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Posts posted by emmny

  1. 2 minutes ago, Donttalkback said:

    Then be prepared to be very irritated by me jumping in & giving my opinion because I don't believe she's a victom at all & I will voice my opinion, I have read all the news articles & stories that have been released. But I will continue to support Rio & LONDBOY regardless of the outcome. ✌

    im so happy londboy has at least 1 fan on here

  2. im with y'all, seeing mode of dss made me realize how poorly that shit translated live

    i loved the budokan versions, but this really paled in comparison to vulgar and kisou

    also filth was...religious


    also i didn't listen to all of drain away and i forgot but im so sad kyo butchered that LOL its one of my fav vulgar songs.

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