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Posts posted by emmny

  1. yeah people who think MH ppl are bitchy really haven't gone far into the /mu/ related circlejerkes of the net, trve black metal online communities (literal nazis sweetie...not unite haters or whatever) or pop stan twitter...THAT shit is insanity and compared to any of the three MH is an absolute fucking joke. Its tougher on jrawk fans or whatever because they get attached to their crossdressing lil babus (who are in real life hosts) bc they might be one of the few western fans on the net for x band and so they want to protect them from trolling or w/e.  I get it too....except i dont because i don't stan trash...BUT when i do i got a sense of humour about it (don't come for aiolin please im sensitive)

    lets put it this way, the only way you can in any capacity get upset is because you think someone else's opinion matters...and its the net...so don't do that. you could come here and shit talk dir en grey all you'd want and i'd laugh in your face because you need your ears checked...and you can do the same for when i think ABC sound like genital warts because my opinion is stupid and its literally just that. not that talking deliberate smack is such a light thing...but...the world is ending and i get my kicks off calling MiA voldemort's whore cousin because it gets a giggle out of somebody (usually just me). also, tanuki is literally full of this stuff...just not remotely as funny *cackle*. respects to u for voicing ur opinion though!


    I think the days of hating x band because of y are over, everyone's too depressed about jrawk to be an annoying fan. I will say that the bands that got a following on tumblr, especially mejibray, have been a target for a while simply because of the annoying fan reception. as of bands that have come later than that...i could foresee pentacum turning into a roast magnet but visual kei is dead haha!

  2. 9 hours ago, Disposable said:

    Sales are more about just momentum that's caused by numerous factors and not some vague notion of what's better musically. Around 420 it did seem like they were on top of the world and going straight up... and just didn't go anywhere afterwards. Definitely appeared to plateau in venue size at least. I think the Emily single came with a live of Sadisgate that was performed at the same venue that was mentioned in this thread earlier, and that Agitato Grimoire live is from there also.

    Chamomile TEAAA BITCHHHH!!!!

  3. im actually enjoying this debate all sides are spilling tea and is probably one of the smarter quarrels i've heard on here in a while


    ps the oricon sales were surprising...how did messiah and sabato flop when they're meji's best songs but shitatrical blue black was....shite


    also @filth_ywho are these ghost writing bands you are discussing plz open our minds

  4. hyo is so talented shellmy have been releasing nothing but bops throughout their second lineup and i deadass hope they usurp rshithead with fake n emo chicks



  5. On 2017-05-12 at 5:12 AM, Disposable said:

    That's almost what I would have written about DIMLIM. It's a fucking mess and some of the production choices are ridiculous, but that's what makes it awesome. Like throwing a plate of spaghetti on the wall. The clean vox on the chorus I think could be a tad bit more adventurous tho. 

    i lOvE yOu

  6. 5 hours ago, violetchain said:

    I remember he mentioned THE NOVEMBERS as an option once or twice, since their label apparently offered him the chance to bring them the year after Kinoko Teikoku, but it didn't seem like he was terribly excited about them. I don't know if he still has the connection now that they're not on UK Project anymore.


    You can always suggest them whenever he makes one of those posts asking for input, though.

    i asked him to his face in 2015/2016 idr when and he seemed interested, idk. i was under the impression he couldn't because of label stuff and thats why he brings uber indie bands but hey who knows. i thought he'd be a fan actually, interesting to hear

    i hope he brings more hxc/skramz bands as he usually stays around "safe" subgenres (from what i've seen on lineups) but eitherway im so happy that what he does is based in canada....even if i haven't been able to attend yet ;_;

  7. i hope they never fucking come back! good riddance mejibray have long ran their course, there's nothing they can release that will ever be good again bc they've literally done all possible variations on "mejibray"


    koichi needs to front an oshare band signed on resistar that will shit all over buglug...spiv states style

    mia needs to join a power metal/jupiter core band that will use his talents and actually challenge him instead of letting him continue to plateau

    meto can become a fulltime harajuku fashion icon bc hes not that good gorl

    tsuzuku needs a sukekiyo or dir en grey tier experimental metal project to DESTROY all remnants of visual kei with his perfection



    i have actual faith in koichi-core like i KNOW he will summon up ex-DIV, souiumono, kameleo, smileberry, the kiddie, ViViD and destroy the world with KAWAII

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