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Ada Suilen

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Status Replies posted by Ada Suilen

  1. That spam in the general section though.

  2. If you're thinking of contributing to Recommended Tracks this month, the deadline for blurb submissions is March 27th! Looking forward to  hearing from you guys! :yay:

  3. cool spambot, bro.

  4. shit music acts that have better production than goatbed

    remember cinema bizzare omg

  5. shit music acts that have better production than goatbed

    remember cinema bizzare omg

  6. cool spambot, bro.

  7. Anyone here big chariots fans?

  8. I can't help it. The Gazette - Cassis gives me the biggest feels out of all VK atm. Couldn't be more fangirly song :D

  9. M-H would be a much nicer place if people didn't feel the need to bully, troll and throw shit at each other like monkeys every time they don't agree with someone.

  10. M-H would be a much nicer place if people didn't feel the need to bully, troll and throw shit at each other like monkeys every time they don't agree with someone.

  11. Lineage deserves a review. Are you guys going to make me do it? :o 

  12. OH, GAWD. Judging by the two previous albums, I was initially pessimistic about "Karyoubinga", but I just finished listening to it and changed my opinion about it. Now I think it's pretty awesome... the opposite of "Fuujin kaikou" and "Raijin sousei".

  13. Lineage deserves a review. Are you guys going to make me do it? :o 

  14. Lineage deserves a review. Are you guys going to make me do it? :o 

  15. Lineage deserves a review. Are you guys going to make me do it? :o 

  16. Leaving MH can be done so easily, trust me, someone has done it so many times~

  17. Between updating constantly my tow precious blogs and hearing all the J-music released so far, I am having a busy life!! And coffee helps a lot u.u

  18. Thanks for recommending  SCAPEGOAT earlier this month @tetsu_sama69@Ada Suilen @Peace Heavy mk II and @Elazmus. They"re fuckin' awesome!

  19. Is scapegoat worth listening to? 


  21. I survived from the attack that happened now in Berlin. 2016 can finish pls.

  22. Grandpa passed away.. What a fucking lousy way to go :(

  23. I don't know the person who made this but I now love them deeply. 


  24. I don't know the person who made this but I now love them deeply. 


  25. The addition of a violin and new vocalist really changed how charismatic DECAYS' band is.


    I haven't enjoyed an album like this since DIV's ZERO ONE.


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