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Posts posted by emmny

  1. Dear esteemed colleagues,

    As you all know, a year has passed since the passing of the legendary AvelCain. It has been a difficult year, but we have been able to rely on each other for emotional support in this trying time. In memoriam, we are continuing to hold on to the hope that he will be coming back in some form or another. While he may not be with us in physical form, he is in the air and he is the wind between the tree branches that hung his signature red noose. We continue to hope for his arrival back to this world, and for that we will utilize this thread to consolidate our understand of the beautiful being that had left with his absence.

    Please don't hesitate to share any information you have about his return, and together we will await the good news...the pot of gold at the end of the blood stained rainbow.

    PS. Distribute this throughout all your networks,

    Thank you.


  2. early d'espairsray in the context of its time was amazing, like no old school dicking bands were making shit that fucking dark and sexy n GRRRRRRR

    but tbh i agree with the thickest, most opaque pair of rose coloured glasses placed on the band past MIRROR, but TBH the cringe started then and smoothed out with redeemer before FLARING tf up after.

  3. 25 minutes ago, Takadanobabaalien said:


    All members have left comments actually, I've just been too lazy to translate them. I'll do it during the weekend. Anyway, none of the members seem to be happy with disbanding actually, which is what initially made think it might be more of Yukika's decision than anything else (the Japanese fans seem to think so too).

    i saw they left member comments on the original kaisan post, but i wasn't sure as to whether their comments were hinting at individual/collective retirement from music. tbh if u scanned already and didn't pick up on anything then all is good in the world

    interesting tea tho...rebel against that old WHORE!!

  4. [MAD]ist 4eva grieva will be missed

    everyone else nailed it, i think these guys got bored of whatever they were doing and half assed everything from the VA comp onward. That said, they are all insanely talented and i didn't see any retirement messages (i hope my jp reading queens didnt fail to mention this) so i think they will split up and continue onward

    im curious as to whats next though, but to see them go down as such a respected band (3k+ rts on kaisan tweet!!!) is satisfying because they were truely amazing. they have also literally gigged with everyone in the indies scene for the past 5 years so the world is their oyster i just hope they dont go corporate kei, shit djent, satsuki or oshare out of respect for themselves.


    +1 on a karma + grieva unit....can u imagine the fucking yami holy shit


    vo. karma

    gu. haru & roku

    ba: zen

    dr: yuugo


  5. cocklobin is DANGEROUSLY underrated like even im guilty of forgetting they exist occasionally but the second i listen to their songs i realize just how fuckin' popping they were and i cry about how iori was robbed with femme.

    coil is so good like i can' t believe they did that...i wish i was in the fandom at the time it dropped so i could see everyone's reactions (i hope y'all were screaming for art kei christ)

  6. 12 hours ago, qotka said:

    Overall impression - they were a lot more impressive than I expected. Probably has to do with the extra self confidence/ego boost they got from touring in the past couple months. I think they're trying to go for that glam sound - if I had to guess what LiME's vocal inspiration was this time, I'd go for 80's metal? He doesn't sound 100% polished, but that's fine - I'm guessing he's trying to find a style that goes better with this band's image. So there was some screaming he did where it felt 'OK I totally see what you're trying to do here, I wanna hear it again in a year because it's gonna be fucking awesome!'

    I wish I could remember more, but nothing really stood out to me other than the vocals. Maybe it would've been different if I could actually listen to any of their tracks other than Oshimai before seeing them live, but life's tough so I'll just keep keeping an eye on them.


    that makes a lot more sense actually, the rooster thing was either a nod to aki or some motherfucking hair metal/iron maiden-isms....just VERY bootleg. thanks for sharing your live experience!!

    im so sad the b-sides got taken down so quick, oshimai alone isn't enough to gauge my interest

    4 hours ago, Platy said:


    He's absolutely fugly. Whoever is editing their pictures and doing his make on every PV is a GOD.  

    If you get the chance you should go see them live, you might come back with an interesting  gosan experience to tell us :-D

    LOL if they're still together by the time i get there, you'll be sure to read all about it here first !

  7. 5 hours ago, Platy said:


    Excuse my poor bangya lingo, but what is bisu?

    From what I saw, he seems to be absolutely full of himself. Imagine someone completely obnoxious who can't get enough of his own voice & presence. I know this is VK and most dudes get off by thinking of themselves, BUT this dude just has a rotten, entitled attitude to top it all off.  I guess you have to see it to really feel it.

    sorry i misspoke, i meant bessu. I don't think it's bangya slang, its general (net maybe?) slang for ugly/fugly (from what i understand)

    interesting though, seeing a bunch of live videos i think all those indie guys are full of themselves, partially for the image and partially for their own purpose, but seeing something irl is totally different.

    12 minutes ago, Komorebi said:

    I was told while in Japan to avoid seeing them live or the dude would step down from the stage and physically force me to participate. Doesn't really seem to be a good way to attract new fans.

    didn't dezert get a lot of flack for this in their earlier days? now they're massive haha some people are into aggression i guess.

  8. On 2017-06-28 at 8:59 AM, Kiryu999 said:

    But where's DIMLIM tho ??!

    the purpose of the list was to highlight more lowkey bands, dimlim have been hyped to death on here and would have fit in better on a spring list (if there was one)


    On 2017-07-10 at 9:37 AM, Platy said:

    Gosan got my attention last year because they seem to be the only band trying to add something refreshing to oshare. ( Also, I lol'd at "all the members are handsome")

    Their sound is fun enough to keep me interested, but after seeing them live I want nothing to do with them apart from downloading their music. Weird af bangya and the vocalist is a huge douchebag (and ugly af). My veredict: follow from a distance


    On 2017-06-28 at 2:39 PM, filth_y said:

    As a person who happened to see 0.1gの誤算 live at an event...

    Recommended to people who dont care how shitty the band sounds live and the band members act like DQN/チンピラ/small-time yakuza (or is that what the Yandere description meant?) and possibly be physically attacked. Nothing cute and definitly nothing innocent about them.

    I've read filth_y's story claiming the vocalist attacked someone at a taiban who wasn't participating for them, but why else is he considered an asshole? he already has a fair bunch of detractors on the yt comments for their latest Mv, calling him bisu lolololol. what do y'all think?

    btw they already sold out o-west, a good month and some in advance.



    On 2017-07-11 at 5:26 PM, rebelstrik said:

    where is baboo? :o



    3 hours ago, qotka said:

    Holy hell, I just saw [kizu] live and the hype is nonsensically high. It was funny because they came on right after Xaa Xaa and the resemblance (in aesthetics mostly) was almost confusing. People went craycray for them, a large portion of the crowd even called it a night after their performance and didn't bother staying for the last band on the bill (I thought Razor would be a lot more popular than that, considering the lineup?).

    thats actually wild, how'd they sound?!

  9. 3 hours ago, Disposable said:

    ruki probably hates all their music on the dl and just wants to do trap and sell ripoff merch 

    this is 100% fact i bet you he's already played magnolia to the point of tears and begs for VIP weeknd tickets to match his sadboy alt rap shtick

    tbt when he posted the JMSN mixtape cover on insta lmfao

  10. the only trend left for gazette to jump on is prog-djent so thats my prediction <3 especially given how fucking slow ruki is to adapt to the west's shit trends <3

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