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Ada Suilen

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Status Replies posted by Ada Suilen


  2. Staff, y'all not about 2 Snub Buck-Tick, Utada and Lynch. out of album reviews. If so, we gonna throw hands. All of you.

  3. Mom's not home. I get to blast vk in the kitchen while I do the dishes.

  4. 'Nuther question: what good Moran songs are there? I wanna try them out ;w;

  5. 'Nuther question: what good Moran songs are there? I wanna try them out ;w;

  6. Who did it better - diru copy- VAJRA vs Grieva

  7. oh, the bass is strong in this new Chanty EP. pleasantly surprised that I enjoyed every song on it right on the first listen. :)


  9. XAA-XAA was sooooooo good today. DADAROMA was good too. My throat hurts from screaming so much. Kazuki even made me scream into the mic today and he swept me away during kanden one time like lol BYE EVERYONE???


    and roji was PUMPED during satsuei 

    to the point where i forgot to joke about the socks despite joking about them all day


    This week of lives has just been so fun wow

  10. XAA-XAA was sooooooo good today. DADAROMA was good too. My throat hurts from screaming so much. Kazuki even made me scream into the mic today and he swept me away during kanden one time like lol BYE EVERYONE???


    and roji was PUMPED during satsuei 

    to the point where i forgot to joke about the socks despite joking about them all day


    This week of lives has just been so fun wow

  11. Might be in the minority but man does current Synk;yet sound more polished and defined then their first few years. Every release after their first album has been lovely including that kick ass new album. Rainy is definitely my favourite track so far for the month <3

  12. Too many disbands </3

  13. Deviloof - PURGE = EASILY the best release of the YEAR! i could already listen the the intro "The Gate Of Purge" for at least an hour without getting bored cuz its that sick!


  15. Hopefully Youtubers react to VKei brings new people into this amazing fandom :)

  16. Intense eartquakes in Italy. I almost shat my pants when the first one hit.

  17. Anyone playing Mobius Final Fantasy? Ayyyyoooo whaddup?!

  18. HOLLOWGRAM's Kalmia is GOLDEN

  19. anyone else seeing similarities between hide and Hyde?


    I've been getting into VAMPS lately (after not really caring about them for past years) and Hyde seems to have a lot of similar manners, expressions and attitude as hide used to have.


    VAMPS' music is also something I could imagine hide doing and they even look alike in some of the MVs (like angel trip and revolution just for example)

  20. anyone else seeing similarities between hide and Hyde?


    I've been getting into VAMPS lately (after not really caring about them for past years) and Hyde seems to have a lot of similar manners, expressions and attitude as hide used to have.


    VAMPS' music is also something I could imagine hide doing and they even look alike in some of the MVs (like angel trip and revolution just for example)

  21. Shaking && crying @ Hizaki's Vivaldi cover

  22. Have you heard DALLE's Witch craft pictures? The title-track makes goosebumping me!

  23. first full album by morrigan in november ♡

  24. A little help for an article I'm planning... what release of Yeti should I review?

  25. Please join us this month on recommended tracks! We love guest reviews!

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