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Posts posted by Saishu

  1. 9 hours ago, geist said:

    I definitely agree. "Rubbish Heap" sounds like a GazettE title.

    Well, it’s pretty much the same thing as “stacked rubbish”.


    I am not expecting any massive epics on this thing, but I’d be lying if I didn’t say I’ve been wishing for these fuckers to just go full on progressive post-rock since Arche. BUT the last two singles tell me to not hold my breath. 


    It’s just... look, younger bands (with more capable drummers) like Dimlim and Kizu are out there killing the heavy prog metalcore shit. I want DEG to chill. 

  2. 5 hours ago, Seelentau said:

    Thanks for the constructive criticism and alternate translations, guys. Appreciate it! :)


    But now that I have more time, let me revise the names:

    • 軽蔑 means "scorn", "disdain" or "contempt". と can mean either "and" or "with". I decided to go with the latter on a whim, maybe because it's the first track and 始まり means "origin" or "beginning". So, "Beginning With Contempt". Could also mean "Contempt and Beginning", but that sounds weird.
    • 人間を被る is "Wearing Human", but because of their tour title "Wearing Human Skin", I decided to translate it as that, to keep it more official. 被る also means "to bear a burden", so the title could also be understood as "Bearing the burden of mankind".
    • 詩踏み isn't "Poetry Rhyming", but "Poetry Trampling". I forgot to change it on the wiki and copied it from there. The latter kanji possibly refers to 踏み絵, tablets with Christian images, on which Edo-period authorities forced suspected Christians to trample.
    • 赫 is a rather rare Kanji, comprised of the Kanji for "red" times two. It's used in a variant of "kagayaku", which means "to shine", and you might know if from Tokyo Ghoul, where it's used in the word "Kagune". But with the reading "aka", it's (apparently) really uncommon.
    • 谿壑の欲 comes from a Japanese saying that desires aren't satisfied if they happen one after another. The actual saying is written as 渓壑の欲 and translates to something like "Desire of Ravines".
    • 絶縁体 means "Insulator" (https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/絶縁体), but I suppose the deeper meaning would be along the lines of someone isolates themselves from humans. Something like that.


    So, if you guys want to criticise something, please don't do it like those two. That doesn't help anyone.

    Chill dawg

  3. Damn. 


    This is good stuff! I kept hearing the name but never took the time to check them out, now I need to listen to other tracks. 


    And... look, I hate to beat a dead horse, but it’s crazy how these young bands like Dimlim and Kizu have a clear DEG influence without sounding like blatant dollar store ripoffs like other older and established acts. 

  4. 8 hours ago, emmny said:

    tbh the guy doing the thirteen's support from awoi is pretty fit for this


    i think they should get a non-vk drummer though, yusuke's appeal for me was the fact that he drummed more like a metalcore drummer than a yoshiki fanboy

    Also why I like Dimlim’s new drummer. 

  5. 16 hours ago, FOSCOR70 said:

    i just saw a dadaroma pv and there was some comment saying Yoshiatsu was gay...im a dadaroma fan..idk if its true or not that why im curious..and  though it wont really matter but i still wanna know and then another day when i was looking at some random mejibray videos on youtube,i saw the lead singer tsuzuku and guitarist mia kissing each other and i was like wtf....arent they both guys?  so im now confused and curios and i think its natural to wanting to know more about the people you listen to almost everyday 😜

    That’s called fan service. 

  6. Dystonia blows, but hopefully treatment will help manage it and maybe it’ll even go  into remission. 


    Dadaroma will come back with a new drummer. There are a lot of talented musicians out there and I’m sure they’ll find someone that fits. Not really a fan, but Oboreru Sakana is a banger. 

  7. 1 hour ago, nullmoon said:


    This is why I can't comprehend people disliking Toxic. 

    I just don’t like a majority of the songs. Maybe five of them actually stand out. 

  8. 8 hours ago, Zeus said:

    If this was intentional, then perhaps I will be eating my words in a few week and saying it's better than I gave it credit for. One little quibble I have is that the song fades out too fast before it cuts to the title card and the rest of the episode, as if the song faded out naturally and then someone added another fade out on top of it.  I'll revisit my feelings at the end of the season and see where I stand on it.

    There’s probably another section there, but it starts too soon for them to do a slower fade out. 

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