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Posts posted by Saishu

  1. 22 minutes ago, Paraph said:

    Oh god yes. I never listen to the album version of this song. I loved the single version so much, I don't know why they couldn't just leave it alone.

    And Clever Sleazoid. Album version is complete ASSSSSSSSS!!!


    worst part is I can’t replace it with the single version because Deeper Vileness fades into Sleazoid 

  2. 18 minutes ago, geist said:

    I don't know which is my favorite yet because I've only had 3 full listens; but the one thing I can say is Values of Madness is my absolute least favorite on this album -- without question. I hate that hard rock inspired main riff, and it's so stale it sounds like something the GazettE would do.


    For all this talk about Rubbish Heap being the obvious GazettE-inspired song, nah, it's Values of Madness. That's the same kind of pop-infused garbage that bothered me about NINTH.

    This is correct. 


    The solo in Followers is also very Gazette. 

  3. As of right now


    Celebrate Empty Howls

    Rubbish Heap 



    Keigaku no Yoku



    I like Zetsuentai, but I don’t think the 7 minutes are justified. Probably could have been 5 minutes or just over 6. 

  4. 9 hours ago, Ro plz said:

    These remakes are fucking trash. And a lot of that has to do with the production. Holy crap....


    I hate A good bit of The unraveling remakes but at least with Tue Madsen’s work, they were listenable. This is just god awful. And yet y’all bickered for almost two pages about how “bad” the first disk’s production is. 




    This is crazy talk! The remakes have far better mixing than the actual album!


    Now for real talk: I ain’t happy with the Kigan remake, but hey it’s nice to be able to hear an actual riff in that song now. Kisou sounds like a turd wrapped in tin foil, so now I want the band to just re-record the entire album. 

  5. The thing is calling it “riyuu” isn’t wrong. Anyone that speaks japanese would read the kanji as such, and I don’t think the average DEG fan knows that Kyo decided to call it “wake”. And that in and of itself is weird because from what I understand, “wake” is used in casual conversation, but when reading the kanji it’s always “riyuu”. It doesn’t really matter since it means the same thing either way, but I don’t think this is a case where there’s a wrong way to say it. 


    In other news, the Kigan remake is complete ASS TRASH. Is it supposed to be a chiptune?


    also also, going by the syncopated riffage in Aka and Rubbish Heap, I think maybe Die is getting into the modern post prog djent core whatever stuff. 

  6. Best listening experience so far has been in my car with the bass set at one notch above the flat default and the treble two notches above the flat default. I get a more full bodied lower end  and the cymbals are brighter and more defined. 

  7. These songs are straight up written with lives in mind. They clearly learned from their mistakes with DSS. 


    Hell, in some ways TIW sounds like it was just a live recording with some overdubs done in post. The more I listen the more I realize the biggest problem is Shinya’s drums. Not his performance, but the way the sound. It almost sounds like they were being picked up via room mics. 

  8. 28 minutes ago, geist said:


    Please elaborate, because "clipping" is "distortion" in a general sense. Are you referring to digital clipping? Because if so, I heard no such cases on the album. Do you have any specific parts you can point to?

    My bad, I have no idea why I even brought clipping into this other than I shouldn’t try posting while talking to co-workers. 


    The album is compressed to hell and it’s not a new thing, but it just seems really bad this time. Aka in particular could have been a lot prettier with a better approach to the mix. Why is the guitar solo so buried? Wouldn’t the dramatic moments be a bit more explosive and emotional if the gentle sections were quieter?


    Of course the actual songwriting is good, but the mix is not pleasing to my ears. 

  9. You can’t play it loud because it’s already loud. It sounds like it’s naturally cranked up to 10, hence the clipping and distortion. Raising the volume doesn’t make it sound better. Oddly enough, I hear more intricacies when I turn the volume DOWN. We’re not new to this, but sometimes there are cases worse than others. This might be DEG’s worst. 


    Mind you one of  the reasons why so many recordings are compressed is to accommodate people listening to lossy rips thru shitty earbuds. So yeah, I’m pining for the good ol’ days of music that sounds nice on everything. 

  10. 41 minutes ago, Kelrya said:

    Lol you would hate mathcore then (Converge, Botch, Vein, early Norma Jean, etc.) Personally I love it when it’s done well but it’s not for everyone.

    I don’t. I listen to Converge quite often. But “done well” is the key phrase here. Listen, I’m exaggerating, but I mostly hate Shinya’s knee slappin’ ho down drum pattern and I’m getting tired of Kyo’s chaotic everything-but-the-kitchen-sink vocal freak outs. There are great elements in the song, but there are just as many bad ones. 


    Also, just like I thought, Followers is my jam. 

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