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Posts posted by Saishu

  1. When I rearranged the track order for Arche I put And Zero in the middle, but I was going for an old school LP vibe with a distinct side A and side B. I used And Zero to represent the break. 


    Otherwise, And Zero should have openened the album followed by Vacant Image. 

  2. 12 minutes ago, AverageS said:

    It still baffles me that and Zero and Tefu Tefu are only bonus tracks...

    They both could have fit without breaking the 80 minute limit, but I guess they thought 18 tracks would be overkill. And they’re obviously not throwaway tracks because they’ve played them live. 

  3. Chedoara really works best when listened to as a whole. Maybe less than half the tracks can be played on their own, but stuff like Ambitious Principles and Mad [K] work better when you take in the whole album. I appreciate the SEs a lot more with headphones on. 

  4. The multi-type release thing specifically feels like a bit of a rip off with DEG because they rarely offer anything you haven’t heard before. It was shocking that Arche actually had two extra tracks that were original compositions. The rest of that shit where they just plaster Kyo’s vocal track over a remix or what have you needs to stop. It’s so lazy. 


    That unplugged version of The Final on Unraveling pisses me off. The instrumental sounds like it belongs in a Tim Burton movie. 

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