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Posts posted by Saishu

  1. Infinitum still isn’t really clicking with me. When a song hits it really HITS, but everything else is just sort of there. 


    I listened to Adoratio yesterday and it’s still fantastic

  2. Disorder to Nil is probably one of the most jarring transitions a band has gone thru in the span of one album. In comparison, Nil is so sterile. That raw, punk vibe in Disorder was almost completely gone. 

  3. I don’t worry too hard about anyone in VK because it’s next to impossible to know if any of the tortured/disturbed/withdrawn auras being put on display aren’t just for performance. 

  4. 4 hours ago, secret_no_03 said:

    Well, I tried. When I first heard them last year, I thought they sounded like a Diru rip-off, and now they're moving towards finding their own style, but it just doesn't do anything for me. Probably just not my cup of tea.

    The only thing DEG about them is Sho, and that’s only when he growls/squeals; his cleans are different from Kyo’s. 


    I think for some people (including me) the hype comes from them bursting onto the scene with messy songwriting, then improving tenfold when Issei peaced out. Last summer when they dropped vanitas, shigarami, and aizou no tsuki all in a row, it was like it was a new band. 


    I just... honestly find the DEG comparisons weird. Dimlim are more technical and definitely have their ear to the ground for what’s going on in modern metal. But then it seems like a VK band can’t have downtuned guitars and harsh vocals without dodging the comparison, so I get it. 

  5. The solo saved the song to be honest. 


    It sounds like leftover ideas from the Chedoara sessions, and as I’ve said before I’m getting a little tired of the tapping gimmick. At least go somewhere else on the guitar neck, dudes. 


    Sudden ending with no climax is cute, but it was cuter in Grotesque. 


    It’s fine, but last summer’s singles it is not. 

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