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Posts posted by Saishu

  1. Considering how many of these songs contain lyrics where Kyo just straight up wants to die, what if “the insulated world” is a coffin? He does hint at a funeral in Keigaku no Yoku” after all. 

  2. Ranunculus is the outlier on this album. It sounds like something they had been holding on to – at least musically and not necessarily lyrically – as early as 2002-2003. I understand wanting to end the album on a lighter note positive note, but I feel like a more straightforward rock number like Un Deux would have been better to close things out? As it stands they kind of already did this with Inconvenient Ideal. 

  3. I feel comfortable in saying this is some of the band’s best work. Questionable production aside, the songwriting is tight and focused aside from the two weird flubs from Toshiya. To be fair, the main problem with Devote My Life is that fucking main siren riff being too damn loud, but I love that breakdown with Toshiya rumbling away. 


    Other than that, this is the first DEG album in a long time that I can listen to from beginning to end without feeling drained halfway thru. There really isn’t any filler, and they sound super confident in these songs. They’re short in length, but not in content. 


    Fuck it, dawg, I’m happy. 

  4. Perfect example of how the sound of this album differs depending on how and what you’re using to listen to it is in Celebrate Empty Howls. On my earbuds, that tambourine/bell sound is hard to hear unless I lower the volume. In my car they’re prominent no matter where the volume is set. 


    I think treble is the key here. Without it you end up getting a weird muddled mid-range mess. 

  5. 58 minutes ago, blacktooth said:

    DSS's theme came across very clearly. "While I breathe, I hope" and how it was a concept album based on the aftermath of the earthquake.

    I'm not sure what The Insulated World is supposed to mean yet.

    Kyo hates himself. Wants to die. The translated lyrics use very plain language. Very little of it comes across as obscure poetry. He did an interview where he said he didn’t want to reveal the name of the song directed towards his parents, but one look at the lyrics makes it super obvious. 


    He also said he struggles between wanting to either continue as a performer or just disappear entirely. If anything this album seems more personal. Maybe he’s been insulating himself and he’s finally letting everyone in?

  6. 16 minutes ago, EzraEroguro said:

    I dunno man, despite the mixing, this album really shines where their strong points are. I HATED MOAB, and i think people likening it to that are just basing it off of the harsh vocals. This album is pretty great.


    Still think Ranunculus doesn't fit on the album.

    It doesn’t fit. I mean the end of Zetsuentai rolls nicely into the beginning of Ranunculus, but the song itself is so tonally different from everything else. Which I guess was the intention, but for the previous 12 tracks to all basically be “I WANT TO FUCKING DIE” and then suddenly here’s this Luna Sea shanty with Kyo exclaiming “I AM ALIVE”....  it sticks out more than Vanitas did on DSS. 

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