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Posts posted by Saishu

  1. 2 hours ago, Tokage said:

    The aesthetic of that PV is really fucking nice, doesn't seem to fit the song at ALL though. Honestly actually kind of wondering what could warrant the need for a censored version, hope it's not just another edgy 'dude child abuse or creepy children/teens lol' plot honestly, they have too many of those already


    Song itself seems to just be so-so based on the one minute here. The full song is supposed to change its tempo at certain parts, right?

    Considering  Ningen’s video was censored because of cheesy CG gore, who knows. 

  2. This absolute insanity, and the Satsuki comparison is on point. But at least these two had the foresight to make music that doesn’t require a band so they don’t look like asshats on stage singing with a boom box blasting rock music behind them. 

  3. 6 hours ago, kuyashii said:

    I'm gonna man up and admit one of the comments you're talking about was the one I made on Dimlim's "Aijou ni Tsuki" under the account of Isaac Pedroso (sorry if you want to harass me on social media because disagree, it's not my real name). If I end up sounding like an exaggerated DeG fanboy or an elitist that's definitely not my intention, but there's one thing that truly rubs me off is how people tend to assume that just because they like any artist, it makes said artists immune to any kind of criticism period. It really, really freaks me out to see the extent people go with fanboying those relatively unknown artists who clearly don't really have a grasp of technical stuff when it comes to playing/singing/whatever - and I'm not talking about Dimlim specifically. I never said Dimlim was bad nor anything, it's just funny to see how they were instantly crowned as supreme gods after posting their first song online. You're absolutely free to like them if you want, it's just ridiculous how people claim they are so great and original when pretty much everything they've done was done already - and FFS that's not bad! There isn't really a thing as originality nowadays when it comes to music so what makes artists stand out as musicians is what they make with what they have. I don't know if it's related to the whole "search for self-affirmation" thing but maybe people think some artists have too many fans already and they want to really stand-out and choose to fankid over-the-top-ly over some random rookie band?


    And I mean, you can probably see that my favorite band is DeG by the fact that they are the band I post the most about here but that doesn't mean I'm not critical of them/aware of their limitations. Kyo stands for everything you shouldn't do as a vocalist when it comes to preserving your voice, their recent output has been very questionable to say the least, and even if I really like the instrumentist bandmembers, they have a lot of limitations you shouldn't overlook and I don't really have any expectations of their upcoming album AT ALL.


    If there's a couple of things that I agree is that the passive-aggressive approach the Gazette fans take when it comes to facing criticism is annoying and bitchy af. I stopped replying to the thread the moment it became a victimization festival of Gazette fans that took up like 80% of the replies. I also agree that the ultra-edgy, "I'm the only one who's right" thing going on with DeG fans is equally cringy and that kind of attitude only makes people lose their respect for the band (even though I don't consider creating an impression of any artist by their fanbase a very wise idea).


    And it's not like DeG is immune to the whole overly-attached fankid thing either. Someone on YT just started calling me out because I said Ruki has a better vocal technique than Kyo's - even that Ruki has a considerably smaller range and doesn't do all the stuff Kyo does. So, this person sees that as an attack to their god and savior and then goes all "tumblr girl" argumenting that I'm contradicting myself because it would be impossible for him to have an wide range without any technique - which is something only a person who doesn't understand about singing would say. Curiously, a Gzt fan joined with the old passive-agressivity thing, complaining DeG fans are rude and "if you don't like then go away"because that discussion happened on a Gzt video.


    TL;DR: You can feel that people with that kind of attitude aren't very knowledgeable about music at all, are mostly young kids in search of affirmation and reproduce the good ole "who isn't with me is against me" thing that happens with most humans.

    Lol, yeah I was in that thread, and I agreed with you. I guess the Gazette drama was my fault because I used the fans as an example. 

  4. Is the original single release of Sustain the Untruth the worst sounding mix in DEG’s entire catalog? There is literally nothing but noise in the chorus, yet the verses are mostly fine. Especially with the way Toshiya is placed right in the middle; he really pops (pun slightly intended). 

  5. I don’t remember how I found his videos. Might have been the rabbit hole of DEG covers on YouTube. I remember he deleted everything on his channel, started doing covers again, then just disappeared entirely. He was truly an Internet treasure. 

  6. I’m actually writing a review of Chedoara and I discuss Sho’s vocals a bit. It’s interesting because his harsh vocals are clearly inspired by Kyo, but he takes a different approach with his cleans. And overall, Dimlim just doesn’t remind of DEG outside of a few chaotic riffs here and there. 

  7. 2 hours ago, FOSCOR70 said:

    Um... I've watched my fair share of deg YouTube videos and reading comments is my fav part but i don't really remember ever coming across any comments section war between gazette and deg fan (though I've come across tons of 'Sadie and deg fans Fights')

    Reaction videos are typically where this happens. 

  8. Obviously there are a ton of factors here, but I honestly wonder how much music these people listen to outside of DEG and Gazette. There’s also the question of when did they get into this, because I know when I first started out with Gackt, Malice Mizer, and DEG, I thought everything else was inferior. It’s not that the music was better than what I had been listening to, it was just different. It sounded new. 


    We know the average VK fan can often be blinded by adoration, but goddamn are you really ACTUALLY listening to the music itself when you claim you like every song your favorite band has written?


    I’ve only been on this forum for a few years, but it’s nice to be able to have real discussions without having to pussyfoot around giving criticism. I don’t know if you guys managed to weed out all the toxic trash over the years, but I appreciate the VK safe space. 

  9. Disposable nailed it, it’s the YouTube crowd. 


    Gazette fans lose their shit whenever Gazette is compared to DEG, and the claim it’s because DEG fans are rude to them. Which, honestly, is probably the case. But then Gazette fans take the passive-aggressive approach and spam Gazette songs in comments for DEG videos. It’s just really weird. Especially considering the fans think that both bands are totally not ripping anyone else off. 


    Also a weird but funny thing. Criticize a Gazette song and you’re met with “if you don’t like it then why comment? Gazette works hard and they don’t deserve the negativity”


    Criticize a DEG song and you get “fuck you.”

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