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Posts posted by emmny

  1. On 8/17/2017 at 3:29 AM, jaymee said:

    A lot of people disliked D'espairsray when they first came out. It always amazes me how bands that were once considered shitty have become revered over time lol.

    I remember going to my first or second live being like... jfc whose idea was it to invite them to this taiban? I walked out halfway through their set, as they were the last act (so obviously they were the main act but gd...) and I was like uhhh nope not feeling it. "Dope" isn't their worst song by far, though.

    okay but like what crowd was this? they've toured with bands in their early days who were really far off from their image at the time and what they eventually became so its not a surprise they've played taibans with hostile fans lol (isn't that the case with most taibans?)

    their earlier songs aren't that different from what was out at the time, and thats probably why they managed to play with gullet, gazette, and the like; but correct me with what the actual fan opinion was because im totally curious!!

  2. 2 hours ago, HotaruFilth said:

    He didn't sing HOLLOWGRAM's songs when he acted as a special guest on their one-man 2 years ago, so perhaps he won't sing Schwarz Stein too.

    Well, lets wait and see.

    but the deadman/kein session was pretty predictable given yukino and stuff, so i'm wondering why he'd sing his own songs with an electronic duo backing him considering its a one man

    maybe he'll bring a surprise backing band with him? or maybe we'll get lunch box (1995 eurosynth remix)

  3. On 7/20/2017 at 7:03 AM, The Reverend said:



    I can only find one source to confirm it but Vamps is playing some shows with Danzig and Deafheaven!?! Pretty legitimizing. (or is this that other band whose name is The Vamps or something?)


    Anyway, I think @tetsu_sama69will be excited if true!

    i REALLY hope this isn't that vamps lmfao @ their fans showing up to a deafheaven and danzig show

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