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Posts posted by Saishu

  1. 33 minutes ago, blacktooth said:

    He doesn't show off his tattoos so much anymore, which is a big shift.


    Uroboros era was a great look all around with the mandatory wallet chains and Toshiya in general.


    Toshiya looks like he walked off the the set of a gangsta rap video circa 1995. Why is Kyo’s belt around his knees?

  2. 1 hour ago, Tanishi said:

    What I don't understand is how small bands like DOF and Dimlim can have much better mastering for their records then one of the biggest bands in the scene.

    I would imagine it has little do with how big or small a band is and everything to do with what they want. Half of Metallica’s albums sound like shit, and they’re one of the biggest bands in the world. 

  3. Literally just now hearing about rape allegations towards Kyo and Daisuke, but I do remember someone talking about a select group of dudes (Kyo, Daisuke, Tatsurou, a few others) that participated in questionable behavior. 


    But there’s no doubt people just have it out for Kisaki. Of course his tax evasion bullshit and overall garbage approach to making money warrants the negative attention. But a few months back there was a “bad boys of VK poll/thread” and last I remember Kisaki was coming out on top over dudes that assaulted women. At the time, all we knew was about Kisaki’s poor business practices, but somehow he was getting more bad boy votes than Wataru, a guy that straight up fucking choked a woman. That has to be a case of serious blind fanaticism when assualt doesn’t register on your radar. 

  4. The Ian Watkins comparison crossed my mind too. 


    No more flippant jokes about what a scam artist Kisaki is, he’s straight up a piece of walking dog shit and it’s not funny anymore. 

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