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Posts posted by Saishu

  1. World of Mercy sounds like a Keigaku no Yoku and Zetsuentai mashup. It’s a good thing it didn’t end up on TIW. The similarities would have been a lot more obvious. 

  2. To be fair, I made myself tired of DSS and haven’t listened to it much recently. Also Tue Madsen sucks and I hope DEG never works with him again. Unfortunately he’s been doing the mixes for Sukekiyo so whatever I guess. 


    Most DEG albums sound like hot trash, but  I like the raw sound of the original Uroboros and Insulated World. I don’t like a lot of polish – and surely there’s some middle ground compared to what TIW sounds like – but I’d rather that than something sterile. 


    World of Mercy has been discussed at length already, but I think it just sounds like a ton of other shit they’ve already done on TIW smashed together. 

  3. Fuck all y’all


    Uroboros (the OG mix)

    The Insulated World



    Dum Spiro Spero 



    The Marrow of a Bone


    Withering to death


    Edit: and yeah that’s best to worst

  4. I made it a point to buy the digital versions of Chedoara and Rijin when they hit US iTunes, even though I already had the physical versions. It’s more about support on both sides of the earth more than anything else. 


    It definitely SEEMED like Dimlim was on the way up when the singles for Chedoara were dropping last summer. Amazon Japan sold out of the album and I had to wait several weeks before it was shipped. I don’t know, maybe they aren’t making themselves visible enough? One album, one single, and a live limited mini is rather sparse output compared to other young VK bands hungry for success. And that’s not to imply they aren’t working hard, but there has to be something holding them back. 

  5. 6 hours ago, StriderSubzero said:

    Drums were the first instrument I ever learned and Shinya was a big influence on me, so I may be a little biased but I think he's a very creative drummer and I disagree that he's the weak link. For those that think he should be playing something else during the fast, heavy sections, what would that even be? There's not much room for embellishments with parts like that, and the only thing I could think that would show more technical prowess would be something like a blast beat, which may be more impressive but it certainly isn't more interesting

    What could he play in the faster sections? He could use both kick drums for one. He doesn’t need to play a blast beat, but an interesting kick drum pattern would go a long way. He basically plays a four on the floor beat almost every time for faster sections, which leaves a lot of empty space. There’s nothing interesting about that when he does it all the time. 

  6. World of Mercy has very familiar tom patterns, a groove that was lifted from Behind a Vacant Image, Aka, and Followers, and the exact same baby’s first blast beat that he’s been using since DSS. At one point he WAS at the very least throwing in some triplets on the kick, but then he wouldn’t repeat it live and apparently just gave up entirely. 


    Shinya has very creative hands, but his feet are practically dead weight. 

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