at conventions to tie back to the previous topic when their tits are about to pop out and their asses are hanging out. You can't have it both ways. Most women have sense and know this, but there's plenty who think that they're entitled to dress and act like a whore and not have anyone look at them; obviously touching someone without their permission is awful, but if you're half naked and there's a gaggle of men (and women at times) following you around and you feel uncomfortable, you brought that upon yourself.

    I agree, if they are uncomfortable about people looking why overshow.

    27 minutes ago, Gesu said:

    I agree that it's ridiculous for someone to think people finding them attractive is sexual harassment but it's not very nice to call them whores, or at least to say they're dressing/acting like whores just because they wear short skirts or whatever. 

    I'm not sure how to explain it with words but... there's a slight difference between wearing short skirts/shorts and showing cleavage and "dressing like a whore" and I'd say it ultimately depends on your overall demeanor, body language and the "taste" of the garments you are wearing.
    In my personal experience, I've never been called a whore (that I know of) for wearing outfits on the sexy side and showing some (or quite a lot of) skin, probably because my behavior remains... ladylike? graceful? Whereas I see other girls wearing the same outfits accompanied with behaviors that make you wonder if she's trying to pick up a guy or two.


    The "she had it coming" is something I feel sometimes applies. I have a former friend who was, allegedly, assaulted by a guy a while ago and this is how it went down: he made his sexual intentions very clear from the beginning, she wasn't interested in sex but went out with him repeatedly for the free food and all that. She told me once she was spending the night at his place, to which I advised against and she did it anyway. She willingly got herself into the bed of a man whom SHE KNEW wanted sex, to whom she repeatedly told "maybe later" because a straight rejection would mean no more free food, and expected him not to touch her in any way? Some girls DO like to tempt a little too much and cry wolf later and while they do not deserve to be assaulted under any circumstance, they do share the responsibility for disregarding their own safety like that.

  5. 29 minutes ago, spockitty said:

    but also, why use plates when you can eat out of a pot? it's just more dishes to wash later ya know?

    Two main motives. Taking the pot to bed is too much and I have to get up to return it later since it doesn't fit in my nightstand.
    Whenever I want toast it's hard to chose were the fuck I'll put it so I can eat it in bed watching TV.

  6. On 7/31/2019 at 3:30 AM, platy said:

     A lot of people seem to think that possession and control of your significant other is a sign of love, but I disagree (unless of course you have agreed to these dynamics). Your partner shouldn't demand to know who you're with/where you are at all times, or demand to have access to your phone and computer. They shouldn't be dictating which friendships you cut out or keep. A healthy relationship is one where both people can be themselves without fear of judgement. One where you or the things you like won't be put down and minimised, instead you can learn from each other. There's a constant open dialogue and you can both express your feelings freely without fear of retaliation in the form of petty or abusive behavior, you'll work through any problems that arise together. But expecting your partner to be your everything and heal all your issues is a slippery slope. They're there to support you in becoming the best version of yourself, not be your savior. It's a give and take. Honestly, communication is so important but so overlooked. I could write an essay on this, but to me those are the basics of a healthy relationship.

    This. But I'll add that when friends have no respect for their friend's partner and cross the line several times without them seeing, the partner has every right to ask their significant other to cut back on that friendship/put some healthy distance for the sake of their relationship. Part of being a good partner is not allowing your friends to flirt with you or be disrespectful and make your partner uncomfortable.

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