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Posts posted by emmny

  1. i've said this a fajillion times but i got really into deadman during a ~~~dark~~~ period in my life and i felt that mako was my only friend cuz i loved and identified with him so much

    2 years later and uh...he's still my bff

  2. 2 hours ago, Chi said:

    not everyone can be Die, shayan...........

    banging white chicks is his secret...here's to hoping his sexy ass continues drinking from the fountain of youth


    are there outfit sketches for diru yet? kyo's selfie delivered me from all my sins and i hope the rest of those guys pulled some sexy shit.

    shinya's white ruffles were cute but...typical!

  3. 7 hours ago, saishuu said:

    your presence is no longer needed here, please leave


    1 hour ago, jaymee said:

    @emmny I mean you're free to flaunt how wrong you are but... As much as I love Kirito, Yasu has def aged better and the proof is in the HD filming. Sorry gurl.


    in 10 years i will be known as a REVOLUTIONARY...some discourse is just...ahead of its time .

    kirito is gonna freeze his dna and replicate and be beautiful into 2057

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