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Posts posted by Saishu

  1. Ruki is consistent and can definitely deliver live, but as I’ve said before I feel like he recycles his melodies a lot. So, I mean, he’s a great performer, but he gets a bit stale sometimes. Even his songwriting seems to repeat himself. Unfinished sounds like another version of Shiver and Ibitsu (but I’m only assuming he wrote Unfinished). 

  2. On 6/13/2018 at 12:38 PM, geist said:

    Awesome, thanks for the clarification. Japanese is certainly a fun language and for new speakers like myself, I find myself sometimes playing a guessing game over things like this. 

    Lol, Ruki whispers “bero” at the beginning. I just noticed. 

  3. Yeah, Babylon’s Taboo sounds like it could have been written by any number of western nu metal bands in the early ‘00s. 


    Ninth is really strange. Like I said, I don’t necessarily like it more than Dogma, but I’ve listened to it more in the past two days than I did when Dogma first came out. The variety in the tracks and shorter run time are huge positives here, as Dogma being a heavy slog for 50 minutes straight didn’t always sit well. Real problem is there’s nothing on Ninth that even approaches songs like Dogma or Undying in terms of composition.  And yeah, Ruki’s lack of creativity is a downer. 


    Nice to hear Reita again (he got buried in Dogma) and Kai is a fucking beast!

  4. It’s muddy in my Sennheiser earbuds and it’s muddy in my car. Abhor God is the absolute worst because none of the instruments are given any room to breathe. Sounds like the typical overcompressed stuff we’ve been getting from DEG the last six years. 

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