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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/16/16 in all areas

  1. 11 points

    random thoughts thread

    glad we had this discussion, thanks y*hio
  2. 6 points
    Karma’s Hat

    random thoughts thread

    Hey Yohio, you're going to make your hairline recede even further than it already has if you stress yourself out with random people's tweets
  3. 6 points

    random thoughts thread

    or the donald trump?
  4. 5 points

    random thoughts thread

    lmao holy shit he sounds like such a spoiled cunt, what a joke
  5. 5 points

    random thoughts thread

    Told you he is the Justin Bieber of Visual Kei.
  6. 5 points

    random thoughts thread

    I don't think there's that much to navigate through tho yohimbe probably added that to his ✨twitter moments✨ and ordered take out to celebrate being talked about ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  7. 4 points
    As requested. 人魚姫/Ningyohime FoLLoW Written by: MASASHI Lyrics by: MASASHI 夢を見てた 叶うことはない  Yume wo miteta kanau koto wa nai   I was having a dream, one that will never come true, あなたの腕 眠る横顔は私じゃないの  Anata no ude nemuru yokogao wa watashi ja nai no   Because the face reposing against your arm isn’t mine. 踊れない足も 聞かせたい話も  Odorenai ashi mo kikasetai hanashi mo   These legs that can no longer dance, the words that I want to tell you あなたに届かない 伝えられない  Anata ni todokanai tsutaerarenai   Will never reach you… 「さよなら」さえ言えなくて あなたは違う誰かと  「Sayonara」 sae ienakute anata wa chigau dareka to   I can’t even say “goodbye” as you fall in love with someone else; 恋に落ちてく 幸せそうな顔なんて  Koi ni ochiteku shiawase sou na kao nante   I don’t want to catch sight of your delighted face. 見たくない だって私はあなたの嫌いなところ  Mitakunai datte watashi wa anata no kirai na tokoro   And that’s why although there isn’t a single thing I dislike about you, 一つも知らない 噂話で嫌いになりたかった  Hitotsu mo shiranai uwasabanashi de kirai ni naritakatta   I had wanted to hate you by believing in the rumors. 砂に書いた あなたの名前は  Suna ni kaita anata no namae wa   Your name that I wrote in the sand 海の波に吸い込まれていく 私も同じ  Umi no nami ni suikomareteiku watashi mo onaji  will be eroded by the waves. And mine, too, 泡となっていく 誰にも知られない  Awa to natteiku dare ni mo shirarenai will dissolve into sea foam. They won’t be known by anyone anymore 孤独な世界へ 溶けていくの  Kodoku na sekai e toketeiku no   In a lonely world, where we no longer are. あなたが眠ってるとき 私をあなたの夢の中に居させて  Anata ga nemutteru toki watashi wo anata no yume no naka ni isasete   When you’re asleep, please allow me to be in your dream. それが私の夢だから  Sore ga watashi no yume dakara   Because that is my dream. 心のナイフが刺さり 元には戻れないこと  Kokoro no naifu ga sasari moto ni wa modorenai koto   A knife pierces my heart, and I know that things will 分かっていたの それだけあなたを愛してしまったの  Wakatteita no sore dake anata wo aishiteshimatta no   Never be the same again. Yet I had still loved you for all of that. 叫びたがる 胸の奥   Sakebitagaru mune no oku   My strangled chest wants to scream—my voice sinking 落ちていくの海の底へ 光が遠ざかる  Ochiteiku no umi no soko e hikari ga toozakaru   Into the depths of the ocean; the light recedes. 「さよなら」さえ言えなくて あなたは違う誰かと  「Sayonara」 sae ienakute anata wa chigau dareka to   I can’t even say “goodbye” as you fall in love with someone else; 恋に落ちてく 幸せそうな顔なんて  Koi ni ochiteku shiawase sou na kao nante   I don’t want to catch sight of your delighted face. 見たくない だって私はあなたの嫌いなところ  Mitakunai datte watashi wa anata no kirai na tokoro   But even though there isn’t a single thing I dislike about you, 一つも知らない 嫌いになれば楽なのに  Hitotsu mo shiranai kirai ni nareba raku na no ni   and while I knew that it would be easier to cope if I could simply hate you, 泡のように消えてくのでしょう そうよ私は  Awa no you ni kieteku no deshou sou yo watashi wa all of this will dissolve into sea foam. That’s right, あなたの幸せ願う 愚かな人魚姫  Anata no shiawase negau oroka na ningyohime   I’m just a foolish ningyohime who prays for your happiness. --- Notes: “Ningyohime” translates into “mermaid,” and the lyrics of this song are drawn from The Little Mermaid. Masashi makes several familiar references to the fairy tale: the “legs that can no longer dance” and the “knife piercing [her] heart” allude to the potion that the Little Mermaid consumed so that she could gain a pair of human legs and dance with the prince she fell in love with, but at the cost of unbearable pain akin to being stabbed with a knife. The "face reposing against your arms" refers to the princess whom the prince eventually marries. The two references to “dissolving into sea foam” are borrowed from the belief that mermaids don’t have a soul and, unlike humans whose souls live on beyond their physical death, mermaids dissolve into sea foam when they die and cease to exist. Further notes that aren't exactly essential, but read on if you want:
  8. 4 points

    random thoughts thread

    he IS a spoiled cunt I mean have you seen how much his papi is truly pampering him though? Yohio, you are not doing any better for "Pappa betalar"-stereotypes of Swedish kidz tbqh.
  9. 4 points

    random thoughts thread

    rofl yohimbe
  10. 4 points
    Looks cool. Would be even cooler if we could get some previews soon.
  11. 4 points
    they will hold their one-man live "RED INVITATION" at Shinjuku ReNY at 2016/11/30, and their new mini album "RED INVISIBLE" will be released at the same date (2,700yen), which will include CD+DVD (including "RED ZONE" PV) [CD track list] 01.ANOTHER 02.PRIMARY 03.ギブミー不気味(give me bukimi) 04.埋葬(maisou) 05.MISSING PIECE 06.RED ZONE
  12. 4 points
  13. 4 points

    random thoughts thread

    my birthday's in two days... guess what that means? GOING BROKE AND NOT FEELING GUILTY until reality hits you right after you click the order button.
  14. 3 points

    Azlina First Mini Album "Coup de grace"

    Azlina has announced the upcoming release of their first mini album "Coup de grace" which sill will be released in December 2016. Further details TBA.
  15. 3 points
    The Piass

    LM.C new album release !

    They will release a new album called 「VEDA」 on 2016.12.21.
  16. 3 points

    crossparallel says 'hi'

    Also happy to meet you! You can say I got into Japanese rock three years ago, only I spent the first 2 of them playing BUCK-TICK on repeat. 2016 was the year I managed to separate from the mother planet enough to really get into other bands, and now I'm on a J-rock honeymoon, where I end up losing myself in some song or album every week. MERRY are my new love, cali≠gari grow on me with every minute, hide, sukekiyo, LIPHLICH, Pura, Daisuke's bands & MUCC (see "MERRY are my new love", hahah, it was inevitable)... Outside of v-kei I'm hooked on Jun Togawa, Shiina Ringo and Urbangarde. I know I'm just in the beginning of this journey, and I'm excited for what I may discover. Other plausibly relevant points: Anything that's 20th-century, Japanese and counterculture-ish is a possible interest, though I don't know 1/10 as much as I wish I did. I dropped out of my Math major in uni and now I'm hoping to enroll into a Japanese studies program next year. I am the kind of person who complains about the existence of ratings and reviews and indulges in them anyway I'm not the best soul round, but I'm trying.
  17. 3 points
  18. 3 points

    random thoughts thread

    "It's weird how random bands just capture the attention of so many crazy white people" - @inartistic(2016) i keep this in mind every time i see people go fanatical over literal trash
  19. 3 points

    random thoughts thread

    cutting wrists to MBHI >>>>>>>>>>>>> I never expected him to be any kind of intelligent, but those tweets are in Akane's mankind is fool territory tbh what kind of authentic vk persona realness
  20. 3 points

    random thoughts thread

    This makes me want to spam the crap out of him on twitter now just because I know he'll read it and get pissed off. lol giant baby.
  21. 3 points

    random thoughts thread

    How bored is this guy to troll through twitter comments of himself and then try to indirectly clap back. LOL What a douche.
  22. 3 points
  23. 3 points

    random thoughts thread

    like Mia gives a fuck about his life on twitter?... I appreciate ha taking time to copy & paste a direct link to your tweet instead of @-replying messy delusional bitch who lives for drama knows how to milk twitter so that ha followers notice your reaction (and supposedly chime in?)
  24. 3 points


    Real picture of hiroki's order screen
  25. 2 points


    Please do not put on music blog!~ Please link to this topic of MH!!! ----------------------- Zombie World Keeps Singing 我々は歴史を辿ってきたのでしょう 華々しい未来が待っていたのでしょう 分かっていたのでしょう 代わっていたのでしょう 覚っていたのでしょう 誘っていたのでしょう さめざめと泣いては逃げてきたのでしょう それぞれの未来を呪ってきたのでしょう 解ったつもりでしょう 変わったつもりでしょう 悟ったつもりでしょう 騙ってくるのでしょう? でも 死んだってまだ歌い続けるよ 死んだってまだ踊り続けるよ 死んだってまだ叫び続けるよ 死んだってまだ走り続けるよ うたごえひびくうちゅうよだれもに しにいたるやまいをひとしく 我々の世界は終わっていくのでしょう 終わっていくのでしょう終わったつもりでしょう? うたごえきえた地球で彼女は 腕を突き出して歩いてる うたごえもなき屍体の皆様 脚を振り回し踊ってる 生きていたわれわれはなぜ泣くの 生きていたわれわれはどこいくの ------------------------------------------------------ ヴィルヘイムに告ぐ それは遠い昨日の話なんだろう あなたがたみたいなそいつは Tone E kills no knowhow。 Nothing。 Now download。 口癖みたいに 一人神が死んだ 二人神が死んだ いつのまにか死んだ 誰の神が死んだ? 怖いねさあ祈っ 手と手組んで命乞い ひどいねさあ唄って 跪いてきもちよい 口角上げて 泣いてドニドニ頭が高い 暗いねさあ燈して 紅い光の刀で切り裂いて進ぜよう 有罪なら裁いて 紙の神積み上げて うざいなら殺して 明日も昨日も知らない ------------------------------------------------------ SKYGAZER 差し込む空 遥かな青 照らす日差し 雲の模様 わたしは 融けて滲んで この井戸の底で 待つのです まよいこむ 森の中 捨て去ろう 今まで 誘い込む 口の中 連れ去ろう 誰でも あなたはまるで 六月のカエルみたいに 息を荒げて わたしを 汚して 捨てた 腐敗する身体 囲む黒 かじかむ指先 水の音 わたしは 凍えて震えて この井戸の底で 死ぬのです 見上げた 空には 丸い穴 開いてた 長い髪 水遊び 叫べど 届かず わたしの願いは 果てなく醜くなって 今は あなたを忘れて 呪いへと変わる 剥がれた爪 流れる赤 焼き付ける想いと 思い出 わたしはここから這い出て またいつかきっと 会えるでしょう さしこむそらはるかなあおてらすひざしくものもようわたしはとけてにじんでこのいどのそこでまつのです ----------------------------- 世界と真実 まちはピカピカしている あたしギザギザハート あらら ピーポーピーポー サイレン 今 走り 知る 真実! いつもウトウトしている だけどギザギザハート だからギラギラするような世界を見てみて? 見つめてたい! みせてあげる世界を きみのせまいセカイへ おとぎ話じゃないよ ほら 嫌いじゃないでしょ 似せて見える背格好 相容れず名性格も それはそういったお話で 酷でリアルな現実だ きみを見つめていたい そんな損な新事実 錆付いた視界には556吹きかけて 嘘みたいな本当の目撃者になりたいね こわくはないでしょう 甘くもないでしょう 勇気を出しましょう 信じてもいないでしょう? うつしてみて世界を グロテスクな世界を 昔話じゃないよ 手が届く未来でしょう まちはピカピカしている あたしギザギザハート だkら震えがくるような世界と君を見つめていたい ------------------------ ひみつ (The Secret) ああ いつの間にか   乾かない血液と 午前4時 山手通り ラバーソールで走る 背に受ける朝焼けと 笑うチェーンソウの音 なんだかね 怖くてね 見てみたくなって 振り返る 振りかぶる 首 空に舞う 君に罪はない 君は僕を知らない 僕も 君を知らない でも秘密だよ 君と僕のひみつ 耐え難いドキドキを ああ いつの間にか ここまで来た 乾かない血液と あの夢から あの日々から どれくらい離れたの? 僕に罪はない 僕も僕を知らない それでも や め ら れ な い でも秘密だよ 教えないし 知らない 残酷なトキメキを ああいつの間にか ここまで来た 渇かない血液と あの妄想から あのヒビから どれくらい離れたの? いつの間にか 溢れ出した とめどないxxxxを その身体で受け止めてね ほら、もう痛くないでしょ?
  26. 2 points
    Ugh they are always gorgeous
  27. 2 points
    You can find some live footage here. And it's so much fun to see them performing with Grieva. and club.zy stuff: http://fuckyeahdezert.tumblr.com/post/94064102422/kira-getting-his-hair-styled-by-chiaki-mid-show http://fuckyeahdezert.tumblr.com/post/94064140782/kiras-turn-to-play-the-flute http://fuckyeahdezert.tumblr.com/post/94064204207 http://fuckyeahdezert.tumblr.com/post/79639887012/from-visualkeioyaji-twitter http://fuckyeahdezert.tumblr.com/post/78936575269/dezert-at-the-first-stylish-wave-circuit-live http://fuckyeahdezert.tumblr.com/post/78936502783/dezert-at-the-first-stylish-wave-circuit-live http://fuckyeahdezert.tumblr.com/post/78936643849/dezert-at-the-first-stylish-wave-circuit-live http://fuckyeahdezert.tumblr.com/post/78936695688/dezert-at-the-first-stylish-wave-circuit-live http://fuckyeahdezert.tumblr.com/post/78936719096/dezert-at-the-first-stylish-wave-circuit-live uhuhuhuhuhu http://fuckyeahdezert.tumblr.com/post/78936782123/dezert-at-the-first-stylish-wave-circuit-live http://fuckyeahdezert.tumblr.com/post/78936746451/dezert-at-the-first-stylish-wave-circuit-live http://fuckyeahdezert.tumblr.com/post/79639997143/from-visualkeioyaji-twitter http://fuckyeahdezert.tumblr.com/post/79639954438/from-visualkeioyaji-twitter http://fuckyeahdezert.tumblr.com/post/79639796651/from-visualkeioyaji-twitter http://fuckyeahdezert.tumblr.com/post/79639851320/from-visualkeioyaji-twitter http://fuckyeahdezert.tumblr.com/post/79639694804/from-visualkeioyaji-twitter
  28. 2 points
    Looking good
  29. 2 points
    this is even more pathetic than i thought they could do!
  30. 2 points
    @echo yeah i literally had to check against the recording to make sure the booklet didn't misprint the lyrics lolol. i agree that 心のナイフが刺さり is indeed an unusual phrase. if you press me i'll say that i think there are 2 reasons why masashi had phrased it like this: 1) 心のナイフ can be understood here as indicative of location ("the knife in/within my heart") as opposed to possession ("the knife of/belonging to my heart"), which emphasizes how the knife (figuratively) can never entirely be dislodged from the mermaid's heart; 2) masashi wants to avoid the use of an implied causal subject that surfaces if you say 心にナイフが刺さり, which seems to imply that there's some external agent actively doing the stabbing (even though 刺さる is intransitive), whereas masashi's phrasing lends itself more comfortably to the idea that the pain is self-inflicted and something that 'passively' happens as a result of her own action/choice? that's just my 2c though. @chemicalpictures thanks for your kind words!!! i'm really happy to hear that you liked the translation and my notes (which in all honesty are just there to satisfy my own OCD since i'm certain most people hate them lolol) anyway, masashi is a really amazing lyricist (in addition to being amazing at pretty much everything else) and i'm always a little terrified to translate his lyrics haha... then again i always feel that way for bands i like orz. i definitely hope he sticks around as well because he is pure <33333333333333333333
  31. 2 points
    Man, I love everything about this. From the incredible beautiful lyrics to all you insightful notes, thank you @hiroki, u're a GOD! that's gotta be one of the best lyrics translation I've seen around! What I love the most is that those lyrics can be easily related to any ordinary unfulfilled love story we have in our lifes, the "I don’t want to catch sight of your delighted face." felt like being shot down, lol Masashi is the king... really hopeing he doesn't quit music! thank you again!
  32. 2 points

    random thoughts thread

  33. 2 points
    ✨let✨2017✨be✨tha✨year✨of✨Initial✨'L✨ ✨y✨'✨a✨l✨l✨
  34. 2 points


    Done: https://www.monochrome-heaven.com/topic/44746-lyrics-follow-人魚姫ningyohime-kanji-romaji-english/
  35. 2 points
    Their mini-album title has been finalized as "Psychotic Cabaret".
  36. 2 points
  37. 2 points
  38. 2 points


    If anyone wants to order stuff from FoLLoW's webshop you should probably do it soon! They have already shut down their official LINE account and I won't be surprised if their webshop closes soon. I think @echo got their last T-shirt haha @chemicalpictures I'll translate the lyrics soon. It's one of my favorite FoLLoW's songs as well T__________T
  39. 2 points

    random thoughts thread

    @CAT5@Biopanda i've got no choice, looks like she'll have to be both.
  40. 2 points


    @Mihithat looks like something that @hirokiwould do HAHA
  41. 2 points

    random thoughts thread

    Don't listen to CAT, turn her into a VK scumbag.
  42. 2 points


    That's a fucking beautiful song indeed. Does any of you guys know what its lyrics are about?
  43. 2 points
  44. 2 points

    Your last music-related buy!

    Wait did I say 2300 CDs? I meant 4900 a ha ha silly me 💦💦💦😍😍😍👍👍👍
  45. 2 points
    ''hey guys check out these cool new english words we learned'': the trailer
  46. 1 point
    Two points I must point out very quickly: Unless one of you two have inside details about this case, we don't have enough details about what happened. All we know is that he had sex with various high school girls, and that he allegedly held underage orgies. In retrospect, backlash around this has been very minimal, as if someone pulled a lot of strings to sweep this incident under the rug. Doubly so when many of us already accept that this isn't an isolated incident, and that the entire relationship between band members and their tsunagari are alarming to say the least. There's plenty of blame to go around, but before anyone points fingers at a particular party - no matter how cogent the argument - get proof. Wishing rape upon someone is not cool, even if you could make a case that it was deserved.
  47. 1 point

    David Bowie

    Just through my first listen of The Gouster, I think it's a pretty cool album. Tho I've only stuck with his main album discography for all my life, so I didn't know these extra 2 tracks that had been apparently released before as bonus tracks on some remastered editions etc. To me, the whole thing is like how Young Americans would have sounded in an alternative reality: a bit different, but not much. I still prefer the "original" previously released one ofc, but this is a nice addition to my virtual collection. I haven't checked any of the other discs of the box set, cuz I already have all of those and I doubt the sound is ~that~ much better (talking about the live recordings here). They are pretty awesome live albums tho, as far as I can remember, especially David Live with all those different arrangements for his back-catalogue-at-the-time. Btw my favorite live album from him is probably Stage, cuz the Berlin era is my shit. But I haven't really heard any bad live albums from Bowie (speaking of the '70s), so I haven't said much with that. xD A Reality Tour is pretty kickass too, some fun old songs mixed in with newer ones that sound even better live than in the studio (also, I looove Gail Ann Dorsey on bass).
  48. 1 point

    random thoughts thread

    you're right, she's done for. (obviously i'm joking)
  49. 1 point
  50. 1 point

    Poorly Describe Your Favorites

    MUCC (old) - Kermit the Frog sings about his struggles with depression MUCC (new) - dude did u ever watch anime lol Dir en grey - Sashimi Slipknot sukekiyo - rowdy primate gets accepted into art scool deadman - Chinese Marilyn Manson fronts a grunge band
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