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Posts posted by Saishu

  1. 16 hours ago, -NOVA- said:

    I mean its an anime intro, my guess is they asked for a certain style a long with other requirements so this is what he came up with.

    Its sounds okay but id have to hear the full version to make a final decision. 

    Im sure if he had full liberty to make what ever he wanted it would have been different. 

    Even if that’s the case, being tied down to a specific style doesn’t mean you can’t write a good song. 

  2. The studs seemed like typical Nagoya stuff for the most part (or typical aie stuff I should say), but it was Daisuke’s wildly incongruous voice that kept the band from being truly great in my eyes. 


    That and I feel like alansmithee was mostly forgettable. 

  3. I mean, shit, I saw them play Ugly and Amber in New York back in 2009. I believe they busted out Schwein no Isu and Akuro no Oka a couple nights before that. 

  4. 18 minutes ago, saiko said:

    Can you really hate the songs that made you popular, and still surivive in the ears of everyone as anthems? 

    Yeah, bands do it all the time. Besides, isn’t Withering to Death their most popular/successful album in terms of Oricon charts and fan response?

  5. Ah, I see now. Yeah, I think that’s pretty common for a lot of bands. DEG encores tend to feature a handful of songs that don’t rotate much. 


    Metallica is super guilty of this. I think they’ve been playing the same setlist for about two decades now, regardless of what the new album is. 

  6. Well yeah, indies Gazette was different, but I feel like there hasn’t really been a significant change since NIL. Even as they’ve gotten heavier, the songwriting still generally follows a very specific formula. Dogma was a slight departure, but only because it was heavy and aggressive for a vast majority of the album. 

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