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Posts posted by Saishu

  1. Still think DEG should go analog prog rock and Kyo should primarily stick to his low-to-mid range with the occasional falsetto for color. Like I said, fucking reign that shit in fellas. Try to age gracefully 

  2. 3 hours ago, VESSMIER said:

    See, that's the thing I was hinting at. I think that nobody really cares THAT someone does(n't) like it. That's not interesting, you can't really talk about that (except for that little passive aggressive "DEG SUCKS" circlejerk on every page of this thread). It's far more interesting to talk about WHY someone does(n't) like it.


    I don't know how much thought or effort went into this image but it's full of symbols either way. And these symbols can be read and since they are thematically/semantically pretty consistent, they can be combined into a narrative or message. If that message is exactly what the dude(s) who made it had in mind doesn't really matter, does it? Things mean different things to different people. That's kinda the beauty of art, right?

    What do you expect when you drop four paragraphs of pretentious interpretations, then insert an edit insulting everyone for not discussing an album cover more seriously? 

  3. 35 minutes ago, Seelentau said:

    Would be cool if it's some kinda glitter cover that does weird optical illusions when you move it.

    But they haven't done glittery shit since Taiyou, so I don't expect too much.

    That’s what I’m saying. Something this goddamn ugly needs to do some crazy Tool shit like a lenticular cover or have stereoscopic 3D glasses built into the packaging. 


    Years of dark, muted colors to this. It almost looks like a CGI render of the Glass Skin cover. 

  4. I put Vacant Image in front and Un Deux at the end. I like ending Arche with a positive song, and the final chords ringing and fading out are perfect. 



  5. 22 minutes ago, blacktooth said:


    I always rearrange the track listings on my Deg albums and swap in the single mixes. Tweak Arche a bit and it actually has somewhat of a flow. 

    Same here. I put the single versions of Lotus and Hageshisa on DSS, and the Japanese versions of Glass Skin and Dozing Green on the original release of Uroboros. They didn’t muck with Rinkaku and Sustain too much so I left them as is, but I completely rearranged the track sequence. I tried to go for an old school A and B side feel with And Zero splitting the two sides. Though lately I’m about ready to remove Midwife entirely. It’s not even heavy, it’s just goofy as fuck with all that ridiculous atonal/dissonant shit. 

  6. 8 minutes ago, saiko said:

    Sadly true. But fuck them, Garden is awesome. They really made up something very genuine with one of the most cliché formula of the 90s scene.

    Eh, I mean I like Garden and all, but it was so typical ‘90s VK right down to the section with palm muted/delayed guitars and the PV filmed in the woods. Kiri to Mayu has always been the standout track for me on Missa. 

  7. 15 minutes ago, rekzer said:

    I couldn't stand the crying dolphin on the version with Sugizo

    Sugizo is a bit of a one trick pony on the violin, isn’t he?


    I think it was lame because it was just Sugizo playing over the album track. I think an acoustic version would have been better. 

  8. 21 minutes ago, blacktooth said:

    Love the disco ball. Zakuro's one of my favorite lives of theirs.

    Where are the tear-your-heart-out emotional ballads in the new material, DEG?

    Tousei and Kaishun?

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