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Ada Suilen

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Status Replies posted by Ada Suilen

  1. Who is the 30 year old fake elitist that hates anything outside of mainstream Japanese music that Reddit hates?







    The girl reading this 

    1. Ada Suilen

      Ada Suilen

      Lol... I am so young to be an old fake elitist already! LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL to those no-lifers xD

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  2. do dir en grey and ノクブラ fans deserve rights? be honest

  3. do dir en grey and ノクブラ fans deserve rights? be honest

  4. I’ve been getting into Miyavi recently and honestly, No Sleep Till Tokyo (the song) is a lowkey a banger


    I’ve taking a liking to What’s My Name and Real. Gagaku is a kick ass album as well. He sounds fucking hot in Girls, be Ambitious 


    He seems really cool live as well. Would love to see him sometime 

  5. I’ve been getting into Miyavi recently and honestly, No Sleep Till Tokyo (the song) is a lowkey a banger


    I’ve taking a liking to What’s My Name and Real. Gagaku is a kick ass album as well. He sounds fucking hot in Girls, be Ambitious 


    He seems really cool live as well. Would love to see him sometime 

  6. why yes, i DO believe Slipknot's new album is the best visual kei release of 2019

    1. Ada Suilen

      Ada Suilen

      I quite liked it to be honest... the longer tracks are the best elements of the album and just for clarify, funny or not, I won't join the train "GazettE will recycle it in who knows what year" because I listen to both of them and they are different musically, even if belonging to the same genre... it's a question of shades imo.

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  7. Ever have those days where you can just hear better and pick up new tiny details in songs you've been listening to for years?

  8. Tried the latest ARCHEMI, ENVYL and gave キズ and ヴィルシーナ another shot and I'll keep the latter, as well as bringing back MAMIRETA. 

  9. Tried the latest ARCHEMI, ENVYL and gave キズ and ヴィルシーナ another shot and I'll keep the latter, as well as bringing back MAMIRETA. 

  10. Stranger Things 3 was probably the best fucking thing I have watched in my life. Best season of the show BY FAR!


    Also, the girl who played Robin is really cute 


    ( ᴜ ω ᴜ )

  11. They put Kagrra, on spotify. I didn't notice until today ;_;

  12. Stranger Things 3 was probably the best fucking thing I have watched in my life. Best season of the show BY FAR!


    Also, the girl who played Robin is really cute 


    ( ᴜ ω ᴜ )

  13. I’m a year older today

    oh god oh fuck

  14. Stranger Things 3 was probably the best fucking thing I have watched in my life. Best season of the show BY FAR!


    Also, the girl who played Robin is really cute 


    ( ᴜ ω ᴜ )

  15. Anyone remember Daichi Kuroda? What's he doing today?



  16. Anyone remember Daichi Kuroda? What's he doing today?



  17. it's kinda nonsense when people say things like "oh,this single is just X album leftover " , as if bands were obligated to keep reinventing themselves from the absolute zero on each release.

  18. LOL @ Kobayashi swaying/grooving like Kyo at moments. These boys is raw tho:



  19. Queueing to see gazette 😭

  20. So as you could see,the hype is totally confirmed for Elden Ring,which started being developed since the release of DarkSouls 3 DLC's,and it's going to be a third-person dark fantasy,but unlike SEKIRO, which is more focused on action,Elden ring is more souls-like with focus on RPG elements. I was wondering if we'd get a DarkSouls 4 somewhere in the near future,but this is more than I expected. With a new title they can do things in a way they've never done before. I guess the only thing I wish for this game is a "character selection" like The warrior, the Elf,the dwarf ,etc... instead of playing with the main hero only with classes that basically only changes your outfits and the kind of weapon you begin with. Can't wait for this.

  21. FJ found my items. I'm so happy rn. Thank you everyone that cared during my materialistic crisis. 

  22. Damn, Motionless In White's new album is dope! Love it! :wub: 

  23. Kamijo will once release songs titled "Persona Grata" and "Cosa Preziosa"?


  24. Kamijo will once release songs titled "Persona Grata" and "Cosa Preziosa"?


  25. wowaka passed away..what the fuck man...rip 


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