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Ada Suilen

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Status Replies posted by Ada Suilen


  2. Happy Birthday Ada!

  3. happy birthday .w.

  4. The Novembers are really trying new things with this album. I mean I knew with the recent singles released but... I need a moment to digest this just give me a moment.

  5. Been learning and trying how to "reboot" myself. The process is hard ,but I intend to become a new person. 

  6. Does somebody have the latest release from salty dog elixir?

  7. I don't remember the last show I watched by this network (chances are I never actually did), but this beelines to #1 reason I wouldn't ever feel bad for pirating their shizzle



  8. New Madman's Esprit MV is fuckin killer. These guys are carrying alone the Vk scene in South Korea 



  9. New Madman's Esprit MV is fuckin killer. These guys are carrying alone the Vk scene in South Korea 



  10. "In the shadows" is one of the best MUCC songs ever, pretty sure it would have stood out on their strongest albums as well

  11. How are you discovering new bands? I used to use the recommended videos on youtube, but it does not link any anymore T_T 

  12. somehow feel like i'm enjoying Mucc's latest album more than i enjoyed TIW or Ninth upon first listen and i didnt even think that'd be possible in 2019

  13. somehow feel like i'm enjoying Mucc's latest album more than i enjoyed TIW or Ninth upon first listen and i didnt even think that'd be possible in 2019

  14. xaa-xaa has the best breakdowns* in the scene

  15. I miss NAINE =\

  16. I am so done with today, I just want to hide under my blanket ... I don't have a problem with being the only woman at work, working with about 50 men ... I also don't have a problem when they tell some jokes about women, it's a normal thing to do when you're male I guess ... but aiming those jokes directly at me like one of my coworker does lately is the most fucked up thing ever.

  17. Pentagon&Arlequin's new single is on apple music. That is good!

  18. NEGA was a legendary band IMO. 

  19. all the best visual kei is made between 1979 and 2019. after that it really goes to shit

  20. If you didn't wish me Happy Birthday probably you like THE RAID

  21. This place is dying slowly, isn't it?

    1. Ada Suilen

      Ada Suilen

      @CAT5  I completely agree with your statement Cat, this toxic approach afflicts all the fandoms in the world and it's lame to be blamed or targeted because you tell something differently than others. I joined this forum precisely for escaping all the guys I met who had something to say because I listen currently to Japanese music more than current Summer hits (ignorants...) so I wouldn't want to see this situation because you like something more than another...

      DE GUSTIBUS NON DISPUTANTUR told someone named Cicero... and I think that the opinions are subjective and subjectivity is what makes us unique and individual in this wide world. So we should learn to get in agree with our vibes and make this community even better. It's only a personal hope of course...

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  22. This place is dying slowly, isn't it?

    1. Ada Suilen

      Ada Suilen

      I think that always few people are looking for quality in things in general... All the new bands coming out in the latest years try a formula which tires and lets impatient people to quit the scene... but few people like to look through the mass for finding a pearl and I hope that MH becomes the stronghold of these free minds... like me :-D

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  23. mery crimmas

  24. Merry Christmas~! ^_^ 


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