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Posts posted by emmny

  1. what happened to sonzai? are they still gonna be on rock action?!?!?! envy i love u

    edit: i just looked up hostess and they pretty much distribute most major indie rock labels/artists  from NA in japan, thats really cool. seems like a pretty big deal for them (i guess), after all they're a scramz band who signed onto the same label as adele...LOL

  2. 4 hours ago, nekkichi said:

    OH speaking of!!!!


    do u think it's legal to email this 2 that person, or it's a risky endeavor similar to that epileptic journalist on twitter and a troll who got jailed for @-ing him triggering animated gifs


    (((paging canadian law-expert @emmny)))

    entirely legal, do it henny...don't involve me though he lives three hours away and is 1 car ride away from ISIS-ing my ass.


    also this isn't a relationship...its a crossdressing closet sharing arrangement loli fantasy

  3. protips:

    • be patient and always think the best of your partner until you have ~actual~ reason to assume otherwise (ldr brotip unless yr bf is an adorable hermit like mine)
    • the couple that watches spooky videos together STAYS together
    • when u show him ur vk and he doesnt run in the other direction he's a keeper
    • make sure you know your boundaries and your self-esteem so you never end up dependent on another person...no one can fulfill you like you fulfill you
    • don't be in a relationship for the sake of being in a relationship, be with someone who teaches you stuff about the world and about yourself that you wouldn't be able to learn otherwise, being single is vastly underrated


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