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Posts posted by emmny

  1. 17 minutes ago, AimiGen7 said:

    Oh shit. lol

    Actually, I'm not surprised they kicked him to the curb. I mean, in the whole meme debacle, he openly denounced Ryuya, which kinda shows he probably either wasn't close to the members, or was mean to them

    no one outside of 5 foreign fans care about this meme debacle it had literally nothing to do with anything

    ps his english is clearly not good i dont think he was trying to say anything about ryuya

  2. tsubasa was a good bassist so im sad about this and issei's compositions were good...this a NO NO

    i wonder whether they'll become more or less visual, tbh issei's simple drumming was holding them back but tsubasa's bass work added that toshiya-style complexity and made them like....new DEG kohai band potential.


    interesting shake up overall

  3. 1 hour ago, Saishu said:

    Felt the random need to point out how much I hate when Ruki paints those black lines on his neck. It looks like shit. 

    you wont get it until you do them on yourself and see just how much slimmer and sexier ur neck chin and jaw look...can't believe ruki invented contouring

  4. i can't believe it...a decent sized crowd. sucks their tech difficulties were so bad they had to cut that live off after like, 4 songs (if i understood correctly)

  5. 7 hours ago, patientZERO said:

    Korey is having a lot of trouble making clean hits, especially with his feet ... the few live clips they've posted from that DVD, he's actively off beat a few times and consistently missing hits. It's hard to watch/listen to.

    he sounds amazing in studio but is basically awful live, i picked up on that too--which was disappointing cuz he's a beast otherwise :((

  6. justice for ranchuu -.-, bandmaid slayed that, sukekiyo is SHOCKING, ggg is godly omfg, polysics was...shook, plastic tree was FASt, shido was suprisingly decent, oral was uhm....equally shocking, lynch was lynch, merry sounds pretty, dezert slayed my existence, golden bomber trash


    okay this is actually shaping up to be a really cool tribute!! derlanger what happened

  7. 7 hours ago, Saishu said:

    I just realized I was confusing Beautiful Dirt for Spilled Milk and now I’m really wondering why the fuck they chose to remake it. 

    pretty much everything from wtd bleeds together (C, beautiful dirt, spilled milk they literally sound the same)

  8. Fatima was legendary for having a large portion of their discography unrecorded, but played frequently at lives--even with changing live arrangements. Taking a look at their last live DVD setlist, most of the song are unrecognizable unless you followed the band back when they toured and/or saw them live. its cool because fatima got pretty famous from their live show, as opposed to having frequent studio output--t'was a different time *sigh*.


    kein was also the same, except with the vast majority of their songs unrecorded. even their alleged last live VHS is something of legend--apparently it exists but its never surfaced online in its entirety or come up in auctions for sale. Thats kind of the case for all the band's material, kein stuff resells for around the same price as new releases, at their cheapest. the terekos are around for the last live and the tracklist is mostly unreleased stuff--most of which are nicer that their studio output. Omoi de no imi is an unreleased track so legendary that yukino and mako have played it live within the past 3 years--how they even remember the arrangement/lyrics is beyond me.

    edit: im not sure what is out/what isn't from kein, hopefully someone can chime in on this!

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