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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/05/18 in Posts

  1. 3 points

    random thoughts thread

    So I totally made up that quote. But, here is a thing that just happened: The FBI investigation happened too, but by god that is the most suspicious-looking "SHAM" investigation I have seen. I'll be very surprised if Kavanaugh does not get confirmed tomorrow. Even if the sexual assault allegations are false, the lengths Kavanaugh went to to defend himself should absolutely disqualify him. Obvious lying under oath, dodging the simple question "Have you ever been drunk?" while disrespecting the female Democrat senator asking it, and shouting conspiracy theories about Democrats "wanting revenge for the Clintons" in his OPENING FUCKING STATEMENT?!?!?
  2. 3 points
  3. 2 points

    Your last music-related buy!

    I finally got this mediena towel and I thought it'd be nice to hang it on my wall above the little table on which I have all my mediena cd's and other stuffs on display but I realized I have no idea how I could hang it there... So I ended up hanging it on this ethernet cable that I've hung across my ceiling lol. Probably not the most optimal solution but it's the best I could come up with... It looks quite nice there though. pls don't mind that orange piece of tape there it's uhhh a fashion point
  4. 2 points

    random thoughts thread

    Pertaining to Kavanaugh, the user PoppinKREAM does a great job at compiling sources: It's a constant shit-show over here with Trump Administration. Most Republicans have completely thrown out any semblance of thoughtfulness for "party loyalty" & job security. The president, aside from his glaring ineptitude, is a liar and propagandist (*cough* and possibly a criminal *cough*). Rather than gutting the swamp, he's implemented a sewer full of like-minded (rather, like-mindless) cronies. While I don't consider myself completely versed in politics (as most people shouldn't, tbh), I recognize that this isn't how we should be running this country. Too bad, there are a ton of closet-racists, not so closeted anymore, that would rather adhere to "Deep-State" conspiracy theories than spare some thought to what's really going on. On a personal note, it's become such a day-to-day thing to where I have to space out the times I read the news. The past nearly-2 years has been so information-dense, an entire college class could be based off the Trump Administration. I've literally lost friends b/c of their closet-racism coming out in the open (not towards me, but those of darker pigmentation.) I just want it to stop ;_;. That's why everyone needs to GET OUT AND VOTE.
  5. 2 points
    ARTERY (limited) 01. ANOXIA 02. 最終列車 桜通り 手を振るキミへ (Saishuu reshha sakura dori wo furu kimi e) 03. ガラスの花 (Glass no Hana) 04. HORIZON 05. STORY [MCARD] - STORY MV ARTERY (regular) 01. ANOXIA 02. 最終列車 桜通り 手を振るキミへ (Saishuu reshha sakura dori wo furu kimi e) 03. 破滅の願い (Hametsu no Negai) 04. ガラスの花 (Glass no Hana) 05. HORIZON 06. STORY VEIN (limited) 01. SURRENDER 02. 衝動DIRTY (Shoudou DIRTY) 03. MAD SMILE 04. 道-TAO- 05. 何億光年 (Nan oku kounen) [MCARD] - SURRENDER MV VEIN (regular) 01. SURRENDER 02. 衝動DIRTY (Shoudou DIRTY) 03. SiNGULARITY 04. MAD SMILE 05. 道-TAO- 06. 何億光年 (Nan oku kounen)
  6. 2 points
    from my faux Japanese i think he's singing about "Hey whats that dude doing on top of that tower? Is that our guitarist? Get down from there!"
  7. 1 point
    Vo. 鬼龍院翔 (Kiryuuin Shou) (ゴールデンボンバー(GOLDEN BOMBER)) new solo mini-album "個人資産" (Kojin Shisan) will be released at 2018/12/05 (2 types) Limited edition (2376yen) will include CD (6 songs) and DVD Regular edition (1944yen) will include CD (6 songs) only [CD tracklist] 01. Love Days 02. メロメロバッキュン 03. きかせて!アンコール 04. Miren 05. バッドエンディング 06. アメリカ [DVD tracklist] 01. Love Days PV 02. Love Days PVオフショット 03. Love Days イメージ映像(ひとりよがり5にて使用) 04. ジャケット撮影オフショット 05. アメリカ 既出DVDとは別日のライブ映像
  8. 1 point
    村井研次郎 (Murai Kenjirou) (cali≠gari) solo allbum "UNDERMINED" will be released at 2018/11/07 (11 tracks, 3240yen) [guests] COALTAR OF THE DEEPERS【NARASAKI(Gt)Kanno(Dr)Koji(Gt)AKIRA(Gt from Plastic Tree)】 NoGoD【Kyrie(Gt)Shinno(Gt)K(Dr)】 cali≠gari【石井秀仁(Vo)桜井青(Gt)】 ELLEGUNS【Panther(Gt)JOE(Dr)】 etc.
  9. 1 point

    Dir en grey

    You all are making me sad. I love Aoi tsuki and Pink KIller
  10. 1 point

    Dir en grey

    I think it's one of the few songs on that album which actually approved of the very .. rough .. production. And the bass in the main riff just does it for me. I used to hate I'll most and I still think I do in a way, but Downfall from the new record has such an ANNOYING guitar theme it kinda became a big rival quickly.
  11. 1 point
    Nowhere Girl

    Dir en grey

    Wat. Also Taiyou no Ao is fantastic. For me, there are a few songs I often skip. MASK and audrey come to mind immediately. Jesus Christ RnR is kinda fun but pretty stupid, too. Some of the newer singles I just roll my eyes at when they start playing them live. Hageshisa to... was horrendously overplayed for a long time. LOTUS feels boring now. Sustain the Untruth is the same. Tbh, I'd take any bad Dir en grey song over the crap they play on the radio these days.
  12. 1 point


    I just messaged the ex bassist Hao on twitter and asked him to please post basket case....fingers crossed. Although i'm sure he probably wont even read it. I'll keep trying tho lol
  13. 1 point


    I listened to the album a couple times today and I must say I enjoyed it more than I expected. Mephisto and Petrichor were the only ones I found a bit meh but otherwise I really liked the songs. I'll be listening to this album a lot, that's for sure.
  14. 1 point

    Vexent - 咄嗟 (Tossa)

    New day, new lyrics. Try to find a song with more "tte" than this one and fail miserably. Text: Kanji-kana: Romaji: Credits: the band, for making the text available on the description of the music video, and me, for romanizing it.
  15. 1 point
    Pretty Generic IMO. Can you hear footsteps ? is that a fox, No.... That's a black dog, coming to eat my legs ... I mean... really !? Those lyrics will not be an international hit.
  16. 1 point
    Nowhere Girl

    Dir en grey

    Did they ever claim to be an experimental band? They've experimentED with a ton of different modes of writing and producing music, sure. But their music has always been at least relatively digestible structurally since pre-GAUZE. They went a bit experimental with DSS, but even there, songs like DECAYED CROW still have clearly defined verses and choruses. Since ARCHE they've been quite vocal about simplifying the music, presumably because it's tough for them to rehearse and pull off live.
  17. 1 point
    Ryuji Sato surpasses HAKUEI in many followers.
  18. 1 point
    Well, it's about bandomen live house experience. Lol Like "The Wifi name of Meguro Rockmeikan is Rock01, Rock02, Rock03 - So cooooool!" Or at some venues the guys might overhear the bangya talking etc. Some venues being in the love hotel quater etc. Anyway, no time for a real translation. If someone can transcribe the kanji or get me the romanji it's easier.
  19. 1 point

    Dir en grey

    A lot of people act like Kaoru’s guitar playing is nothing but hurr durr chugalug brocore riffs but a lot of it is surprisingly clever like that. I do wish he’d done more with the main riff in Downfall though, I like that song a lot but that main riff is way too repetitive.
  20. 1 point

    Dir en grey

    I really love how in keibetsu the main riff has subtle changes between each verse and completely changes by the end of the song. Very similar to The Inferno in that regard. I should just put those two songs on repeat for the rest of my life.
  21. 1 point

    David new limited single, "Rituals" release

    The pic below thus confirms that "Rituals" will be released in 2 types: instore edition (released on 10/7-20-21)~ & live-limited edition (released on 10/26). Watch these get rereleased on his webshop...👀
  22. 1 point

    Releases calendar

    6th October ACME -「PKPKの1年生」&MUSIC VIDEO CLIPS The release is labeled as an album on ACME's official website. It'll only be sold at their lives starting on 6th October. Source: http://acme-official.com/ & https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=226&v=dErPkigCsxQ
  23. 1 point
  24. 1 point
    I finally listen to the new song. Pton never had so many lines 😆 I love it!!! the only I could understand was all the live house names they mentioned. the middle part made me laugh a lot
  25. 1 point
    this! it sounds kinda animeish because as violet said it's the opening song for a movie lol i could just come to every Kizu topics and comment 'best japanese band ever' and it would never be enough
  26. 1 point

    ジッパー(Zip.er) one-day revival

    rename thread gossip revival tbh talent will WIN
  27. 1 point

    J-rockers without makeup pt. III (?)

    A bitter bangya posted this pic of Jey (Fixer) when replying to one of his tweets and captioned it with "shut up ojisan"
  28. 1 point

    Madmans Esprit

    I am currently listening to the album, and I can see where the people who generally do not swerve towards western metal can find this innovative or refreshing, as it is different from your usual visual kei oeuvre. But when especially black metal (they're selling it as black metal, right?) is your daily consumption, this feels like it is nothing more than entry level gothic/black names like Cradle of Filth and late Dimmu Borgir esque releases, lacking originality and creativity, and pandering to the masses with a more approachable sound. So perhaps it is a matter of perspective. To one they can sound like a completely new thing, and to others it may indeed appear as what is almost a parody-band. Very enjoyable as a visual kei release, not so much as a metal release.
  29. 1 point
    Also, shoutouts to that awkward gap between "any time he's inside me" and the following lyrics. Though, the lyrics are the least of my problems with this, all things considered.
  30. 1 point
    I have a lara things
  31. 1 point
    lmao @ that wix homepage, are they still signed to Yo-gi-oh record label?
  32. 1 point
    tbh i like the salaryman yami look WHO ARE THESE MEMBERS
  33. 1 point


    That's what scares me. I'm certain that they will go on for as long as possible, but nevertheless... Makes me wish I was older (or they younger) lol. I also couldn't believe it at first, but I searched everywhere and there was none.
  34. 1 point
    karai · ebi


    Absolute blasphemy...next you'll want him to not sing about the moon ... Jokes aside, as repetitive as it should seem, I really love that the same themes have bled throughout every album. Maybe because I'm a sucker for all the same, I don't know, I guess I accept repetition selectively lol.
  35. 1 point
    A CD entitled "Pegasus", one of his original songs, has been distributed.
  36. 1 point
    My friend recently got to see this band at a concert. For those who don't know (Though it has been shared here once, but there are still those who may not), this is Drab Majesty. They're an amazing Dark Wave duo that definitely hits the 80's sound and aesthetic. The lead vocalist/guitarist, Deb DeMure, plays a "genderless cult leader alien" persona. A friend of mine got to met him at a concert and got a picture with him. She was going to ask if they were Vkei influenced, but she didn't have enough time. Though, I guess you could you look at his makeup in this video and say "Yeah, this guy probably listens to some 90's Vkei" xD Don't let the Visual Aesthetic turn you off, for these guys are also amazingly creative.
  37. 0 points

    Your last music-related buy!

    I need that Arc-turus CD!!
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