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Posts posted by Saishu

  1. 18 hours ago, Duwang said:

    And that is exactly the reason why I said I'm not uploading Kidoairaku.


    I doubt he'll send copyright strikes or harass people in the comments like Issei did, but if you uploaded their music to your Youtube channel I recommend taking it down if you want Dimlim to keep making their music accessible to overseas fans.

    But Kidoairaku isn’t accessible to anyone overseas. That’s the problem. 

  2. 1 hour ago, kuyashii said:

    Last two tracks are awesome! I'm kinda feeling Sho's cleans are a bit worse than they were on the album (he seems to be struggling to sing the pitches he had more ease doing in the album songs, there are some off-pitch moments here and there and his wobbly vibrato sounds a tad grating at times) are but his harsh vocals are better than ever! Loving the random electronic noises on "Raku", they really add to the song (take note Issei!)

    I mean, given the production quality of this thing, you’re basically hearing Sho’s raw vocals. Chedoara and Rijin clearly make use of pitch correction. 

  3. Live limited thing sounds like ass, but at least we get to hear Hiroshi’s drums without all the digital polish on them. 


    Honestly the production quality (or lack thereof) reminds me of Rentrer en Soi’s early stuff. 


    Jesus Christ on a cracker the second disc tells me that Sho thinks Bugaboo Respira is genius and no one had the good sense to tell him he was dumb. 

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