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Posts posted by emmny

  1. 52 minutes ago, frayed said:

    So how many bands does this label still even have?

    balalaika weren't officially on shimizuya, but a really obvious offshoot (i.e. ains to madwink) so im counting them. aside from them, only ramiel will be alive after balalaika and sibilebashir call it quits.

  2. -pretends to be surprised-

    as usual people were under the impression that they were doing well but they were huge flops lol, their o-west thing was such a disaster they lowered the cost to get more people in, then did paired free tickets (if my memory serves me right) and still couldn't pack the venue. that being said, 3rd birthday weren't popular either--for some reason they were really loved in the west but their following was uh...niche.

    you don't need to be a businessman to know that all the money shimizuya invested in them was more or less going nowhere.

  3. 7 hours ago, Tokage said:

    vk's first true math rock band 

    i checked because of this and.....im in love

    i'm blaming this deadpan mix for the low energy vibe cuz i feel it too, but this is a really pretty song. if this fell in the hands of DOF/yuya they'd slay it, but lackco is kinda missing the balls to pull off the mathy/prog vibe they've been pushing (and have done well in the past)

  4. 6 hours ago, Saishu said:

    This is weird, the way I feel about this. 


    I think what sucks is I really believe Jin is sincere in his efforts. As bad as his vocals can be and as derivative as his songwriting gets, he’s trying. Maybe trying too hard?


    i don’t know. He deserves a break. Maybe he should use the time to get a vocal coach or something. Take some music theory. 

    i really REALLY fucking wonder what jin would sound like if he got vocal lessons...he'd probably sound like someone with fans (lol)

  5. they've been stagnating in popularity for a while, i dont think they were able to gain new fans recently

    tbh they've probably already spent too much on promotions/recording/stuff that it wouldn't make sense to continue--that 8 string cross over prolly wasn't cheap and i doubt it paid off the way they wanted it to


    hence im not surprised, i was expecting it ;______;

  6. DECAYS announced a series of lives for december, and they've brought a new look and lineup for the three shows!




    Vocal & Guitar Die (DIR EN GREY)
    Drums 樫山 圭 (MOON CHILD)
    Vocal & Guitar aie (the god and death stars)
    Bass 拓磨 (ex.Sel’m)



    2017.12.16(土) 大阪・OSAKA BRONZE
    2017.12.17(日) 愛知・名古屋HeartLand
    2017.12.20(水) 東京・渋谷duo MUSIC EXCHANGE


    edit: they will also distribute a live-limited single during their tour


    thought i recognized takuma, lol good for him for this! die has good taste, even if his compositions are highkey subpar.


    fanclub presale info @ decays.jp



  7. 7 hours ago, frayed said:

    Glad I'm not the only one getting this vibe, LOL.

    definitely, I mean they clearly aren't helping their label out with promoting this last tour through any of their usual fan service/engagement. I wonder what forum has to lose though, i doubt the tour is gonna flop because of their resistance to promote it so maybe it's just an empty boycott of the whole promotions cycle??? tell me what you think!!

  8. this radio silence is actually so shocking for a visual band, it totally reads like a protest against their mgmt


    hope my kochan is a-okay cuz i miss his social media presence a lot, he's one of the few band guys i followed on insta lol FUCK

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