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Posts posted by emmny

  1. 18 minutes ago, Elazmus said:

    Omg is DDRM a scam?? Lol more on this??

    LOL not in the conventional sense but the way they debuted with a sold out oneman and no prior releases was bc of tanuki slicktalking and promising girls things to sell the tickets (alleged!!!!)

  2. how the fuckity did they sell out black hole a month in advance!?!?!?!!!

    they bought views and i think they're running some kind of dadaroma tier scam for this....can sum1 catch the tanuki tea on this

    this is fishy like i dont think anyone gives a fuck about d.i.d.'d music anymore so y the sold out unless jp fans r pre-hyping a new nokubura

  3. 10 hours ago, cvltic said:

    fuck this post is a tasty masterpiece. where's the mention of Smells tho!! only vk (or at least related) band i know of with no guitars...

    totally butting in but HeartLand studio keeps a historical record of shows played and since it was one of ~the~ Nagoya live houses you can see a few mgr shows there starting from '95... interestingly they played with Malice Mizer, and here's a fun one from 2003: GULLET/ガゼット/SULFRIC ACID/カレン/Merry-go-round.
    i think their home livehouse was the legendary music farm but I can't really find any good lists of shows held there. seems they played with Shizuku..., Romance For~, and Of-J more than once at least.

    also i found this crazy fan dictionary that mentions some happenings as documented by a fan. it's typical trivia fluff (Hideno likes chocolate, Kazuma likes Kahimi Karie) but for a band that's a complete mystery it's kinda surreal to read.

    smells only released like, one cd right? i didn't include them bc they're mostly just a relic of vk history, like that diet coke head barbie (yes...) band that ex-merrygo members went on to play in.


    thats actually awesome thanks for sharing! i wish more band ohps would have old event lineups, but they usually go to shits after a year or two post-kaisan. its always cool looking at band histories and seeing who they play with. for merigo i would have never predicted malice mizer omfg. also why don't more visual bands play at music farm anymore? it was the shit back in the day!!! (me talking as if i was even born back then, let alone attending gigs)


    im currently reading that fan page, what in the weird internet archive is that OMFG. im shook that one of their SE's was fucking "singing in the rain" what in the emo is going on

  4. 9 hours ago, plastic_rainbow said:

    I'm still pretty new to these guys, but wow I learned a lot from reading this! Nice job collecting all this info about them! I first got into them by their song 失楽, which is probably my favorite. And more recently, I found a new love for 桜の満開の木下で. I haven't even heard of this album, but I will definitely check it out! Really love the song 赤い絲 already.

    thank you!

    their more melancholy songs are totally up your alley, which is pretty much the first half. let me know what you think!

  5. 3 minutes ago, Takadanobabaalien said:

    The only thing that can save the DIE/MAY show @Disposableis attending is if the guy from Kilaneth joins them on stage and then openly roasts Yohio in-front of the crowd like he did on twitter.

    i thought they were boys and it was for #sarcastic lulz

  6. 11 hours ago, Takadanobabaalien said:


    RAY (ex gt Seremedy) already tried to do some indie-ish project so you MIGHT BE A BIT LATE



    somewhere uta is rolling in his reclining chair with his 5 cats and emo wife spitting on the ground at this post

  7. 23 hours ago, t597 said:

    1. How familiar are you with this band?

    ✓ I've listened countlessly / own 99% of their stuff and every single shit kazuma has produced after MGR + a bunch of related vk magazines / believe kazuma is god

    ○ I've listened to a few of their songs / own their music / am familiar with some members side projects

    ○ I've heard of this band in passing but never bothered to give them a whirl

    ○ Don't know who these guys are at all

    basically, the biggest MGR sucker in captivity.. *sigh*

    share with us your kazuma christ knowledge! how dare u not make yourself more seen on here, we love mgr (as seen in the comments)


    22 hours ago, Peace Heavy mk II said:

    I've been meaning to look into them more.

    I love their 思春期の吸血鬼 single because the guitar work is great and the English is even better. Of the 4 or so CDs I've heard, my favorite is their 毒・夢・月・殺・狂乱舞 demo.

    #funfact: I used one of their promo pics as an avatar here, and I'm not even super familiar with all their work :staru:

    Ofc u would love their one unlistenably RATCHET demo tape


    18 hours ago, Jigsaw9 said:

    One of a kind band, thanks for the excellent write-up. I should get into them more again.

    thank you mate! do it 4 the goths


    15 hours ago, WhirlingBlack said:

    What has always struck me when it comes to Merry Go Round is how disconnected they were from the "visual" scene of it's day. And I feel like it was almost a conscious choice to keep a distance stylistically to the other bands around at the time. I've met Kazuma briefly a few times and he's a seemingly very nice (and ancient-looking) guy, but his connections to the "visual kei" scene remains fringe at best, despite participating in some sessions and things with established people in the scene he's never been a part of it properly in my opinion and his influences and interests at large seems to lay elsewhere.


    In terms of their influence on the next generation it's the most obvious in the other "fringe" acts, bands like deadman, mucc, emmuree, munimuni, etc. owes a lot to Merry Go Round and I don't think anyone disputes that, just look at how aie rushed at the chance of forming a band with Kazuma back with highfashionparalyze like a giddy fanboy (And  for anyone who has watched KEEL live can attest that he treats Tomoi the same way, haha). If you compare it to ROUAGE for example you'd find that they did their part influencing these acts somewhat as well but carried more influence into the more "typical" visual kei of the late 90s what with the chorus style and more "melodic" touches in the darkness.


    Anyway, great that you're shedding some light on this band again because they're easy to forget about these days and certainly easy to overlook for anyone new to the genre.


    seems kazuma's more into the goth stuff, im surprised there hasnt been like a madame edwarda / ggg twoman yet. PS do you remember who mgr toured with back in the day? i have really little info about how mgr did business as a "vk" band--there's no coupling singles or much of anything to indicate they had any associations with vk, as you stated.



    14 hours ago, The Reverend said:

    Merry Go Round are one of the bands that act as a bellwether for my judging others' tastes........ like "oh you like Merry go round? You're a good egg"


    Good work creating a thread where we can come out and gush a little a bit.

    amen !!!!!!!! thanks rev <33


    13 hours ago, Anne Claire said:

    Fucking love this band.  幻覚@波  is still one of my favourite albums ever.

    you are a gangsta, i find it a little hard to get through but it is really mgr at their most experimental and dazzling!


    1 hour ago, returnal said:

    SO MUCH INFORMATION OMG i'm gonna read tf out of it

    PLZ DO i linked the fansite btw!

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