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Posts posted by Saishu

  1. 5 hours ago, Disposable said:

    This one is so bad it’s beyond me how anyone likes it, and the people that do usually like awful shite anyways so it makes sense


    . I enjoy everything that they ever put out sans a handful of tracks because I am extremely biased, except for this one.

    I mean, I can give Bugaboo Respira a pass since it is included on the original vinyl release, but Hydra 666 is clearly tacked on and adds nothing to the album. And, fuck you, the extended Sa Bir is pointless. A four minute SE? That’s fine for building anticipation at a live, boring on an album. 


    Then there’s just the overall sterile sound of the whole thing. They ripped all the life out of the songs. It’s like Kyo is singing to MIDI backing tracks. 

  2. Pretty much just Dimlim at this point. And to me they’re new because I only like the post-Issei stuff. 


    I liked Xaa-Xaa, but I lost interest quickly. Kind of got numb to all the stuff they were putting out. 


    I heard one Develop One’s Faculties album and liked it a lot. I should probably give them more of a listen. 

  3. On 1/17/2019 at 11:56 AM, MissConduct said:

    I really liked them and was so sad when they first disbanded and then Isshi died. I still follow Nao(ki) on twitter.

    Is it known what any of the other members are up to by now?

    Nao has his own thing but I can’t remember the name and I can’t seem to find a way to pull it up. 


  4. What’s up with all these bands having technical issues lately? Kind of sad that they can’t play certain songs without computers. 

  5. 1 hour ago, libertine said:

    I appreciate Gazette's ability to stay cool year after year. They're kind of bearing the mantle of Kuroyume into the 2020s. That said, I do think they suffer from being so Ruki-centric. Not only does he have his hands in the concepts and visuals, it seems like he also composes all the important songs too. The other members just make their parts their own and the track gets credited to "the Gazette". But you can't just have the vocalist do everything and not expect it to affect the end product. The songs will sound like they were made by the vocalist for the vocalist with the other elements just kind of there to justify the singing. The songs will be limited by the songwriter's lack of specialization and technicality with other instruments. And the compositions will also be informed by a more narrow set of influences. I believe that is Gazette's weakness and why they often seem to fall behind other bands with more technical songwriters and decentralized creative processes.

    There’s a reason why Yoin is one of the best songs Gazette has done in the last 7-8 years. Ruki didn’t fucking write it. 

  6. I think Nega’s (and Black Swan’s) problem was Jin didn’t know shit about music but insisted on writing it. The potential was there in both bands in terms of musicianship, but they were stuck playing middling j-core that did little to really showcase what they were capable of. 


    Jin’s voice was always a problem though. He tried so hard to make every syllable that came out of his mouth sound pained and tortured that he sacrificed good tone and delivery. Nega is an occasional guilty pleasure of mine, but I am not unaware of how bad most of their discog is. 


    I fucking hate Guilt Trip. One of the worst VK songs in history. 

  7. There’s no X X in the lyrics book for Macabre. Band scores are weird anyway. Usually some outside source tabs the stuff out. Is that the band score that attempted to tab out the Egnirys guitar solo for a few bars then quit?

  8. First of all I don’t even hear a sound covering anything up. Also, I don’t think there are any extra lyrics there, Kyo is just enunciating really badly. I hear “hone no zui kara god, god god god G-O-D”

  9. The promos for Vestige of Scratches had those weird animated shorts featuring creatures that represented the band. 


    Also, I work with several Japanese people and none of them have even heard of Dir en grey. They’re mostly familiar with L’arc and X Japan though. 

  10. During the middle section of Jyunboku, Yuchi totally stops playing bass to diddle some keys or something. Kyo has a weird station where he goes and freaks out too. 

  11. There is/was a full live on YouTube. From what I could tell Mika was playing an acoustic kit, but everyone else was shifting around messing with synths and pads, so who knows. 

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