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Posts posted by Saishu

  1. I haven’t listened to the original mix of Uroboros in years, and I’m doing that right now. I can say that what Tue Madsen seemed to concentrate on was pushing Kyo more to the front, but he also removed a lot of the low end of everything else. He kind of nerfed Toshiya’s bass tone, and the hard planning of Kaoru’s and Die’s guitars seems to be less prominent. In the end he somehow managed to make a cleaner mix that sounds messier. Props for bringing out that extra percussion in Ware, Yami Tote though?


    But fuck that  snare sound in the original mix of Red Soil. Sounds like Shinya is smacking tin foil. 

  2. 1 hour ago, kuyashii said:

    Like the live performances of "Uyuu no Sora" for Sukekiyo? Those are really cool! They remind me of the improvisations King Crimson does live.

    I was thinking more like taking an existing song and adding a new section to it. They used to do it at the end of Mask where they would break to let everyone do a quick little solo. There’s also the new intro they added to Reiketsu Nariseba. Stuff like that. 


    I mean, I sort of always wished they added a new jam in Shitataru Mourou. Stop for a bit after the second chorus and come back in with a different groove before returning to finish it out properly. I’m not expecting Mars Volta levels extended jams here, just something to break up the familiarity. 

  3. I sometimes wish the rest of the band would get a little improvisational. Kyo is doing whatever the fuck he wants while the other guys are practically jukeboxes. Die seems to the only one that would add extra color here and there. Sometimes Toshiya would throw in a different bass run, but for the most part they played the songs straight. Can these guys jam once in a while?

  4. I’m thinking back to how Dozing Green wasn’t given a different mix for Uroboros and wondering how that happened. It straight up sounded like it didn’t belong on the album. 

  5. 41 minutes ago, saiko said:

    Sukekiyo is how Dir should have started sounding like since years ago...

    Very promising clip, btw. They really need to recover from that garbage they called "Utafumi".

    I’ve said this. I wish DEG would delve deeper into a more progressive/post-rock sound and ditch the BOOGA BOOGA FOOCHA stuff. Things have gotten a bit stale in that department. 


    But, you know, Kaoru. 

  6. 2 hours ago, Manji 卍 said:

    we just need more DeG songs as anime themes



    Or better DEG songs. 


    Also what was that movie that had a bunch of DEG songs in the soundtrack. Some super stylized martial arts film I think. 

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