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Ada Suilen

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Status Replies posted by Ada Suilen

  1. Please join us this month on recommended tracks! We love guest reviews!

  2. why does everyone hate jazz kei

  3. So, A9 will re-release their EPs in an album...

    ~rolls eyes up~

  4. So, A9 will re-release their EPs in an album...

    ~rolls eyes up~

  5. Can't wait for LM.C in Brazil! Only 11 days! Best belated birthday present XD

  6. Just discovered "Story of Hope" and I am blown away, particularly by Misa *-*


  8. listening to Morrigan's Eden for hours now.Love it <3

  9. Thanks for all the sweet birthday messages. <3 You guys are the best. ;w;

  10. Look at this cat (picture to follow):


  11. DIAURA - 「Black Sheep Under The Shallow Sleep」MV


  12. Today's WWDC was pretty bad. Encouraging people to replace words with emojis, and that iOS 10 music app redesign. I'm quite traumatised.

  13. Really happy for Italy tonight! The team did a really good match! <3

  14. listening to the THIRTEEN's album and its kinda..not what I expected.. but still need to listen to 5tracks,hope it won't be a letdown

  15. Dear ギザ/Planet CHILD Music, 

    Don't publicize you've uploaded your new MV if you have it set to private.

  16. What lyrics of DEG should analyze? They did a lot of complex songs so... the choice is challenging :-)

  17. What lyrics of Luna Sea should I analyze? *me pretty undecided*

  18. After an almost one week absence, I am here after having listened to Undying: incredible song!

  19. Praying for Brussels. I have a lot of friends there. I just hope they are safe.

  20. why do people call women with short hair either feminazis or lesbians.......so lame. after two weeks finally someone called me both. thank you mr.Douche <3

  21. why do people call women with short hair either feminazis or lesbians.......so lame. after two weeks finally someone called me both. thank you mr.Douche <3

  22. 03/2016: Automatron, 04/2016: Wasteland Workshop and 05/2016: Far Harbor! *me prepares to spend infinie hours on FO4* u.u

  23. Need some series to watch, any recommendations?

  24. Need some series to watch, any recommendations?

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