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Posts posted by Saishu

  1. I think it was Kaoru that said Shinya is stubborn. Considering he hasn’t changed his look and keeps playing the same fills and patterns the last few years, Kaoru wasn’t fucking lying. 


    Mika is the shit though. 

  2. There’s always a single that makes someone think DEG has “lost it”. I mean, considering Utafumi preceded this it makes a little more sense, but I also don’t think singles have been their strongest suit in recent years. Well, Rinkaku is the shit, but yeah. 

  3. I forgot this is pretty much the only place where you can say 2011-2013 were the most lackluster years for Gazette without stans getting all weird and defensive. 



  4. Ningen liner notes say he’s the keyboardist and manipulator. Listed as programmer as far back as the Age Quod Agis tour. He’s not credited for anything in the Uroboros at Nippon Budokan DVD unless I missed it. 


    I’m guessing he actually plays piano parts and triggers other effects as well. Still waiting for DEG to play with an actual orchestra though. Enough with the synthesizer shit!


    Anyway, predicting one more single with the new version of Mazohyst and a burps and farts remix of Ningen as b-sides. You heard it here first. 


  5. So the TAKUMI listed as DEG’s live keyboardist is the same as the one in Sukekiyo, yes? Only reason I ask is because his name isn’t written in kanji. 

  6. 7 hours ago, nekkichi said:

    send them here x

    Don’t think I haven’t considered it. 


    There’s one that thinks DEG is just the tops at everything they do and pushes Decayed Crow like a mutherfucker. We’ve had words, lol. 

  7. For some reason DEG has become the go to band for Youtube reaction channels, and there’s always like the same five people leaving comments in all of them. It’s strange. 

  8. 3 hours ago, Seimeisen said:

    Exactly! I didn't mind the sound/production of THE UNRAVELING because it was like a 'cleaner' DSS. ARCHE sounded too much like UNRAVELING but even more compressed, so I wasn't pleased. And if these two singles indicate anything, it's that we're in for an ARCHE II. I like 人間を被る as an ARCHE/UNRAVELING leftover, but I hope the album version is different, and I hope my "ARCHE II" prediction is false.

    My guess is that the singles will sound worse like always. Different Sense is the only recent single that they didn’t touch for the album version. 

  9. I wouldn’t say this is their worst single. Taiyou no Ao and Child Prey are pretty bad. 


    What bugs me about DEG’s production is that everything has sounded the same post DSS. Every DEG album has a particular sound, but starting with Rinkaku up until now, they seem stuck on everything sounding like this compressed wall of noise. Kaishun could have been absolutely gorgeous if it were treated with delicately, but it’s just as fucking loud as Uroko and Midwife. Listen to the Ash remake and how the first part of the solo takes on a softer acoustic tone, yet it’s still loud as hell. Absolutely no dynamics, which completely destroys the impact of the following heavy section. 


    These fuckers are in their 40s now. Time to go analog or something. 

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